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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. major +support and while on the way too the ems the person should be able too have a timer how long and if they don't make it too the hospital in time they bleed out/die
  2. +/- support it would be good but i can see swat abusing it and going up too custom classes and always weapon checking them
  3. ice cube Eazy-e dr dre snoop dog Afroman few others i love gangster rap
  4. i witness a few people taking repair kits and yes i do think there ahould be a limit because when i'm stuck i pick my car up and drop it beside me
  5. i'm pretty sure you use your phis gun too pick your car up off duty as well i think we all do if he was throwing it at people and car pushing with it than i see the problem but if he is just moving his car not hurting anyone i don't see how that is abuse i just don't
  6. BIG - SUPPORT could people stop harassing @Ryan The Epic Guy we are a Team! and shouldn't be reporting each other over some one picking up there car with a phis gun if there was an actual problem with it upper staff would have taken care of it i think these reports are just targeting him too get him demoted it is NOT right at all
  7. +support +one this is going rouge + two this is limiting peoples role play +3 this should go under the no cheating/hacking rule as he used his in-viable admin powers 4+ i think he should be removed from this community this is not acceptable 5+ i really think he should be blacklisted form the community or permit staff restricted with no appall 6+ we always find out if one of our admins abuses there power, there is no excuse for this behave-er and SMT trusted you too be staff on there server and i think this is kinda disrespectful too them as well
  8. my story is i was looking for a dark rp server where they actually had too take you into jail, and i remember i played as ofc and @Strider™ was an SNR at this time he would show me how too play and showed me around the map when i was OFC i will never forget the times we had @Strider™
  9. Thank you toxic i will be sure i remember that as posting reports on fourms does look like it leads into trouble with other people,
  10. tbh guys i like what the rules are now and i do think cert does need a upgrade one we are good shots 2 cert and other pd need an fighting chance as well we can't just always win i hate him throwing 6 mustard gas too but end of the day we are a community when i was on pd was nothing but nice too me swat came over too me and asked how my day was and i said good how about yours this fighting with pd really needs too stop we have enough fire power the rules now are way better than the rules valk had... thank you @Nolan @Snarlax and every SMT for changeling the family members and rules i am thankful you did so @Fame
  11. i will be able too make it..
  12. Hannah

    an apology

    tbh i don't mind gas as it is like the only advantage you guys have i have no problems at all fk i haven't had one shoot out today and the pd actually saved my life when i was about too get kidnapped , well i got the kill but they made him look at them and i came behind him with a chainsaw
  13. than your class gets nerf too cause this is about all custom classes
  14. Hannah

    Please Read

    i will talk too asuna about it we need too end this whole swat beef thing maybe let us join at the next pd meeting and lets figure everything out with swat in a non bad way like talking in good matters no fighting at all
  15. Hannah

    Please Read

    yes i do a agree and i will try my hardest unless if i am in a stolen car too not do as much shoot outs not only ruins the rp of traffic stops but must be but must be not fun for the pd as i am a yuki i can say we do start almost all the shoot outs, but we have pd always targeting one of our family members and ill take the bullet for my family like they would do for me
  16. nah swat can handle custom classes easy you guys just want the upper advantage
  17. he wasn't doing anything as a threat too me though he just pointed his awp at me as a joke
  18. What you want to see? - making ems white list /vip+ Why should we add it? - i think you should add this because it seems like the ems job is causing more trouble than it's worth every day i see there is a call about a mingey ems What are the advantages of having this? - the advantages would keep the minge rate down also as combat reliveing Who is it mainly for? -Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  19. Welcome too Gaminglight i hope you have an amazing stay here and like the servers
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