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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. I don't see a problem with the negev I use it all the time:3
  2. Hannah

    th3 false warn

    I didn't mean too if I knew there was a admin sit I would have stayed and it's Okie just wanted too know what happen xD
  3. Hannah

    th3 false warn

    And I think this was the raid I did before I passed out so I can see ltap but the rdm x2 is false
  4. Hannah

    th3 false warn

    umm th3 a house raid isn't rdm though
  5. Hannah

    th3 false warn

    Your In-game: hannah meowsers yuki Your SteamID: The admin's name in-game: th3 The admin's steam name (If you know it): What warning did you receive:ltap/rdmx2 Evidence of the warn (https://gyazo.com/15eaae41d36b031daaee4fae1fd0194e: Why do you think this warn was false: well i think this is a false warn because i never ltapped and rdm x2 i don't even know who i rdm or if it was even rdm as there wasn't even a sit so how is this fair plus i am pretty sure it's against staff hand book rules too warn other staff without SA+ say Any extra information: i would have evidence but i just woke up and looked at my warns and seen it so i honestly don't even know and i think it's false
  6. +support really friendly player + very nice + cares about the community + would be good too have a part of our team
  7. people make mistakes he didn't know it was a staff meeting plus it isn't like he intruded with anything
  8. -support just think of this in a real life point of view if some one breaks in your house they don't have something too tell you who that person is
  9. -support not really disrespect in any way i would rather some one tell me the truth than lie
  10. but if you really think about it there is not much sen mods on at night time and mods have too listen too people who got promoted too there rank it would free soo much time but i do understand what you you mean i just like helping people in anyway
  11. What you want to see? - mods allowed too white list more government jobs Why should we add it? - I think you should add this because some times I get calls that people need a white list too sheriff or other government jobs What are the advantages of having this? - the avetages of this would not waste upper staff time and it will be more easier too promote them too there job Who is it mainly for? -every one Links to any content -
  12. more roleplay in traffic stops / not shooting when pd are handing out fines no yelling about mdt / it isn't metagame irl police have something like that and this is semi rp as co leader the rule about more roleplay in traffic stops is going too happen as it isn't fair too pd they pull us over than we 1 shot them with an awp other is about mdt/ mobile digital compute they have this in real life it isn't meta game so there will be no more yelling about it as it isn't going too change .. other rule we are going too change is the right time and place too shoot pd just because they pull you over and ask for back up doesn't mean you get too go out and fire fear rp/ i have noticed some of us do break this rule and that is going too change when a cop has a gun on you are under fear rp and can't just shoot them/ NLR/ this has been a little issue as well ALL YUKIS WILL NOT BREAK THIS RULE YOU GOTTA WAIT 3 MINS / not remember what happen, pd also needs too fix this on there end as well, rdm/ shooting without reason.... this is going too be a important rule not everything with pd causes a shoot out tbh it's like rdm because we are pushing for a shoot out .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... now this is what the yukis ask the pd too do when you see us in a car please do not pull us over because we are just yukis .. that is metagame please do not target us follow us in anyway if we have done nothing wrong you got no reason too not all traffic stops need a gun out we do not like when guns are pointed at us for no reason role play more with us just don't want too keep arresting us this issue right here starts the wars BOTH PARTIES ARE IN THE WRONG AND I HOPE WE CAN MOVE ON WITH THIS CHILDISH BEHAVIOR IT IS NOT ONLY RUINING THE RP EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS BUT THE COMMUNITY IT'S SELF THIS IS A SAFE AND CHILL PLACE FOR A REASON There will be no more player dissing the pd or other government departments -Hannah yuki Also @Fame @Mika Yuki @stevenking THERE WILL BE NO FIGHTING/ ARGUMENTS ON THIS POST hopefully the pd will think the same way
  13. yes but just too go up too some one who is vip and say oh look what i can do and pick up his car and stuff i don't think its right i only pick my car up if its stuck not too show off too every one who is vip it isn't right because that was one of the perks they paid for and it got removed yea know?
  14. me and julius was there he lifted his car too show off witch isn't fair too people who bought vip for that reason... and it got removed +support
  15. Ps you can always buy a custom class and have the same guns we have
  16. We only have 7 people in our family and it's staying too7
  17. idkk.what.. to say.. all i can say is sorry you think this sorry that all pd hates us im just sorry
  18. +support night time is hard too see people
  19. we actually did take care of it where were you the whole time rping
  20. rioting is under the cop bait rule
  21. no problem!! we are here too protect our community ! there were other staff there as well @Fridge @Naby they did a good job as well
  22. -support not starting anything but when pd loses they cry alot plus bloods and crips need too be used more please stop trying too change rules for the criminals and about you guys not being able too be on that job who made the choice of becoming swat ?
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