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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Hannah


    if swat cert or srt throws gas in a hostage situation please report it too high command it states this in the gas sop Gas is not to be used in any situation where (A) It may affect innocent civilian lives, and too back up swat because I am mostly on it every day I hardly see us using gas as this is only low command only but I do hear other tac units doing this so I would report it
  2. Hannah

    Prop Abuse?

    I would use them on the side walk tbh only
  3. +support I haven't seen much reports on you but this is for command too talk about in those
  4. Hannah

    Prop Abuse?

    he does have a good point
  5. Hannah


    -support this is swats/certs/srt job
  6. it's unrealistic that your gun just disappears
  7. ohhh I see than I change too +support
  8. -support I don't think the guns need a nurf
  9. Hannah

    BSI Negotations

    I mean you do really have a good point but -support there's a lot to do on swat you just have too find the crimes your self but it would be better if we could at least take traffic stops if some one hit's our car
  10. it's more realistic than your gun disappearing this would be pretty nice actually but this is a semi serous server
  11. some people don't have a good enough computer for it mine already over heats enough when gmod is running
  12. once again you rarely play on swat so you wouldn't know what we are talking about but anyways we try that and than they cry too the admin that they didn't do anything wrong this is just fail rp and should be removed
  13. it's fail rp and people are starting to have it binded and than they call an admin saying that they were falsely arrested
  14. What you want to see? - the removal of inHolster Why should we add it? - the reason why you should remove this is a lot of people these days abuse too keep there weapons / they should do /drop too make it more realistic What are the advantages of having this? - making roleplay so much better and not having criminals just fail rp and just put the weapon in there inv too get out of an arrest Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - N/A
  15. I mean this is a game show I have been in this one in a past it's kind of fun too roleplay it out
  16. Hannah


    -support sorry but we had this in the past and it gave players like 23 mil and I also think this is why everything needed to be reset
  18. -support we had this idea in the past and the fuel turned into little bombs that's why it got taken out
  19. +- support the thing with police rp events smt has stated this before a lot of people complain about them and that's why they stopped doing them for police rp but if no one complains than +support
  20. honestly I would love this suggestion but sadly how the server is it will lag it even more hopefully in the future and the server gets less lag this would be great
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