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Everything posted by Beckett

  1. In Progress This suggestion is now under review and is in the works of being implemented
  2. In Progress This suggestion is now under review and is in the works of being implemented
  3. In Progress This suggestion is now under review and is in the works of being implemented
  4. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas! *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  5. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas! *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  6. ACCEPTED Thank you for your suggestion! The stats shown through the context menu (pressing 'C') does not give an accurate representation of the weapon, due to it being a melee and not a blaster/gun. However, the general damage/stats will be improved. *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  7. ACCEPTED Thank you for your suggestion! Please allow up to a week for this suggestion to be successfully implemented into the server. *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  8. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas! *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  9. ACCEPTED Only half of the matts will be guarded *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  10. Things accepted are highlighted in green and denied are highlighted in red. Compromises are highlighted in orange. Stormtroopers (Havoc) Addition F4 Job Menu - Stormtrooper Senior Engineer (Havoc) The idea behind the “Havoc” Engineer branch for the stormtrooper corps is to bring back EOD troopers to the ISD. This will consist of SNRENG+ being able to hop on the “Stormtrooper Senior Engineer (Havoc)'' Job which will consist of a Rocket Launcher added onto their kit. Kit: rw_sw_bino_white tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_se14cc rw_sw_e11 rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_dlt19 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Additions: rw_sw_smartlauncher --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shock Troopers (Aurek) Addition F4 Job Menu - Shock Senior Engineer (Aurek) The idea behind the “Aurek” branch is to allow the engineers to be using machinery. This will be in the form of the AT-TE vehicle. This vehicle has proven to be the least lag inducing vehicle we have tested and it is easily the best suited to the engineering job as it allows up to 3 engineers to pilot it at once. Kit- rw_sw_bino_desert tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_se14cc arrest_stick unarrest_stick weaponchecker rw_sw_e11_noscope weapon_cuff_elastic rw_sw_tl50 rw_sw_dlt19 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Addition- F4 menu -> Entities -> ATTE lunasflightschool_atte Instead, the current engineer job will get access to the AT-ST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 501st Legion (Besh) Addition F4 Job Menu - 501st Senior Engineer (Besh) The idea of the “Besh” regiment would be essentially Combat Engineers. This matches the nature of the 501st legion which is front line combat. They will be tasked with jetpacks and will be made to go around the ship and place fortifications to defend key areas. On the planet they will be placing fortifications on the front lines to allow troops to advance. Kit: rw_sw_bino_white tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_dh17 rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_tl40 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep rw_sw_t21 deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Addition - F4 Menu -> Entities -> Jetpack starwars_jetpack Addition - F4 Menu -> Entities -> Portable Turret lfs_portableturret The turret will be added to the current engineer job
  11. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas! *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  12. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas! *SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*
  13. DENIED We have had a gifting service in the past but was removed due to various complications
  14. This issues has been solved
  15. Once you turn the engine on, quickly double press space and it should be good to go!
  16. DENIED Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!
  17. In Progress This suggestion is now under review and is in the works of being implemented
  18. In Progress This suggestion is now under review and is in the works of being implemented
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