Rank You are Applying For: Colonel
In-Game Name: Zage
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:144573481
Current Rank: MAJ
How long have you been in your current rank?: 6 weeks and 4 days
What timezone are you in?: EST
How many Warns do you have?: 0
Permission: [1K-2] Deputy Commissioner Fame
Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):
I think I should be Promoted to Colonel because I think it's time for me to take my final step in low command and go up a rank. As of now im probaly the most active low command member often hosting PD meeting everyday, promoting and demoting people I feel is in need of a Promotion or demotion. I have gone a long way in PD with spectating trainings seeing what's wrong and how can I fix it, this sometimes means showing new sargents how to train correctly and mentioning it in PD meetings. I have also dealt with several situations whether that's from a SNR Driving the wrong vehicle to a mingey patrol officer or a mingey Cedet i've seen it all and have dealt with every situation professionally and collectively, handing out the promotions and demotions as needed. Getting the rank of colonel is a bigger thing for me. Having the ability to maybe promote people up to Sergeant major and make the new face of low command if they choose to go apply for Low command. Colonel Is my last step Im taking into Low command and I want to have more responsibilities with it, and I think I'm ready for the rank, the responsibilities ,and everything else I would get at the rank. That's why I would like to be the rank of Colonel, thank you for reading my application.
You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): YES