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About ^5austindoble2013

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  1. yeah it wasent rhenic just blowing it off like every sit he does
  2. its fearrp he has to do what people say when they have guns to his head doesnt matter if you restrained or not
  3. If you could not hear he said get down your deff its still fearrp he did bot come down when he had guns to his head????
  4. + support Me Amyourdad and ruinz had guns out we told him to come down he just stands there no value of life
  5. It is 100% lazy us criminals do it all the time and were fine
  6. Also the only reason I was shooting was because 2 FBI kept shooting at me first tried to get logs but they wiped the reason I was in pd is because I was trying to talk to someone
  7. Your In-game: WTAP Austin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97611279 The admin's name in-game: kyle The admin's steam name (If you know it): nope What warning did you receive: Stealing a gov car Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198155 Why do you think this warn was false: It was not even a cop car it was a ems vehicle i was just sitting there watching everything i accidentally jumped in did not drive or move it jumped out said sorry then he pulled me up to a roof then I said i was not trying to steal it then goes on how he is going to warn me for arguing with him which I was not Any extra information:
  8. Dispatch is stupid get rid of it
  9. Yeah it is failrp why would you kill the negotiator anyways you can kill him as soon as he takes the hostage- support this bullcrap needs to stop this fits into people just wanting to start gun fights why are people so trigger happy like dam
  10. +support But you do need to work on being more mature
  11. It's kinda sad it's a custom class to doing it
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