NOOOOOOOOO, Man you have been amazing ! I thank you for welcoming me too the department & thank you for your kindness. 1K42 Signing off for one last time !
What you want to see? - GOV to have a reduced NLR when fighting crim. Even reduce it too 1 min as 75% of the time GOV are out numbered & especially if its taking 3 mins too get back to the crate. I personally am sick of getting ambushed by 7-8 crim & sitting around for 3 mins. It ruins my mental stability and i get bored of the raid much faster.. Yes i know they are a way for crims too earn money. But when out numbered its much harder as a gov to defend it. Im not asking NLR for GOV too be deleted totally.. but reduced
Why should we add it? - I feel Crim would enjoy it more instead of just standing around as there would be more of a fight too win the prize.. it would make it more of a challenge to actually last the whole time/ or win the crate. Maybe GOV would continue too fight too if we are even still outnumbered.
What are the advantages of having this? - Many of things such as more fighting, more of a challenge too earn money.
Who is it mainly for? - Everyone.
Links to any content -
It is with sadness im writing this, I really wanted too enjoy state and patrol with the awesome team ! Sadly i just don't have the time.
Swat is my main department & I'm trying too go far in there .
It has been fun whilst it lasted, Jack, Out !