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Everything posted by CHIKEN

  1. I'm going to be going on vacation for a month and a half to Europe. Thought i should make this post so i don't get any pms about me being dieing or being dead. I might join TS every once in awhile if im not doing anything but i most likely wont be getting on. See ya boys i love you and praise god <3 If you wanna contact me pm me and ill send you my snap <3 Thank god hes gone hes a ****in minge
  2. Your story sounds pretty true i mean you can see in his screenshots him getting kicked and if he did get kicked then the sign would have been removed
  3. Who says you cant lol there is no rules against it man your pretty much making up a rule no offense. Also i was saying my demands and that was my first demand but im mean its your opinion...
  4. You gotta think about it in RP right i was saying my demands and i said one thing i wanted was the money and he dropped it... If it was RP then he woulda met my other demands
  5. Your In-game:CHIKEN Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:114115699 The admin's name in-game: Billy k The admin's steam name (If you know it): negative What warning did you receive: https://prnt.sc/k0olly Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://prnt.sc/k0olly Why do you think this warn was false: It was an accidental warn copied wrong steam id. I think nor was there aswell idk forsure Any extra information:
  6. Your In-game:CHIKEN Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:114115699 The admin's name in-game:Philip The admin's steam name (If you know it):negative What warning did you receive:FAILRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://prnt.sc/k0om2h Why do you think this warn was false: Right so me and my boys took munchies hostage and we were gonna do a bank raid but someone had deleted the bank button... So we had called an admin to see if they could fix it then ended not being able to... So we decided to just pretend we were raiding the bank and negotiate for munchies. Everything was going fine we asked for 80000 and told them we had more demands. Once the SSA dropped the 80000 and i took it i was trying to tell him my other demands which were to walk with the hostage outside the bank the give the hostage to them. Then the SSA tried to call an admin saying that he dropped the 80k and he have to give him the hostage now. This ended up being a long argument and we finally had agreed on the fact that my demands would be met (Atleast me and the SSA did i think). Then the admin tried saying that we had the hostage for longer than 15 mins which we probably did but all of the time was during an admin sits... Then as i was telling him my other demands the SSA shut the vault door. I decided to kill the hostage because of this and the admin decided to warn me for failrp and my boys without even telling me. There are no rules that say once they drop the money i have to give them the hostage but its rp that you must follow all the hostage takers demands. Honestly it was a very confusing sit and the warning was just out of the random. Any extra information: The whole sit i was slamming my head in my keyboard and now i have a broken keyboard RIP
  7. -support You and your buddys got on the server and were just causing mayhem. Viper and billy (the only two staff on at the time) literally told me that all they were getting was sits about you... I experienced him in a sit myself and i can tell you i understand how they dont listen to staff pretty much the whole time i was in the sit with them he was complaining about how shit Viper was at staff. I dont know the full backstory to the warns but im sure Viperking has a reason for the warnings. Also you can see the diss he is spamming admin chat saying "can i get an actual admin" Viper may be a new staff but that does not mean you can treat him like shit. He has been doing a great job and im happy hes on the staff team https://prnt.sc/k0boye <evidence of him saying it
  8. IVE BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT YOU ALL DAY.... I seriously think state should have anime skins and maybe the nyan cat gun
  9. I feel like the one that appears the most is prob GTX 550
  10. CHIKEN

    K family

    L family listen listen listen you disrespect my family again and were gonna have a problem
  11. CHIKEN

    K family

    Sure if you wanna say that im just tired of all these familys that are all allied with eachother
  12. CHIKEN

    K family

    We out there and shit killin cops and raiding doing crim things you know? NO ALLIES WE KILL/RAID ALL Roster:Making one soon
  13. CHIKEN

    MOTD outa date

    theres nothing about maze bases or the nlr for police it would be nice to have a community meeting to set the record straight
  14. CHIKEN

    MOTD outa date

    the motd is so out of date and i think everyone can agree is there any way we could please update it we could have like a big community meeting and go over the motd problems...
  15. CHIKEN

    BSI too op

    have you seen the player model for bsi man they are just a dude in a suit i dint even know they start with 200 armor atleast change BSI to a armored player model BSI>SWAT XD
  16. CHIKEN


    AYYYY tony hows the shop pal nice seeing ya around. I tell everyone about your sandwiches man your a legend.
  17. some inactive irrelevant kid
  18. - support minge annoying poo poo
  19. CHIKEN

    BSI too op

    i dont thinkkkkk soooo next time you hop on crim you will feel the wrath of the wicked BSI
  20. CHIKEN

    BSI too op

    What you want to see? - BSI have way slower movement speed or just nerf them Why should we add it? - ok listen I already know ima be getting people saying well my custom class is op and stuff like that…but please please hear me out. BSI have the nova shotgun and an insane amount of movement speed. I would literally rather fight 3 swat then one BSI because all they do is either run away and awp me or just run away and wait for backup. Every time I’m fighting them it feels like I’m fighting sonic and it is the most annoying thing. I literally press smash the f1 button every time I see a BSI agent chasing me because I’d rather just be arrested then attempt the impossible of killing one. What are the advantages of having this? - I mean to balance it and for better rp because no one is that goddam fast Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - n/a
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