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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2022 in all areas

  1. i feel like if your a raciest you get banned for less i don't get it *worlds smallest violin starts to play*
    2 points
  2. Fortunately Mobile Task Force Epsilon Eleven can actually handle d-block at any code (You guys also have the crouch key) +support
    1 point
  3. + Support this man would be a great pick for RRH he is a dedicated player
    1 point
  4. +Support -Post SF Knowledge and Skills -Good command member -Dedicated D5 -Very Active
    1 point
  5. +Support +Active +Well written application +Didn't interact or speak with you much during my time on the server but from those limited interactions you generally seemed like a competent and friendly person. I think you would be an excellent choice for Vice Commander! Good luck Bell!
    1 point
  6. I have seen Bell on pretty much every time I've been on and I can say that he is definitely hard working for IC. Application is also very detailed and explains well on what should be expected of someone high ranking of a Vice Commander. Also a great guy to be around and I think he deserves this spot of Vice Commander. + BIG SUPPORT
    1 point
  7. Of course Theta. Pickle, whenever I was spectating you I saw you shoot a few people which nobody reported at that time (you shot a afk IC, and I think it was a IQ, not sure atm). Then you switched to a Elite ST, ran down the hallway between Cantina and Tie Bays. A ST said and I quote “Hey look, it’s that Pickle guy. He’s been acting a real bitch.” You then proceeded to then gun down the ST PFC that said that then you started shooting another ST Engineer next to him and a DT that was standing right behind you. Another admin at the time brought you after seeing you do this, which is when I then appeared saying that I have been watching and that I’ve also checked logs to see that you did indeed shoot 5 people in total while failing to kill 1. You then asked me who and I said “so you don’t know who you’ve been shooting at this whole time? Your just shooting at random people?” You then ignored that and kept asking who you were shooting and that you didn’t shoot 5 people in a span of less than 5 mins. I then told you to stop lying because I could count in logs the amount of people. I then read you the reason and why you were going to be banned/ warned. I then asked if you had any questions and after a bit of time of you asking the same question I already answered over and over again, I banned you as I already gave you your answer. In my opinion this ban seems valid and I will always stay by my bans/ warns as valid until proven otherwise. This unban is not up to me but I am just simply telling my side. Thx for reaching out to me as well Theta.
    1 point
  8. +SUPPORT This man deserves it with the time he puts into IC and is amazing to be around. best of luck!
    1 point
  9. -Support This is true but ONLY in cases where the initial action isn't ARDM/RDM. I.E During an event where someone runs in front of you. That is very clearly just an accident and most of the time can't be controlled. However, The catalyst to this event WAS ardm/rdm. Therefore anything that follows after also gets counted as such. Most importantly, shooting and killing people in game isn't the answer. Especially when it is a staff related issue. If someone was doing what you said, just use /report. Please let staff handle players breaking the rules in the future.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +Support Although application is short Good on combat Im surprise he is not on SF Good ranks although could go a little bit better Trust worthy to carry lvl5 Good guy to talk Bravo 13
    1 point
  12. -Support Imma keep this simple, and to my opinion. But please no, I understand and I am all for it, but then the TTK is gonna get nerfed, then all the other combat jobs are gonna get buffed, then D-class are gonna complain, CI is gonna complain and buff their stuff even more. I prefer better weapon changes, and not this.
    1 point
  13. DENIED After thorough testing, the conclusion was to deny the addon implementation. The addon offered some great advantages, however, the system would not work properly considering the hyperspace system built into the map and the configuration of planet locations with teleporting.
    1 point
  14. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
    1 point
  15. I had some impure thoughts about getting on Imperial RP and killing all the people AFK in spawn but I stopped myself cause I knew our Lord would disapprove.
    1 point
  16. 0 points
  17. Completed! This suggestion is now in the server Sorry for the wait!
    0 points
  18. + Major Support - we need more HP because we are too busy defending the site and not complaining on forums!
    0 points
  19. - Support. Bro if you need 175 HP / 150 AP to stand outside D-Block and press LMB killing D-Classes, there is an issue.
    -1 points
  20. I don't believe the TTK is the issue as last year, I felt it took a normal amount of time to kill someone. The issue was everyone had a ton of hp. The TTK was so high that the Fury Soldier had 300/225 and E4 had 300/250. And other jobs also had crazy high hp. So I believe that's why it went down. I feel the main problem with 'why it takes too long to kill' is that the limb damage does like 1/4 of the damage when I think it should probably do a 1/3 or 1/2. I get that it doesn't sound reasonable but it will definitely have a decent increase in TTK. I personally don't have an issue with the TTK but if people want it buffed, just buff that. The reason I am defending the TTK so much is because if the TTK gets high enough, it rewards how many bullets you can dodge and speed rather than aim. I get the roleplay in the TTK increase "humans should be able to tank that many shots" but if the TTK is too high, CI/Sarkic raids are just going to end at EZ a LOT more often. SCPs are going to be recontained much quicker. (So you would need to buff most of the SCPs) and in general I feel like a TTK buff is just a nerf to all of these. I haven't reread any of these sentences so my grammar is probably god awful and idc goodbye
    -1 points
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