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Shadow's RRH A-1 Officer Application (Look at other Applicants First, Info Below)


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1. Name: Shadows

2. Current and former RP ranks: [Current] MTF Delta-5 VCMDR, CI SA Storm, OH-1 (Formerly Known As Sierra 11), RRH Salvus Unit Sierra 11. [Former] Nu7 2LT

3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:238512940

4. DiscordID: ShadowRiders-/Storm_Rider#5022

5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: I feel like my reason of wanting to become an Officer for Red Right Hand is something I want to do willingly, I want to see Red Right Hand grow on from what it used to be and see it thrive in this new era. As I have explained in my LTCOM/CMDR Application, I have been here for a long time every since February of last year and I have seen RRH grow in some era's but fall off in most and that is something I feel like I would love to help fix and want to fix. I feel like some of my app from the LTCOM/CMDR can apply here as well as I want to stick through with this unique handpicked branch and help out in anyway i possibly can. I want to make sure i can help whoever becomes LTCOM/CMDR of Alpha-1 make Alpha-1 into what it used to be. I want to help continue to growth of Alpha-1 in any way, shape or form.

[This is from LTCOM/CMDR App: I will not say that I am the best candidate for the position as there is others who can have the chance to run a highly classified branch such as this but i feel like what could possibly rule me out from all other applicants is that I have been in Red Right Hand for a very long time. (Since February of 2022 and was inducted into Salvus Unit July/Summer of 2022 when it first came out) I probably know the in's and outs of Red Right Hand better than most Red Right Hand before and those who are currently, now there is some that know way more then I do when it comes to the old ways of how Red Right Hand used to be ran when it was first introduced and i would like to see how Red Right Hand is run based off of this new principle. As of now, there are somethings that are still in the works but I feel like i have adapted effectively as a Red Right Hand member when the switch happened. However as I said, I would love to see how other people handle a big branch such as this and I feel like I should be the last person to look at but I would love to lead something as big as this in anyway I can. I stand by and live RRH as this is something that was apart of me for the most of my time here.]

6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: There is a lot of things that are expected when it becomes to being an Officer as it more of a responsibility when it comes to those who are Enlisted/NCO and making sure they are acting accordingly and causing no issues for those that are in Alpha-1 or in other branches. It has been a while since i had the experience of a 2LT-COL but this is more of the backbone of the branch then the actually HCMD are. Yes HCMD is the ones who lead the branch in the right direction but the Officers are the ones who are to enforce this code and respect this. I feel over the time that I have been here, i have learned a lot from being command and i still continue to do so now even as VCMDR. This is a very new prospect for RRH as a whole (for me at least) and this is something that will have to be tested out and worked on to be successful. I feel like i want and need to help RRH as much as I possibly can as I have been here for a lot of things and changes that were made to RRH. I want to continue to help in any way I possibly can. i feel like competency shouldn't be in my case as that is almost like giving yourself a pat on the back and I don't wanna do that to myself. I just want to make sure that i am doing my job currently as OH-1/Salvus Unit Sierra-11 correctly and continue to push this branch into a new era as we change RRH into a branch once again

[This is from LTCOM/CMDR App: Well my skills and qualities shouldn't outweigh the other applicants that do submit in here. My skills as a VCMDR for over 5 Months has improved each and everyday in my own opinion. I have learned to take responsibility of my own command and to build up to where Ozzie have left us off. Yes were there points of vulnerability, absolutely and I wont lie to you or to myself but every time I make a mistake, I will fix it no matter the cost and I learn from it. I try and want to help anyone I can as that is my duty as a VCMDR now while also making sure my branch is fun to play on and to make sure that we are a place that welcomes anyone and everyone. That is my goal for Delta-5 and I think is necessary for HCMD as a whole. Now in Red Right Hand I know that things will be a lot stricter with different rules for each squadron, however this gives me an opportunity to look out into all area's of HCMD and gives me a better outlook on what to look for when it comes to choosing new applicants]

7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: I feel like i have explained much of the strong relationships and communications in my LTCOM/CMDR Application which is why I am not writing so much for the officer app, but I would love to help in any plans that the future LTCOM/CMDR may have for RRH and I would love to help out more with Branch Relation Ideas and Communication. I as an Officer, i see myself hosting PT's to make sure Branch Relations are smooth. I would love to see myself stay connected with all other Branch Command to see if any issues are needed to take care of and make sure that toxicity is ruled out of Alpha-1. I would love to enforce more RP as a whole in Alpha-1 as there is hidden potential in every aspect when it comes to making Alpha-1 into a whole branch. There is alot that can be made that Alpha-1 Officers are able to achieve and i feel like helping out this growth and progress is something i wanna be apart of and want to continue doing.

[This is from my LTCOM/CMDR App: Stronger relationships with branches is some of the most important pieces that makes a branch stand out and i know this personally and I take very seriously. I feel interacting with Foundation Personnel more with new changes to RRH can occur fluently and how they should interact with one another is a topic of focus that should come into mind with RRH and the rest of the foundation. I feel like if we can add the Roleplay aspect into the equation (for example, RFA or Research Command working with RRH Analysts with Research Documents, New Anomalous Objects and the research with SCP's. RRH Guardians working closely with all Special Forces, Wardens, IAA, and MTF Command to make sure law and order is achieved and maintained and can also work closely with Interrogations and Information Breaches. RRH Engineers workings in tandem with MMF, CCU, and Medical/Maintenance Command to make sure site is working at 100% efficiency while also taking the time to update Containment Procedures for various anomalies is still working while also making new Containment Procedures for New Anomalous Objects and SCP's). with Chaos Insurgency in the mix, they can also be introduced to new scenario's to make RRH's job a lot harder then it should be while also maintaining the lore when needed. With this; Bioengineers, EOI, E4, and CI Delta Command can be called upon to make sure Chaos is the only flame lit as Law and Order falls apart as they can mess with containment cells and hold information which is vital to the foundations secrecy and can be the building blocks of what makes the foundation what it is. Trading information can be an awesome RP Opportunity and can be another way to barter with Hostages or SCP's if absolutely necessary. There is so many possibilities out there and i would love to see how this can be more settled upon. Communications can be achieved easily as we can use normal command meetings, HCMD meetings, CI R&D & Research Meetings (Those in Analyst's) MTF, CI Military, Security Meetings (Those in Guardian's) Maintenance & Medical (Those in Engineers) to give updates or concerns for what RRH might have. Now with this HCMD will have to attend all of these meetings and might get really stressful, but considering this is fully built on a community and respects to every branch, this would be have to be done. hell maybe they could bring back RRH Meetings for all HCMD and those in Red Right Hand currently. However most of this communication will be used in the Discord and since HCMD already have access to the Red Right Hand sections, this should be solved for itself. 

As I stated before, I should be the last person to be looked at as there is others who would be qualified as well and that I feel I need to still help within Delta-5. It is your decision at the end of the day what happens and occurs but I will continue to help Delta-5 and RRH (as OH-1 & Salvus Unit) as best as I possibly can. I feel someone can take care of Alpha-1 as good as any HCMD can run their own branch and my duties are needed and required for Delta-5. I will always be able to help RRH in anyway I can!!]

(I am sorry this application is much shorter than my LTCOM/COM Application is, The reason is because i feel like i put all of my ideas into there and there is so much i covered if i was a Command Member in Alpha-1, I dont wanna overshadow anyone else applying for Officer, I just want to continue to be a building block and a support for the continuation of Alpha-1's prosperity)

(Please feel free to put any comments on my application as it helps me become a better member of A-1 Currently and possibly a better HCMD member in general)


Edited by ShadowRiders-

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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  • ShadowRiders- changed the title to Shadow's RRH A-1 Officer Application (Look at other Applicants First, Info Below)

I have deleted my LTCOM/CMDR Application to give others a chance and to give others the opportunity to be HCMD. I still wanna help RRH in anyway I possibly can and hopefully i can still do that. I have also deleted it because i dont need to have another postition like that. I want and need to stick with Delta-5 and work on them as they have been there for my since i joined. I hope you all understand. I have added most of the things from my LTCOM/CMDR application as it adds more info to what I wanna do. I want to help in anyway i can and i feel like i can continue to do so. 

At the end of the day i still want to help RRH into prosperity and hopefully i can still do that even as current OH-1 & Salvus Unit

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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This is better, I think as a Major or LtCol you can still help out RRH while learning from those higher then you how to run the branch efficiently. Good luck.

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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21 minutes ago, carlos.cuellar3080 said:


-is a very good leader

-very professional

-a good vcmd

-Would be a good officer for RRH


He's the greatest hcmd I've had since Ozzie (Trizium sucked)

 Current: Manager of Interrogations | D5 VCMDR | G9 QUETZALCOATL GT3 | A1 CSM Nightshade 
Former: Councilman of Internal Affairs Agency | Gensec PVT | RRH Foxtrot 26 | G9 Wraith GH1E11 LCPL | EXM RFM CCU RMS | Maintenance trainee x10 (trained by Spixe himself once! Had Lava fill out one test for me! Self-trained as well!)

Trial Moderator: 09/27/22 - 10/01/22 (round 2 12/04/23 - 12/13/23) | Moderator: 10/01/22 - 11/04/22 (round 2 12/13/23 - 1/18/24) | Senior Moderator: 11/04/22 - 2/8/23 (round 2 1/18/24 - 2/28/24) | Admin: 2/8/23 - 4/2/23

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5 hours ago, Trizium said:

Real! + Support


                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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Although my interactions with you have been limited, though from my interactions with you while I was in G9 and delta-5, I know you are capable, experienced and willing to help A-1 grow in the best branch it can be. would be a great addition to the A-1 command staff.


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-Know him well and fits into all the categories when it comes to leading a branch
-One of the best canidates by far for a SCMD rank
-Works well with others
-Keeps his branch alive and I think he could do so for two branches

Nu7 CPT Nu7 DHFTO Head of Degeneracy | Former OH7 
HSU #1 
Ex Nu7 MAJ | Ex DHFTO | Ex HSU Commissar |

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On 3/6/2023 at 5:57 PM, Some Weeb said:



This is better, I think as a Major or LtCol you can still help out RRH while learning from those higher then you how to run the branch efficiently. Good luck.



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This Man is RRH he lives and breaths RRH he was Salvus and the fact he needed to take down his LTCOM / COM app to give others a Fair fight it the best this man needs to get into RRH

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  • 2 weeks later...

+/- Support 

I have seen Shadows pretty inactive recently and this lack of activity has made me second guess his ability to preform the role actively other then that I support him he is a good leader but unless I see the activity pick up I cant really support for now.

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Yes, I have been busy with college stuff and hanging out with my family during this week of spring break. I'm trying to balance out what I am doing but will be active once again when I go back to my dorm. I hope you understand this

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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he has to be one of the hardest working command members

he is a very fair person without any bias

fit for rrh no questions asked.

Current: Nu-7 2LT scotched ZETACI MSGT scotched

Former:   DT PFC CR7IC DMS SFC 1205 Corr, IQ/Purge MSG/Lord III LuciferMC SS PFC Freyja 1170ST/Shore ENG SCT SFC griff 1277, LCPL Mark 1B57, State Trooper PVT Mark, FBI SA David Martinez IF Squad Lead (CPT) Neeko IvySHG Senior Guard (1LT) LuciferBWA Owner Spiral, RIS Unit R scotched, Security MSGT WDXH IJG scotched CI R&D IIN(WO) scotched MTF D5 SRO DDIR SVFTO CPT scotched ZETA/G9 Murmillo Daimyo GM1

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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Alpha-1 Operational Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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