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gernade/gas - Denied


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What you want to see? - the cops gernade it out of role play as they will 99% of the time never ever use them and the gas they just throw it and should demade some more rp for that to be used

Why should we add it? - because its a irl thing and should be added for rp reasons

What are the advantages of having this? - more rp when robbing stores

Who is it mainly for? - all crime

Links to any content - N/A

| Previous Naval  Deputy Director Of SO Commander | | Current Senior Moderator, Support Member, Game Master|  | Former Saber Guard Armatus | | Previous Senior Mod, And team speak support |

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-support considering how rarely they get used this isn't need and as for rp idk how handicapping gov will not tip the current balance for criminals.

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This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc

Edited by Ecott

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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3 hours ago, Ecott said:


This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc



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4 hours ago, Ecott said:


This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc


Former Lead Admin

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It is very rare for gov to have greande on a robbery scene or even any scene due to it only be assist/tac that gets it.

It is also SUPER rare for gas to be used in a robbery or bank robbery. It is because It has guidelines that department/high command needs to follow that is stated in the MOTD. Also this will not help the balance between gov and crim/.


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8 hours ago, Ecott said:


This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc



i dont care GIF 

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10 hours ago, The Bats said:

-Support. Gas nades already have a guidline to keep things balanced.

im unsure so ^^ reasons above!

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11 hours ago, Ecott said:


This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc


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16 hours ago, Ecott said:


This is not needed the Frag grenades for Gov are rare and only for Department Heads/Commanders etc and they can choose to use it if they want, don’t need any rules for it as it’s a frag grenade and for gas grenade we already have rules and guidelines for deploying the mustard gas grenade in situations anyways soo I’m not sure to be honest what your trying to implement and suggest for your suggestion etc


9 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


It is very rare for gov to have greande on a robbery scene or even any scene due to it only be assist/tac that gets it.

It is also SUPER rare for gas to be used in a robbery or bank robbery. It is because It has guidelines that department/high command needs to follow that is stated in the MOTD. Also this will not help the balance between gov and crim/.


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