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Ghost's High Inquisitor Application- Denied


Should Ghost Receive High IQ  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Ghost Receive High Inquisitor

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name):

 Purge Vice Commander Ghost / Fifth Brother (However I am not the only one on this job)

Why do you want to become the position of High Inquisitor?:

#1 I have for a very long time looked at High command as a peak in ones career in which one must constantly strive for as well as prove ones worth to earn as simply reaching command was already a monumental step in this task. High inquisitor may only be the first step in an IQ High commands career but also arguably the most important as it directly affects how you'll be perceived throughout your time no matter what rank you achieve, I wish to start this journey, I believe I have proven myself as a competent Vice Commander, Commander, And senior commander through out my lives on this server as well as believe I can further prove myself a competent High Command and even excel in a more managerial position however while still being hands on through the battalions under this rank. 

#2 I wish to help IQ as a branch and continue to assist its growth as a whole though out all 3 battalions under the supervision of IQ high command while also assisting its growth and advancements. As a Purge Vice Commander although limited i do have influence in my current state but wish to pursue this rank in order to help run things as a whole rather than my specific "sector".
As High Inquisitor I can help directly impact how the Inquisitiorious runs as a whole and help reach the peak of what it could be through proper guidance and attention.

#3 As happy as I've been being apart of the command team of Purge i believe my abilities are directly limited by what a vice commanders purpose is, I want to be able to do more for the branches as well as myself as i think id be able to simply reach a higher peak for myself as well through this not just through rank but attitude and ability that i may currently not be aware of due to being to comfortable in my current position , i want to be able to strive to prove myself again which although i have been doing means much more as a high command as well as creates new challenges to overcome which i welcome.

What is the biggest thing you would bring to Inquisitorious High Command?:

#1 To put it simply, Perspective. I whole heartedly believe i have always brought an interesting albeit unique point of view to command through both my times reaching it, I always look at things through every point of view not always the most obvious or most direct but i look for the How and why instead of just the when if that makes sense. I choose to investigate the angles of possible changes , punishments, or implements. Although many may see the way I look at both certain subjects and situations "different" I am usually able to explain things and help them understand what I said in a way that makes enough sense for them to usually agree with me on the subject although i admit not always.

#2 Attitude, I am able to stay indifferent in all scenarios as well as stay calm and collected through almost each and every situation I've been in charge of dealing with, I'm always easily approachable throughout my time in the ship answering any and all questions although making a point if its something they should have already know and looking into why they didn't etc, while saying this I myself am always talking to others and connecting to not only other command but troopers of all battalions although yes mostly my own. I am also willing to admit if I've been proven wrong or made a mistake in judgement whether by apologizing to those directly involved or admitting my mistake in the case of a less obvious scenario, although I almost always ask for a second command opinion in order to gain another perspective.

What is the purpose of a High IQ?:

#1 The most obvious roll High Inquisitor plays is to maintain balance and activity of the command team, giving them direct rewards as well as punishments for proving themselves or falling behind, however they must also show them how to excel and thrive though guidance and explanations doing their upmost to assist them before having to result in a punishment although still maintain a firm but fair attitude in this endeavor if they simply choose not to head the advice, they most also be an example for how the command team should act not just by simply being the rank they are but showing them why they are through careful observation of situations , outward attitude towards situations that may prove difficult and by showing they best of their abilities as often as possible.

#2 High Inquisitor has many roles to play as a High Command one of the most important I believe to be is upholding the image of what a high command should be, the simple idea of even being apart of it should mean they have reached almost the pinnacle of what any member of command should be, with both respect, attitude and authority having earned the title and rank showing all troopers on ship how they should act and command being a prime example of the work you need to put in to reach a rank such as that inspiring the troopers as well as command to put in that much more effort in order to earn as well as prove themselves in a similar way.

#3 I am also aware of the more behind the scenes tasks that come with achieving this rank such as recording sim counts and reviewing them to make sure they have been done, ran and explained correctly with no obvious defects. They must also relay information of upcoming changes to their command team in an efficient time frame so everyone is aware and ready for whatever updates or changes may be occurring, as well as taking account their commands attitude and or objections towards said changes in order to properly relay information and reactions to any who may be directly involved in said change so if needed, a better way to go about said change may be achieved. They must also constantly be conversing with their command in order to help them run as efficiently as possible assuming they follow chain of command the rank of High Inquisitor is the first High command they will go to with their questions meaning you must constantly be ready and willing to answer questions and assist those in your team that require your attention.

Why should we trust you to be IQ High Command?:

#1 arguable the most important reason is simply experience, I have been apart of the current command team for 6 months watching people rise as well as exit not only command but high command, I have observed how all 3 battalions run as well as spoken to a majority of all 3 in order to familiarize myself with all the people who make up the IQ branch and how they operate within it, I have built up my trust with the battalion over 6 months of effort and communication within as well as experience dealing with command from current and past teams implementing myself in most conversations in which my perspective or opinion was needed or asked for in order to help anyone who was willing to take it or implement it into their own way of looking at things.

#2 As High Inquisitor is first and foremost a High Command position and High Command observe over multiple battalions under their control as well as offer assistance to those not I have made it a point to not only interact with everyone when given the chance going into the different teamspeaks while also speaking and assisting enlisted in game to the best of my ability but also participating with multiple other battalions in the server in order to grow purges reputation in a positive way with multiple other teams and battalions through out the ISD involving missions, trainings and almost always the public or cross battalions sims i hold in order to get not just my own battalion but many other on the ship involved and interested in more then just their own daily activities. trust is not given but earned and i believe by helping, cooperating, and including not just all the battalions under IQ but multiple throughout the ship itself i have earned this title.

#3 I have always held up the ideals of a Command member, through out my time as apart of the command team I have always completed the tasks given to me by those overseeing me as well as giving as much insight, suggestions, and observations I had into either my battalion or those I have  direct contact with. I have never once declined in offering assistance to those who needed it within both my battalion and others however i do look first to those who should be completing said task before performing it myself if needed for obvious reasons which i believe is important as in High Command you will be tasked with giving assistance to a variety of different battalions even if they are not necessarily the ones below you, which in turn means always being willing to help and offer what guidance you have and being willing to reach out to those who know more then you, which I have done whenever needed when dealing with situation on par with this even while just being a Vice Commander.

#4 I am constantly willing to help whether it be questions, assisting in sims, helping bring in more people etc, I will answer any question given to me by whoever came to me for help whether directly or indirectly and answer either on the spot or if needed asking someone with more experience in the area for assistance and insight so that I can better understand the answer and why it is what it is. I have also grew the reputation of my battalion by being willing and excited to participate with others which in turn makes both battalions interact and connect which doesn't always happen but will strengthen both as a whole and their connection through out the server. 

#5 All of these separate reasons has in turn built my reputation both within Purge and IQ but also through out the ISD , as well as the command and players that populate it, i have done my best to constantly put myself out there and both raise peoples expectations of me but also make the server a better place for the people on it using both humor to raise morale as well as to come across as easy to talk to so that people in turn come to me with any issues , but also defending and helping those who have had trouble in some way on ship offering as much help as i can to them as a command member.

How often can you be active in-game?:

I can be active in-game for 2-6 hours a day unless something come up however some days i will obviously miss here and there while still adhering to the activity quota in place 

Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):

I have had 0 warning total in my entire history on GamingLight and will continue to avoid receiving them by staying well withing the rules and regulations placed 

(yes this was a long one because it is indeed important to me but thank you to those who took the time too read through this)

Edited by fenndarr1


 Retired Purge Senior Commander Ghost.

 Current Purge Commander Ghost

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6 hours ago, JohnsAFK said:



| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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15 hours ago, JohnsAFK said:



                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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Current  #1 Gaminglight Aussie

Former : Admin | 501st Commander Cammin501st COL ARCL Blitz 01|Nova MM LCPL Odin SF SFL GSC Cammin IC DMS SSE 2LT Cammin | 69th PFC Cammin Shock PFC Cammin | IF Agent  Deez Nuts  | GameMaster I |  DT CPL OB1


                                              "All we want in this life. Is Peace, Prosperity and a Little Paper" -Q Tip

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