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Dark's officer Application

Dark bob

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Officer Application Format

What is your name? 

What is your rank?

How long have you been a NCO?
8 days

What rank are you applying for?

How many strikes do you have? And if you do why?


Why should we trust you with an Officer rank? (120 words)
i am always dedicated to SF i always try my best to help the newer players who may join SF one day. I am also always willing to help people whenever i can no matter what the issues that it may be.  i am always there for any other officers, NCOs, Enlisted no matter what happens. i always do my best in any sort of thing that could be. Helping people, mult taking, teaching newer people any sort of things which they may not understand fully

What can you do to assist command with this rank? (60 words)

i can bring new ideas to the table and ask the Enlisted for any ideas and bring the idea to the next meeting's i can do alot more sims, training's, tryout's whenever i can also try and ask people what they would also like to do in the regiment. i can help train the newer NCO's and then regiment
What is the point of been a officer? (50 words)
the point of being an officer. Is leading people into battle and letting them know what they need to do and join them in front lines or in the air depends what need's to be done. then i will be someone who they can relay info to and let high command know if the air or ground know if it clear or is it not clear
What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him? (75 words).

I would go and talk to them and ask what they are doing. And then i will talk to them.  And then i will ask them nicely to stop or take it to bunks. if they do not stop then i will follow the change of command. And let them know what they have been doing. Then i will let the change of command deal with the issues.

Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank? yes

(Current) Senior Mod, Gamemaster III, 69th 1SGT, 501st LCPL, Royal Guard CDT IV

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[ + Support ]


- Seems Dedicated to SF.

- Has 0 Strikes.

- Officers are needed in SF.


This applications was a bit short, but still met close enough to the word count, overall I believe you will do a good job as Officer and I wish you good luck on future endeavors.

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I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons....


  • He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training...
  • Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO
  • Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains
  • He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ
  • He's a great moral support to the battalion
  • Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling
  • He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO
  • Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again 🙂
  • I will say this i dont care if  'Officers are needed'  this one deserves it
Edited by guyt2030
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Don't take this as a hate man, but I didn't see much from you. I went through your tryouts and you did (or logged) just 3, I don't think you've done any SIMs or trainings yet (which would help) and tbh never saw you on. Again, please take this as an advice on what to improve, keep up the work man!

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Current: None


Former:  IC CSLD Captain Reaper | Star Fighter Corps Senior Group Captain And Gladius Squad Lead | Death Trooper First Lieutenant | Inferno Squad Squad Lead Gamemaster III & Senior Moderator


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On 3/3/2022 at 3:52 AM, guyt2030 said:

I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons....


  • He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training...
  • Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO
  • Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains
  • He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ
  • He's a great moral support to the battalion
  • Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling
  • He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO
  • Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again 🙂
  • I will say this i dont care if  'Officers are needed'  this one deserves it


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On 3/2/2022 at 12:52 PM, guyt2030 said:

I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons....


  • He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training...
  • Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO
  • Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains
  • He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ
  • He's a great moral support to the battalion
  • Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling
  • He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO
  • Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again 🙂
  • I will say this i dont care if  'Officers are needed'  this one deserves it


Ex. Medical Commander Zug
Senior Admin | Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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On 3/2/2022 at 12:52 PM, guyt2030 said:

I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons....


  • He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training...
  • Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO
  • Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains
  • He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ
  • He's a great moral support to the battalion
  • Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling
  • He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO
  • Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again 🙂
  • I will say this i dont care if  'Officers are needed'  this one deserves it


EX-Star fighter Marshall

EX-NCM Secretary


x-wing GIF by Star Wars

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On 3/2/2022 at 8:19 PM, Cinder said:

[ + Support ]


- Seems Dedicated to SF.

- Has 0 Strikes.

- Officers are needed in SF.


This applications was a bit short, but still met close enough to the word count, overall I believe you will do a good job as Officer and I wish you good luck on future endeavors.


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On 3/2/2022 at 12:19 PM, Cinder said:

[ + Support ]


- Seems Dedicated to SF.

- Has 0 Strikes.

- Officers are needed in SF.


This applications was a bit short, but still met close enough to the word count, overall I believe you will do a good job as Officer and I wish you good luck on future endeavors.


Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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