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False ban


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Steam Name: York 

SteamID: 76561198336377365

Ingame Name: Scp 682

Ban Length: 1 week 

Admin that Banned you: It was an auto ban 

Reason for Ban: I said the n-word 

Dispute: Good morning everyone Iv come to appeal my ban I got auto banned from the server for saying the N-word the rules are in place to stop racism which I really respect but there is  a gray area where people like me fall. I am actually black like grew up in the hood long ass dreads and all so I feel this was a mistake because of this fact alone for how could I be racist to black people when I am one of them also when I went to support I was treated like shit and my chats in the discord where deleted and my perms to chat in the discord where taken because I said the "no no word" and the staff got mad when I called one of them dumbass's for the dumb shit they said they said it don't matter that im black then deleted everything I should have taken a screenshot all im saying is I took a business class and I learned how to deal with upset people as a part of that class in the form of support for things like this and the way you guys handled me was simply fucked if this is how you treat your premium players who donate to such a cool server that very nice to know. That being said I will respect your rules just please respect me as well and don't act the way they support I interacted with did have a good day please 

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- / + support  

A banned word is still banned, you don’t say people going around saying the f or r word. However I can see your reasoning for why you should be given another chance.

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MTF E-11 DoRCU 2LT Trout

MTF O-1 CPL Calypso

Retired Maintenance Command

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1 minute ago, styx said:

The n word is not allowed to be said at all in this server



I know that did you even read my appeal before commenting 

1 minute ago, WhatIsDylan said:

Yes, and then they get banned.

Same thing with you did you even read my shit 

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3 minutes ago, York said:

I know that did you even read my appeal before commenting 

Same thing with you did you even read my shit 

I did read and it doesn’t matter what race you are you are not allowed to say it

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It sounds like it was more than a one-off event. If you are black, typed it once without thinking because it’s how you talk and got console banned I would get it, but it sounds like you continued after some verbal warning. I’d just ride out the week ban.

Former: Deputy Head of Research | MTF Nu-7 Captain x2 | SCPRP Super Admin | MTF O-1 Major


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39 minutes ago, WhatIsDylan said:

- / + support  

A banned word is still banned, you don’t say people going around saying the f or r word. However I can see your reasoning for why you should be given another chance.

also I respect you for reading this appeal and not blindly saying N-WORD BAD this is a gray area because I was banned for racism/saying the nword even though im black 

28 minutes ago, styx said:

I did read and it doesn’t matter what race you are you are not allowed to say it

lmao yeah it does dumbass lmao 

because I was banned for racism even though I am that race 

10 minutes ago, Nydekore said:


It sounds like it was more than a one-off event. If you are black, typed it once without thinking because it’s how you talk and got console banned I would get it, but it sounds like you continued after some verbal warning. I’d just ride out the week ban.

Bruh I said it once not knowing smh 

1 minute ago, York said:

also I respect you for reading this appeal and not blindly saying N-WORD BAD this is a gray area because I was banned for racism/saying the nword even though im black 

lmao yeah it does dumbass lmao 

because I was banned for racism even though I am that race 

Bruh I said it once not knowing smh 

that was the first time I was banned let alone told I CANT TYPE IT 

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27 minutes ago, NickenChugget said:

Said Gamer Word
Its a week just let it run its course



Just now, Mary said:


you guys are funny you know that 

28 minutes ago, NickenChugget said:

Said Gamer Word
Its a week just let it run its course

The ban is false I cant get banned for racism towards black people because Im black you idiots I never said the N-word prior to this event happening 

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4 minutes ago, York said:



you guys are funny you know that 

The ban is false I cant get banned for racism towards black people because Im black you idiots I never said the N-word prior to this event happening 


Just now, styx said:

The auto ban is by the console, so who ever says the n word will get banned for a week no matter what


Just now, York said:



I did not even know that was a thing lmao 

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1. We don't give two flying fucks if you are allowed to say it. The word is still bannable.

2. If you read denied ban appeals you can see people put that exact reason and get denied.

3. You keep responding to your own ban appeal causing a meaningless argument because this is getting denied anyways.

4. In your reasoning you admitted to dissing a staff member.

5. I get that reasoning may be stupid but if certain players are allowed to say it because they are black. Racist players who are not can just lie and say they are. Hence letting racist people get a free pass on saying the n-word.


𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 - 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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25 minutes ago, York said:



you guys are funny you know that 

The ban is false I cant get banned for racism towards black people because Im black you idiots I never said the N-word prior to this event happening 

It doesn’t matter what race you are. It’s still racist and it does not make it right just because of your skin color.


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2 minutes ago, Sprink said:

It doesn’t matter what race you are. It’s still racist and it does not make it right just because of your skin color.


14 minutes ago, Shin said:



Arguing in forums. Calling a user “dumbass”.


Okay, goodbye. 


14 minutes ago, Pills said:


1. We don't give two flying fucks if you are allowed to say it. The word is still bannable.

2. If you read denied ban appeals you can see people put that exact reason and get denied.

3. You keep responding to your own ban appeal causing a meaningless argument because this is getting denied anyways.

4. In your reasoning you admitted to dissing a staff member.

5. I get that reasoning may be stupid but if certain players are allowed to say it because they are black. Racist players who are not can just lie and say they are. Hence letting racist people get a free pass on saying the n-word.

bruuuhh you can tell though and I didn't even know there was an auto ban 

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1 hour ago, styx said:

The n word is not allowed to be said at all in this server



Just no dude 

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