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Admin Application, BraxGaming - Denied


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Hello I am Braxton Bjork or known as BraxGaming to many, I am a rebel to the xyz SMP. For many months I sat in a jail cell in the server and for even longer, I was banned. The reason I would want to become admin is to make the xyz SMP a better place for all people, such as more space in the market for new people to the server, a court room for the rebels-(When some one is sent to jail or banned we shouldn't just ban them or send them to jail, what we should do is give them a chance to say there side of the story in court.) and last but not least to promote the server, I have a tiktok account with 10.6k followers, I am very certain that some of them are looking for a chill server with fun and friends just like me when I found the server. Thank you.

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no format 

also wtf

Edited by [GL] Dark

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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is this a minecraft admin application?


Edited by Vice

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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+ Support

If we ever want anyone to help start a minecraft Police RP server this is our guy.


Chief of Police || Police RP Super Admin


State Police Colonel || EMS Chief || CERT Commander || DOC Warden || SRT Captain || Head Dispatcher || SWAT Sargeant First Class || DF CPL

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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


~Police-RP Senior Management Team


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