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Raptor's Senior Command Application


Should I become Senior Command?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become Senior Command?

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1. Steam Name?: [GL] Raptor

2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:526970293

3. Roster Name?: Raptor

4. Current Rank?: Captain

5. When were you promoted?:  March 27th, 2021

6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: About 1 and a half years

7.  Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes

8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes

9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Of Course

10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): Senior Command in Security is one of the most cherished positions in Security. After some thinking, I believe I am ready to move up to the next level in Security and take on the new responsibilities of Senior Command. While there are many many different reasons why I believe I would succeed in Senior Command, I will be highlighting the ones that set me apart from the other Low Command applying, and the current Senior Command of Security. First, Senior Command has always had a negative stereotype of not being active on the server and sitting doing only behind the scenes work. I've even heard from a couple NCOs that don’t even know certain people in Senior Command even existed. This is definitely something that should NOT be happening. I would like to change that stereotype and inspire others in Senior Command to follow me. I'm about to get plenty of extra free time that I would be more than willing to dedicate to Security to become even more active than I am now. Fixing this issue would create a better bond and instill trust from other members of the branch. As well as my activity, my abilities to adapt and succeed in high stress situations are another great asset of mine. While being in the command of Security for about 3 months, I have made a couple mistakes and I’m not afraid to talk about them as they are the reason why I am the command member that I am now. My ability to learn and adapt is second to none, and every time I make a mistake, I am sure to learn from these mistakes and correct them with the utmost haste and maturity. Another trait of mine that I am very proud of is my extensive experience in leadership positions. Alongside my 3 months in Security, for several years I have been in multiple high leadership positions ranging from leading Platoons of Marines in Battlefield Milsim, from leading entire Military Simulation Groups on Xbox and PC with over 200 members in each. Another trait that I greatly embody is simple maturity. I believe the maturity of members of command is something that is very commonly overlooked. When D-Block is in shambles, MTF are tied up dealing with CI, and nothing is getting done, having a mature leader who is strong and bold will be one of the only things that Security will have to rely on. Simple Maturity is something that I show best and many command members from other branches can back me up on. The last thing I would like to talk about is my initiative in Security. Whenever a PT needs a Host, Co-Host, or even the Host needs some help with promotion training, if my personal schedule allows it, I will always be ready to help, whenever I am needed. Unlike many other Low-Command, I really enjoy hosting PTs and Off-Meetings and I do my best to host them whenever I can. For these main reasons, along with overwhelming support from the command of other branches, I believe that I am best fit to move up to the next level of the totem pole. Security on GamingLight is a second life for me, I care about the branch a lot and I am always ready to pitch in whenever needed. As Jesse Owens once said, “We all have dreams. But to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort are all things I embody daily in Security. I believe that without these 4 things, no leader will ever be successful. This wraps up the main written portion of my application for Senior Command.

11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: First thing I would do is check the watchlist. Next I would contact the NCO(s) who gave them permission to leave each time. If all instances where reasonable, the encounter ends there. If they were not reasonable, I would speak to the NCO responsible and give them the link to the NCO guide so that they can properly review where they went wrong to fix it for themselves. If the officer was leaving without getting permission, I would speak to the officer and remind them how leaving D-Block works. During this conversation with the officer I also would take the time to ask them how long ago they were trained, and who trained them. If they were recently trained, I would probably also contact the trainer who trained the officer and make sure that they are telling their trainees how leaving D-Block works. However if they were not recently trained I would give them a little review on how it all works, and then set them on their way with a verbal warning. After the encounter finishes I would possibly put them on the watchlist depending on how recently they were trained.

12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: First, I would check the watchlist, DNP,  and Roster to see if they have previously been warned or punished. If not I would simply speak privately about it too them and give them a link to the NCO Guide. If they were previously warned or punished, If possible, I would talk with the CMD Member who previously Warned or Striked them and gather context on the previous situation. Next I would compare both instances and make a decision on how to punish them.  Then, I would pull the NCO from the incident aside and speak to them about what are the proper reasons to leave D-Block, and then give them the link to the NCO Guide. Once they understand what they have done wrong and understand the correct reasons to leave D-Block and how they will be punished., I would send them on their way just after giving them the date that they can appeal any punishment given. I would then fill out any Discord-related forms for the watchlist and if any are needed, fill out the strike form.

13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: First, I gather evidence of the incident. Next I would have them leave D-Block. If its the correct Condition, I would have them return to their base on the surface. If they have done this before or if they were being disrespecting or harassing any Security Members I would contact E-11 Low Command and give a general summary of what I saw and any reports from other members of security. Along with these things, I would give them any hard evidence of the incident and let E-11s Low Command Do their job.

14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words:  First I would check the DNP channel in Discord for their Steam ID. If they do not have anything in the DNP channel about them I would congratulate them on their promotion. Next I would give them the NCO Guide, and have them read along as I read them the NCO Guide. Once this is complete, I would give them a mini assessment of the NCO Guide to make sure they understand their new duties and responsibilities as an NCO. Once all the NCO Guide related stuff is complete, I would ask them if they had a forums account and If they didn't have a forums account already, assist them in making their forums account. After helping with them with their forums account I would ask them if they had any questions or concerns regarding anything from the training. Then I would inform them that they must request tags in the security requesting tags channel in the discord. After this I would White-List the new NCO and set them on their way back to D-Block. After dismissing them I would fill out the security promotions channel in the discord so NCO's position on the roster can be updated.

References (Important Supporters):

HOR Starstep


AHOME Jackwebb

1LT Georgie

Edited by ACOG vR4PTOR
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Great command member and leader! He's very active and doesn't seem to just hide in the command channel, but coordinates stuff from the proper security channels.

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SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

Edited by Jack (utility one)
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There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.

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1 hour ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid


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1 hour ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid


Couldn't have said it better myself. Raptor defiantly deserves SCMD.

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1 hour ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

Amazing guy to play with. Deserves SCMD good luck


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2 hours ago, Kzo said:

+ Support 

- Well written app

- Very active 

- Approachable CMD

- He is dedicated to security.


+ support 

Former: O5-10 "The Mad General" / SCP-RP Head Admin / CI 2LT / Security CPT

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3 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

The amount of effort this man puts forward in nearly everything he does is astounding. I've watched him since he's made his journey into Security and I cannot express in enough words how much of a great member of Senior Command he would be.

Founder of Aperture Science | Retired Head of Research | Retired Event Team Leader | Current Metal Head
Secure. Contain. Protect.

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4 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid


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4 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid


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CI RnD Special Agent || Experienced Medic

Retired Security Lieutenant Colonel || The 3rd Head of Wardens

Retired Red Right Hand, Guardian Squadron, "Sierra 45"

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13 hours ago, Darkfistt said:


+ Pretty active

+ Knows the in's and out's of security

+ Very good at his job

+ Extremely good application


MTF Epsilon-11 Colonel | farmer glennG-FUEL Fiend

Former Security DHOS

"I’m an early bird and a night owl. So I’m wise and have worms.”

― Michael Scott

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/5/2021 at 5:58 PM, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

I really hope you get this, because you deserve it!

  |  Former Nu7 IFE IRCN IBHM SGT  | Former Security JFTO SM | Former JWD Warden | Former A1 SF 2LT| Former RRH Guardian Zulu 1                                                                      

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On 4/5/2021 at 7:58 PM, Jack (utility one) said:

With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid


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On 4/15/2021 at 3:52 PM, gameraiden19 said:



On 4/15/2021 at 1:30 PM, Mav said:

I really hope you get this, because you deserve it!

He already got it.

CI RnD Special Agent || Experienced Medic

Retired Security Lieutenant Colonel || The 3rd Head of Wardens

Retired Red Right Hand, Guardian Squadron, "Sierra 45"

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