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Buff the flashbang - Accepted - In Progress - Completed


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What you want to see? -  Buff the flash bang 

Why should we add it? - Longer flash only last for 2 seconds on your screen if being flashed, increase the brightness of your screen when being flashed, and amount of time your being flashed. Was flashed on scprp then have more realistic flashbangs

What are the advantages of having this? - Better for gov in house raids, banks, gens

Who is it mainly for? - Gov

Links to any content - n/a

Ya let me put all my ranks of all the departments I was in (ex fbi pa, ex dispatch, ex snr) cringe...


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+support if possible 

I agree extending the duration would be nice 

I dont think brighter is needed at all just make the flash longer 

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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Yeah the flash grenade is shit but whenever it is used, it blinds Gov more then it does the crims. It's very rare that it works correctly, but when people actually plan out a flash, then a push, it works very well. I think its fine as is now, I would just recommend more training on how to use it.

Edited by Drippy

PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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Yes just yes I loved the flashs on SCPRP and if we get something more realistic like that it'll be great. 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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6 hours ago, Alex Raddish said:


flashes aren't utilized as much as they should be and I think the reason is because of how ineffective they are at the moment. It would like to see (if its possible) it buffed.

Not brighter but maybe longer so Gov starts to use them more.

State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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Accepted! Please allow up to a week for any suggestions you have requested to be added in game or on the forums. Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post! 🙂


I don't exactly know if its possible with how its coded but we will look at it! ❤️

PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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