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MOTD changes - Accepted [Completed]


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What are you suggesting? - Certain changes to the MOTD

How would this change better the server? - A more updated MOTD

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No 

Who would this change mostly benefit? - All players

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -


I will be listing below changes I believe should be made the the motd.

Color Key Code

Blue - Section of the rule

Red - Old Rule

Green - Staying the same

Purple - Changed

Orange - Reasoning


General Rules

4. Do not go into spawns/safe zones if you are involved in an RP scenario, or if you are being attacked/chased by an SCP.

4. Do not go into spawns/safe zones if you are involved in an RP scenario

  • Do not enter spawns when in combat
  • Do not enter D-block/spawns when being chased/attacked by an SCP

So its cleaned up a bit


7. Do not break New Life Rule (NLR). All classes, unless specified below must wait 2 minutes in their spawn location after respawning from an accidental or combat death before returning to play.

  • All classes, including D-Class cannot use information from previous respawn lives.
  • CI personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • MTF personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • GENSEC Custom Classes have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Standard D-Class personnel do not have a NLR.
  • D-Class Custom Classes have a 60 second NLR.


7. Do not break New Life Rule (NLR). All classes, unless specified below must wait 2 minutes in their spawn location after respawning from an accidental or combat death before returning to play.

  • All classes, including D-Class cannot use information from previous respawn lives.
  • CI personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • MTF personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Gensec Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
    • GENSEC Custom Classes have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Research Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Maintenance Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Medical Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Standard D-Class personnel do not have a NLR.
  • D-Class Custom Classes have a 60 second NLR.

So gensec/research/maintenance classes are specified.

8. Do not spam annoying sounds or messages on your mic or in the chat. This includes using soundboards, playing music, using voice changers, etc (Unless given permission by SMT or using for events).

8. Do not spam annoying sounds or messages on your mic or in the chat. This includes:

  • Soundboards.
  • Playing Music.
  • Voice Changes.
  • Etc.

(Unless given permission by SMT, using it for an event, or increasing rp)

This is to mainly clear this up so its listed instead of just said. Also, I added at the end the "or increasing RP" for rp reasons. Like when a coldsilver/robot/mechanical job wants to speak, they can use a voice changer to increase their rp. 


23. Do not use the /demote command while Staff members are on.

  • Branch Command members are exempt from this rule regarding personnel in their branch.


23. Do not use the /demote command while Staff members are on.

  • Branch Command members are exempt from this rule regarding personnel in their branch.
  • Branch Trainers are exempt from this rule regarding Trainee's of their branch.

The only edit to this was adding the rule for trainers. As trainers should be able to /demote trainee's of the trainee job if they are minging/not listening to orders. As staff isn't fully required to just /demote someone off of the trainee job if the trainers are able to train them.


Class Specific Rules

All Players

5. When cuffed you are required to comply with the individual that has cuffed you.

  • There must be an RP reason to cuff someone.
  • It is prohibited from attempting to cuff people while in combat.
    • Sarkics are exempt from this rule, and may engage in combat cuffing.
  • The Praxedes' Fist can not be cuffed.

5. When cuffed you are required to comply with the individual that has cuffed you.

  • There must be an RP reason to cuff someone.
  • It is prohibited from attempting to cuff people while in combat.
    • Sarkics are exempt from this rule, and may engage in combat cuffing.
  • The Praxedes' Fist can not be cuffed.
  • You may attempt to break out of cuffs after 5 minutes

I am suggesting this rule so scp


8. Thermals may only be activated for a valid RP reason, and are only active until that RP reason ceases to exist.

  • The initial individual activating thermals on their team (CI or Foundation) are required to advert the specific RP reason thermals are being activated. Ie. Thermals Activated - SCP 966's CC is Open, Thermals Activated - Doors opening with no one around
    • Blanket adverts are no longer permitted.
    • The mere presence of CI or Foundation personnel is not a valid reason to activate thermals
  • Upon the reason thermals being activated is handled, the initial activating individual, or a team member if the initial activator has died, must then advert that thermals are being deactivated. This deactivates thermals for all personnel on their team./


8. Thermals may only be activated for a valid RP reason, and are only active until that RP reason ceases to exist.

  • The initial individual activating thermals on their team (CI or Foundation) are required to advert the specific RP reason thermals are being activated. Ie. Thermals Activated - SCP 966's CC is Open, Thermals Activated - Doors opening with no one around
    • Blanket adverts are no longer permitted.
      • Adverts that provide multiple reasoning.
    • The mere presence of CI or Foundation personnel is not a valid reason to activate thermals
  • Upon the reason thermals being activated is handled, the initial activating individual, or a team member if the initial activator has died, must then advert that thermals are being deactivated. This deactivates thermals for all personnel on their team.

What was added here was a description of blanket adverts. So that new players know what it means.


10. You are not allowed to steal the Harpoon of SCP 1245-2.

10. You are not allowed to steal weapons that belong to scp's.

All that is being changed here is just that it applies to all scp's. As there are people who steal 1048's knife. (Their precious drawing tool. (ink is blood btw))


12. Personnel calling a RP Arrest on Sight / Kill on Sight (AOS/KOS) are required to provide and advert a legitimate reason with the AOS/KOS order.

  • This is especially required for actions taken against Dr. Maynard.


12. Personnel calling a RP Arrest on Sight / Kill on Sight (AOS/KOS) are required to provide and advert a legitimate reason with the AOS/KOS order.

  • This is especially required for actions taken against Dr. Maynard/sleuths.

Added sleuths to this as they are essentially like Maynard. They should have the same treatment. (<3)


Class D Personnel

8. Class D personnel are prohibited from entering any casinos not located in D-Block.

8. Class D Personnel are prohibited from adverting.

The reason why I am changing this is because casino's don't exist anymore and it should be specified that D-class can't be adverting since they have no comms/no reason to. 


Foundation Staff - Gensec, Research, Maintenance, Medical

7. You should never kill Class D unless they are clearly beyond the red KOS line, broken a rule and given a 5-second warning (or was recently warned) or have taken a hostile action, such as having a weapon out.

  • D-Class that are intentionally serving as human shields for other D-Class that are engaging in hostile actions may be terminated.
  • D-Class that are not intentionally serving as human shields, such as attempting to move away from personnel engaging in hostile actions, are not to be terminated.

7. You should never kill Class D unless they are clearly beyond the red KOS line, pulled out a weapon, jumped on the ledge.

  • D-Class that are intentionally serving as human shields for other D-Class that are engaging in hostile actions may be terminated.
  • D-Class that are not intentionally serving as human shields, such as attempting to move away from personnel engaging in hostile actions, are not to be terminated.

The MOTD says that they must be given a 5 second warning to stop doing what they are doing. That is only applied to when it is pulling out fists. The rule needs to be updated to show that they are kos for the reaons in the gensec MOTD. As those are the reasons they are kos. 


Foundation - Mobile Task Force

3. You must have an RP reason to activate thermals. When utilizing thermals the initial MTF member must include the reason why thermals are being activated. Ie Thermals - SCP 966’s cell is empty. Thermals are then only active for the action you’re taking.

  • For example: "Thermals are activated for checking 966’s cell." Once the cell is checked they are now off.
  • One MTF member adverting thermals allows all other MTF members to activate their thermals for the same reason.
  • Accidental physical contact with a cloaked entity provides a valid reason to activate thermals, however intentionally making physical contact with a cloaked entity is considered FailRP.
  • An active CI raid is not a valid reason to activate thermals site wide.


3. Nothing

The reason why I am suggesting this to be removed is because it is already explained for all jobs. As essentially there is a job for each branch that can activate thermals.



2. SCPs are not allowed to work together at any time. SCPs are also not allowed to work with D-Class and CI personnel to gain a RP advantage. This includes leaving people alive to allow them to break through doors, protecting them, etc. Hostile SCPs are required to attempt to kill humans.

  • SCP 035 and 049 are the only duo that are exempt from this rule. They may work together, but not with other SCPs, nor D-Class.
  • SCP 1265-A and 5208 may work with the same instances of themselves, but not with other SCPs.
  • If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way.
  • If another player as an SCP continues following another SCP player, the followed player should make a staff call informing staff that they are not attempting to team, and are attempting to break away.


2. SCPs are not allowed to work together at any time. SCPs are also not allowed to work with D-Class and CI personnel to gain a RP advantage. This includes leaving people alive to allow them to break through doors, protecting them, etc. Hostile SCPs are required to attempt to kill humans.

  • SCP 035 and 049 are the only duo that are exempt from this rule. They may work together, but not with other SCPs, nor D-Class.
  • SCP that have multiple instances can work with their other instances. But not with other scp's.
  • If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way.
  • If another player as an SCP continues following another SCP player, the followed player should make a staff call informing staff that they are not attempting to team, and are attempting to break away.

The reason why I changed the sub section 2 of rule 2 is because there are other scp's than just 1265-A and 5208 that have multiple instances.


4. SCPs 131-A, 131-B, 343, 527, and 1424 are allowed to go into D-Block. However, these SCPs are not allowed to step onto the elevator or enter upper D-Block.  

  • All other SCP's are not allowed into D-Block.


4. SCPs 131-A, 131-B, 343, 527, 912, and 1424 are allowed to go into D-Block. However, these SCPs are not allowed to step onto the elevator or enter upper D-Block.  

  • All other SCP's are not allowed into D-Block.

Just added 912 as he is allowed into d-block


12. Safe class SCPs are prohibited from leaving the Foundation unless having been captured by CI.

12. Safe class SCPs are prohibited from leaving the Foundation unless having been captured by CI.

  • 343 is the only exception.

Added this since 343 is allowed to go anywhere now.


Chaos Insurgency

1. The Chaos Insurgency's main goal is to raid the Foundation to capture SCPs, kill or capture Foundation personnel, and rescue D-Class.

  • CI personnel are permitted to raid Site 10 to accomplish their main goals.
    • Upon beginning the raid, one CI member must state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Beginning"
      • If there are less than 10 GENSEC and MTF personnel online this must be adverted, rather than in CI Comms.
      • CI are not to initiate combat on Containment Specialists, or researchers / utility staff actively testing or working in a containment cell.
        • Shades Task Forces are exempt from this rule.
    • The CI raid is concluded at the time that all CI personnel are either terminated or escape Site 10.
      • A CI member must then state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Concluded"
      • CI Sleuths may remain inside Site 10 and not be considered active raid members if their cover has not been blown.
    • At the conclusion of the raid a 10 minute raid cooldown timer begins.
    • CI Infiltrators may be used as an advance party to locate high value targets and call out their locations to the main body of CI personnel. This constitutes the beginning of the raid if CI Infiltrators are utilized.
      • If the Infiltrators can killed prior to the main body of CI personnel entering the facility, the raid is concluded and the raid cooldown timer begins.
      • CI Infiltrators are prohibited from killing CI members being held hostage unless they're with CI Military personnel.


1. The Chaos Insurgency's main goal is to raid the Foundation to capture SCPs, kill or capture Foundation personnel, and rescue D-Class.

  • CI personnel are permitted to raid Site 10 to accomplish their main goals.
    • If there are less than 10 GENSEC and MTF personnel online CI must advert "Foundation Raid" in /advert.
    • CI are not to initiate combat on Containment Specialists, or researchers / utility staff actively testing or working in a containment cell.
      • Shades Task Forces are exempt from this rule.
    • The CI raid is concluded at the time that all CI personnel are either terminated or escape Site 10.
      • A CI member must then state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Concluded"
      • CI Sleuths may remain inside Site 10 and not be considered active raid members if their cover has not been blown.
    • At the conclusion of the raid a 10 minute raid cooldown timer begins.
    • CI Infiltrators may be used as an advance party to locate high value targets and call out their locations to the main body of CI personnel. This constitutes the beginning of the raid if CI Infiltrators are utilized.
      • If the Infiltrators can killed prior to the main body of CI personnel entering the facility, the raid is concluded and the raid cooldown timer begins.
      • CI Infiltrators are prohibited from killing CI members being held hostage unless they're with CI Military personnel.

I removed the rule about CI having to say in CI Comms Foundation raid as it is not necessary. Only the raid over timer is required due to staff reasons. Then I fixed the next line stating what must be done when less then 10 Gensec and MTF personnel are online.




Edited by Chief_

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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Eh. Looks better.



23 minutes ago, Chief_ said:

7. Do not break New Life Rule (NLR). All classes, unless specified below must wait 2 minutes in their spawn location after respawning from an accidental or combat death before returning to play.

  • All classes, including D-Class cannot use information from previous respawn lives.
  • CI personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • MTF personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Gensec Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
    • GENSEC Custom Classes have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Research Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Maintenance Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Medical Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Standard D-Class personnel do not have a NLR.
  • D-Class Custom Classes have a 60 second NLR.

So gensec/research/maintenance classes are specified.

Guess Medical isn't important enough to be put on the suggestion.

Edited by Right Twix Bar

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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3 minutes ago, Right Twix Bar said:


Eh. Looks better.



Guess Medical isn't important enough to be put on the suggestion. 😢

Shit hold on


  • Thanks 1

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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1 hour ago, Chief_ said:

Class D Personnel

8. Class D personnel are prohibited from entering any casinos not located in D-Block.

8. Class D Personnel are prohibited from adverting.

The reason why I am changing this is because casino's don't exist anymore and it should be specified that D-class can't be adverting since they have no comms/no reason to.

They can advert for RP Reasons (Like 106 Femur) but otherwise can't

Other than that +Support.

A bigger nerd than ever

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2 hours ago, That Fireman Guy said:

They can advert for RP Reasons (Like 106 Femur) but otherwise can't

Other than that +Support.

Fair. But like on most rules there are times its okay. Like that for example

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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16 minutes ago, Chief_ said:

Fair. But like on most rules there are times its okay. Like that for example

also D-class CAN steal foundation comms if they do it legit like how sleuths have to do it (This rule may have changed recently after that whole PD fiasco, but)

                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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16 minutes ago, Comrade Boekhom said:

also D-class CAN steal foundation comms if they do it legit like how sleuths have to do it (This rule may have changed recently after that whole PD fiasco, but)

TBF it would also be hard to keep track of that. Like also some will do it as they steal it off dead bodies., etc. Its just not needed when there could be many d-class doing it. 

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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1 hour ago, Comrade Boekhom said:

also D-class CAN steal foundation comms if they do it legit like how sleuths have to do it (This rule may have changed recently after that whole PD fiasco, but)

I can already sense the meta game coming from D class if they are allowed to do that. 

+ Support 

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

General Rules

4. Do not go into spawns/safe zones if you are involved in an RP scenario, or if you are being attacked/chased by an SCP.

4. Do not go into spawns/safe zones if you are involved in an RP scenario

  • Do not enter spawns when in combat
  • Do not enter D-block/spawns when being chased/attacked by an SCP

So its cleaned up a bit



On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

7. Do not break New Life Rule (NLR). All classes, unless specified below must wait 2 minutes in their spawn location after respawning from an accidental or combat death before returning to play.

  • All classes, including D-Class cannot use information from previous respawn lives.
  • CI personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • MTF personnel have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Gensec Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
    • GENSEC Custom Classes have a 3 minute NLR.
  • Research Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Maintenance Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Medical Personnel have a 2 minute NLR.
  • Standard D-Class personnel do not have a NLR.
  • D-Class Custom Classes have a 60 second NLR.


Already stated that the baseline is 2 minutes. Stating again these classes is 2 minutes isn't needed.


On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

8. Do not spam annoying sounds or messages on your mic or in the chat. This includes using soundboards, playing music, using voice changers, etc (Unless given permission by SMT or using for events).

8. Do not spam annoying sounds or messages on your mic or in the chat. This includes:

  • Soundboards.
  • Playing Music.
  • Voice Changes.
  • Etc.

(Unless given permission by SMT, using it for an event, or increasing rp)

This is to mainly clear this up so its listed instead of just said. Also, I added at the end the "or increasing RP" for rp reasons. Like when a coldsilver/robot/mechanical job wants to speak, they can use a voice changer to increase their rp. 


23. Do not use the /demote command while Staff members are on.

  • Branch Command members are exempt from this rule regarding personnel in their branch.


23. Do not use the /demote command while Staff members are on.

  • Branch Command members are exempt from this rule regarding personnel in their branch.
  • Branch Trainers are exempt from this rule regarding Trainee's of their branch.

The only edit to this was adding the rule for trainers. As trainers should be able to /demote trainee's of the trainee job if they are minging/not listening to orders. As staff isn't fully required to just /demote someone off of the trainee job if the trainers are able to train them.


Class Specific Rules

All Players

5. When cuffed you are required to comply with the individual that has cuffed you.

  • There must be an RP reason to cuff someone.
  • It is prohibited from attempting to cuff people while in combat.
    • Sarkics are exempt from this rule, and may engage in combat cuffing.
  • The Praxedes' Fist can not be cuffed.

5. When cuffed you are required to comply with the individual that has cuffed you.

  • There must be an RP reason to cuff someone.
  • It is prohibited from attempting to cuff people while in combat.
    • Sarkics are exempt from this rule, and may engage in combat cuffing.
  • The Praxedes' Fist can not be cuffed.
  • You may attempt to break out of cuffs after 5 minutes

I am suggesting this rule so scp


Done with minor edits.

On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

8. Thermals may only be activated for a valid RP reason, and are only active until that RP reason ceases to exist.

  • The initial individual activating thermals on their team (CI or Foundation) are required to advert the specific RP reason thermals are being activated. Ie. Thermals Activated - SCP 966's CC is Open, Thermals Activated - Doors opening with no one around
    • Blanket adverts are no longer permitted.
    • The mere presence of CI or Foundation personnel is not a valid reason to activate thermals
  • Upon the reason thermals being activated is handled, the initial activating individual, or a team member if the initial activator has died, must then advert that thermals are being deactivated. This deactivates thermals for all personnel on their team./


8. Thermals may only be activated for a valid RP reason, and are only active until that RP reason ceases to exist.

  • The initial individual activating thermals on their team (CI or Foundation) are required to advert the specific RP reason thermals are being activated. Ie. Thermals Activated - SCP 966's CC is Open, Thermals Activated - Doors opening with no one around
    • Blanket adverts are no longer permitted.
      • Adverts that provide multiple reasoning.
    • The mere presence of CI or Foundation personnel is not a valid reason to activate thermals
  • Upon the reason thermals being activated is handled, the initial activating individual, or a team member if the initial activator has died, must then advert that thermals are being deactivated. This deactivates thermals for all personnel on their team.

What was added here was a description of blanket adverts. So that new players know what it means.


Personally I think blanket advert is already well enough understood.

On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

10. You are not allowed to steal the Harpoon of SCP 1245-2.

10. You are not allowed to steal weapons that belong to scp's.

All that is being changed here is just that it applies to all scp's. As there are people who steal 1048's knife. (Their precious drawing tool. (ink is blood btw))


12. Personnel calling a RP Arrest on Sight / Kill on Sight (AOS/KOS) are required to provide and advert a legitimate reason with the AOS/KOS order.

  • This is especially required for actions taken against Dr. Maynard.


12. Personnel calling a RP Arrest on Sight / Kill on Sight (AOS/KOS) are required to provide and advert a legitimate reason with the AOS/KOS order.

  • This is especially required for actions taken against Dr. Maynard/sleuths.

Added sleuths to this as they are essentially like Maynard. They should have the same treatment. (<3)


Class D Personnel

8. Class D personnel are prohibited from entering any casinos not located in D-Block.

8. Class D Personnel are prohibited from adverting.

The reason why I am changing this is because casino's don't exist anymore and it should be specified that D-class can't be adverting since they have no comms/no reason to. 

Done, with minor edits.


On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

Foundation Staff - Gensec, Research, Maintenance, Medical

7. You should never kill Class D unless they are clearly beyond the red KOS line, broken a rule and given a 5-second warning (or was recently warned) or have taken a hostile action, such as having a weapon out.

  • D-Class that are intentionally serving as human shields for other D-Class that are engaging in hostile actions may be terminated.
  • D-Class that are not intentionally serving as human shields, such as attempting to move away from personnel engaging in hostile actions, are not to be terminated.

7. You should never kill Class D unless they are clearly beyond the red KOS line, pulled out a weapon, jumped on the ledge.

  • D-Class that are intentionally serving as human shields for other D-Class that are engaging in hostile actions may be terminated.
  • D-Class that are not intentionally serving as human shields, such as attempting to move away from personnel engaging in hostile actions, are not to be terminated.

The MOTD says that they must be given a 5 second warning to stop doing what they are doing. That is only applied to when it is pulling out fists. The rule needs to be updated to show that they are kos for the reaons in the gensec MOTD. As those are the reasons they are kos. 


I think it's fine as is. GENSEC SOP can define what constitutes rule breaking, and a hostile action is already grounds for KOS.

On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

Foundation - Mobile Task Force

3. You must have an RP reason to activate thermals. When utilizing thermals the initial MTF member must include the reason why thermals are being activated. Ie Thermals - SCP 966’s cell is empty. Thermals are then only active for the action you’re taking.

  • For example: "Thermals are activated for checking 966’s cell." Once the cell is checked they are now off.
  • One MTF member adverting thermals allows all other MTF members to activate their thermals for the same reason.
  • Accidental physical contact with a cloaked entity provides a valid reason to activate thermals, however intentionally making physical contact with a cloaked entity is considered FailRP.
  • An active CI raid is not a valid reason to activate thermals site wide.


3. Nothing

The reason why I am suggesting this to be removed is because it is already explained for all jobs. As essentially there is a job for each branch that can activate thermals.



2. SCPs are not allowed to work together at any time. SCPs are also not allowed to work with D-Class and CI personnel to gain a RP advantage. This includes leaving people alive to allow them to break through doors, protecting them, etc. Hostile SCPs are required to attempt to kill humans.

  • SCP 035 and 049 are the only duo that are exempt from this rule. They may work together, but not with other SCPs, nor D-Class.
  • SCP 1265-A and 5208 may work with the same instances of themselves, but not with other SCPs.
  • If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way.
  • If another player as an SCP continues following another SCP player, the followed player should make a staff call informing staff that they are not attempting to team, and are attempting to break away.


2. SCPs are not allowed to work together at any time. SCPs are also not allowed to work with D-Class and CI personnel to gain a RP advantage. This includes leaving people alive to allow them to break through doors, protecting them, etc. Hostile SCPs are required to attempt to kill humans.

  • SCP 035 and 049 are the only duo that are exempt from this rule. They may work together, but not with other SCPs, nor D-Class.
  • SCP that have multiple instances can work with their other instances. But not with other scp's.
  • If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way.
  • If another player as an SCP continues following another SCP player, the followed player should make a staff call informing staff that they are not attempting to team, and are attempting to break away.

The reason why I changed the sub section 2 of rule 2 is because there are other scp's than just 1265-A and 5208 that have multiple instances.


4. SCPs 131-A, 131-B, 343, 527, and 1424 are allowed to go into D-Block. However, these SCPs are not allowed to step onto the elevator or enter upper D-Block.  

  • All other SCP's are not allowed into D-Block.


4. SCPs 131-A, 131-B, 343, 527, 912, and 1424 are allowed to go into D-Block. However, these SCPs are not allowed to step onto the elevator or enter upper D-Block.  

  • All other SCP's are not allowed into D-Block.

Just added 912 as he is allowed into d-block


12. Safe class SCPs are prohibited from leaving the Foundation unless having been captured by CI.

12. Safe class SCPs are prohibited from leaving the Foundation unless having been captured by CI.

  • 343 is the only exception.

Added this since 343 is allowed to go anywhere now.

Done, with minor edits.


On 1/27/2021 at 6:16 PM, Chief_ said:

Chaos Insurgency

1. The Chaos Insurgency's main goal is to raid the Foundation to capture SCPs, kill or capture Foundation personnel, and rescue D-Class.

  • CI personnel are permitted to raid Site 10 to accomplish their main goals.
    • Upon beginning the raid, one CI member must state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Beginning"
      • If there are less than 10 GENSEC and MTF personnel online this must be adverted, rather than in CI Comms.
      • CI are not to initiate combat on Containment Specialists, or researchers / utility staff actively testing or working in a containment cell.
        • Shades Task Forces are exempt from this rule.
    • The CI raid is concluded at the time that all CI personnel are either terminated or escape Site 10.
      • A CI member must then state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Concluded"
      • CI Sleuths may remain inside Site 10 and not be considered active raid members if their cover has not been blown.
    • At the conclusion of the raid a 10 minute raid cooldown timer begins.
    • CI Infiltrators may be used as an advance party to locate high value targets and call out their locations to the main body of CI personnel. This constitutes the beginning of the raid if CI Infiltrators are utilized.
      • If the Infiltrators can killed prior to the main body of CI personnel entering the facility, the raid is concluded and the raid cooldown timer begins.
      • CI Infiltrators are prohibited from killing CI members being held hostage unless they're with CI Military personnel.


1. The Chaos Insurgency's main goal is to raid the Foundation to capture SCPs, kill or capture Foundation personnel, and rescue D-Class.

  • CI personnel are permitted to raid Site 10 to accomplish their main goals.
    • If there are less than 10 GENSEC and MTF personnel online CI must advert "Foundation Raid" in /advert.
    • CI are not to initiate combat on Containment Specialists, or researchers / utility staff actively testing or working in a containment cell.
      • Shades Task Forces are exempt from this rule.
    • The CI raid is concluded at the time that all CI personnel are either terminated or escape Site 10.
      • A CI member must then state in CI Comms: "Foundation Raid Concluded"
      • CI Sleuths may remain inside Site 10 and not be considered active raid members if their cover has not been blown.
    • At the conclusion of the raid a 10 minute raid cooldown timer begins.
    • CI Infiltrators may be used as an advance party to locate high value targets and call out their locations to the main body of CI personnel. This constitutes the beginning of the raid if CI Infiltrators are utilized.
      • If the Infiltrators can killed prior to the main body of CI personnel entering the facility, the raid is concluded and the raid cooldown timer begins.
      • CI Infiltrators are prohibited from killing CI members being held hostage unless they're with CI Military personnel.

I removed the rule about CI having to say in CI Comms Foundation raid as it is not necessary. Only the raid over timer is required due to staff reasons. Then I fixed the next line stating what must be done when less then 10 Gensec and MTF personnel are online.


I'm not changing this one. CI must state the raid start for staff reasons to track the timer. Just having an end point doesn't help if you don't have a definitive start time. 


  • Thanks 1

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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