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Jager/Valentino-Captain Application (3RD)


Should I be CAP?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Captain?

    • Yes
    • No

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Rank You are Applying For: Captain


In-Game Name LT Valentino 1L98

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:552173314

Current Rank: LT

How long have you been in your current rank?:60 days(8 1/2 Weeks)

What time zone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?:2 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2302476393

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):I will tell you why in one word LEADER. L=Love something that you will need to be a leader. This is what makes the best leaders caring for your men something I do very often not only do I find myself making choices that not only support my men, but help them reach their own goals. I find it easy to speak with them and they can consider it the same way here. I have long conversations with them on discord to keep the connection between LC and Enlisted/Supervisors true and alive. Because with separation of a team comes failure. E=Entertain to some this may seem like something not that a leader would do, but I myself see this in a different definition. To me I try my very best to keep our moral and happiness up in PD. I take time to set up fun 911 calls and weird cases for them to solve. I bring up new ideas as fast as I can think them up to try and improve what we do as a department. As well what we can offer our officers to try and give them the very best time with us. A=Agree When you are a leader you will be told many things not only that, but have many things brought to your attention. As a leader I take every choice brought to me not only unbiased, but I look at it at every possible angle. When making these choices I consider what's best for the player and the team, but even when the choices seem to be impossible to find I look through the dark to find it to make sure I never lead my men in the wrong direction. D=Determination is something that all leaders need to separate themselves from great to best. I find myself being one of the most active Low Command as of right now within my 5 1/2 week period I have gathered 270+ Hours. I spend my time off the clock thinking of new ways to not only improve myself, but how my men act and what I can do for them and my co-workers and close friends. E=Engage to be one with my men is one of my main goals to keep the trust and love together, because if you trust the man you work beside the better the outcome will follow. When I talk to my men  I always make sure to speak to them on their level and have fun with them to make them realize what I am all about. Success all I want to see in my men is to watch them not only grow, but run to the top and become the best they possibly can be. R=Rise When we all stand together there is nothing that can stop us. If I am made CAP I can promise to stand by those virtues as I always have and not only that, but take the opportunity to improve myself and my men even more and become the best branch we can be! Finally I want to say from all my knowledge and past experiences I really do think I am capable and ready to fit myself into this new position and use it to improve and brighten the path for our PD:) I have applied before and to be honest I don’t think I was ready at the time YES I put the work in and did my time even more than what was expected, but I was mentally not ready for such a position. Now that I have well over a month under my belt I am fully ready and I myself think that I have learned all I can as a LT and I'm ready to move up! I have spent a very long time on this position and I would like the chance to be able to move up to grow and learn and better myself as best I can for not only me, but as well for this branch.

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

|PD Captain|UMC LVL 2|Deputy Dispatch Director|

"I love the rain"

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this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


Former: Dispatch Director | PD MAJ | SCU CPT | FBI SAIC/HRT/DEA | SCO19


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2 minutes ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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1 hour ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT

I agree with Jacky, he deserves the rank, his application is also amazing! Good luck! 

 PoliceRP SMTHead Admin | Head Of Support

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12 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT




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12 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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  • Head Admin


Valentino is one of the most active individuals in PD command and has proven to be one of the most dedicated of players as well, willing to get on the server despite having caught Covid. He is well known in the department and deserves nothing less than a promotion for his hard work and efforts he's made to get on and be on PD.


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14 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


Delta Force~PPD
 Ex SS Deputy Assistant Director~Ex SRT SGT~Ex Swat MSGT

Ex SNR Mod/Senior Event Team


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15 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


Its Parry

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20 hours ago, [GL] Spoon said:

-Great App
-Good Man
-Idealistic and Supportive

-Clearly ready for the next step


   SPRT Staff SGT                           OG SGT                                          State MSTRSGT                                          


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8 hours ago, Will said:


Valentino is one of the most active individuals in PD command and has proven to be one of the most dedicated of players as well, willing to get on the server despite having caught Covid. He is well known in the department and deserves nothing less than a promotion for his hard work and efforts he's made to get on and be on PD.


Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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On 11/28/2020 at 11:52 PM, jackyman21 said:


this man has greatly matured over the course of the time I’ve known him

hes fucking awesome

he basically grinds PD all day every day

This man got in trouble at work TO COME TO A PD MEETING

Please give this man CPT


Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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