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Level system - Denied


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What you want to see? -  i would like to see a level system similar to the one on SCP rp because when im training cadets on PD most of them are mingy and i would like them to have a little experience before starting on PD.

Why should we add it? - I think you should add it because it would make players not going on powerful classes like a minge would. its helpful because a minge would not want to grind time to just minge around and it would discourage them.

What are the advantages of having this? - less minges on Gov classes like President, Vice president, Cadet, etc.

Who is it mainly for? - its mainly for new players to make sure that if they want to have a good time on the server they need to give a little back with play time.

Links to any content - i dont have the link but i would think its somthing similar to the level system on SCP RP

                     Former  PD CPT | SWAT COMMANDER | SL SOTTO CAPPO

                                           USMS SA  |  Former UMC 

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+ support

would help gov with mingey presidents and VP's

i over all like this idea as it would help with minges


Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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  • Head of Staff
2 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:

+support adding a reward system with rank mile stones would also bring more activity and could boost the server stats


ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

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Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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3 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:

+support adding a reward system with rank mile stones would also bring more activity and could boost the server stats



"Won't let go, I'm the type to show you that you're too special, Please don't be the type to hate the things I do, And I'll ride for you, and I'll die for you!" - Juice WRLD

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5 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:

+support adding a reward system with rank mile stones would also bring more activity and could boost the server stats


State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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