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Nivek's false warn


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Your In-game: Nivek

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:102772116
The admin's name in-game: Gust
The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What warning did you receive: LTAP
My bad I forgot to add it
Why do you think this warn was false: I believe this was a false warn because I was resisting arrest, and while I may have been tased before I then pulled a gun. I was tased after pulling a gun, and I was let to get up. I don’t believe I deserve to be warned. Because after they tased me they handcuffed me and brought me into the police station and left me so I didn't know what to do because after about 2-3 min I was just sitting there and went outside still no one wanted to take me so I switched classes because no punishment was being handed to me. I was very confused with getting that warn because I would understand if I switch classes right as it happened but it was about 5 minutes after the time I got cuffed and brought into the jail. I was unfairly arrested in my opinion which also has to do with why I switched after 5 minutes.
Any extra information: I would love to hear @October’s opinion as he’s the guy who tased me and I don’t think he was bothered by the fact I was resisting. 
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Hey guys it’s @October here and yes I personally am in support of the warn being removed. I had no idea what happened after the shoot out, except that I was brought by staff (I assume Gust please forgive as I don’t remember) and there in my staff sit we worked it out and he was let go with a verbal warning. What confuses me is how he ends up in the PD, but like he said, he was sitting there for 3-5 minutes (normally someone would’ve let you go but I guess not) so I think it’s justified that he switched jobs. 

Thats just my opinion

The one and only,                                                                          October

I’d love to here Gust’s side of the story 

@Gust come on over man let’s have a party, raise your red solo cup.

I also want to here if people +support or -support, I’m technically staying neutral here. 


(The OC capitalized is purposeful don’t think of me as clumsy OC means stuff to me.)

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I'm how is this Ltap? This is just failrp 

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Gust we need to hear from your side of the story


As a Staff Member I would usually wait 5mins+ for them to come back on the server and question why they disconnected I wouldn't straight up warn them as I do give chances

Gust should at least waited a few minutes for you to come back on and explain your side of the story on why you disconnected

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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i put ltap for the role change but yes i should’ve waited like munchies said. And the failrp should’ve been in the warn i’m not sure why i didn’t put it

Edited by Gust
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