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Switching to mill RP weapons

Alton Lewis

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What do you want to see? -  Weapons added from Mill rp

Why should we add it? - I feel it it would be liked more by the community as well as it's already implemented into one of the servers so it should be a quick and simple switch on your side. It would also allow a more diverse range of weapons to be used and can create a more personal roleplay.

What are the advantages of having this? - As previously stated it will create a more personal rp as well as adding a more diverse range of weapons compared to the overused and frankly boring weapons we currently use. Changing the weapons to the mill rp one would also allow a more smooth and recognizable switch for anyone who is from mill rp. As their already familiar with the weapons and how to use them, the weapon attachments is also a positive.

Who is it mainly for? - The whole server.

Links to any content - N/A since it's already in the system.


Police RP

Colonel Alton 1A72

Super Admin 

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+Support I love the weapons from MilRP


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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+++++++++++ SUPORT PLZ 

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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They’re cool but I prefer CW:2 more

mill rp has cw2.0

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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Why get new guns when our ones now work perfectly fine

Because we’re sick of using the same old guns over and over again. We want a little diversity. We get new cars, new player models, new departments, new ranks,new maps, and why? I could ask that question you just asked. “ they work perfectly fine, so why switch” we want a change because we’re tired of using the same weapons over and over again. Just like why we switched maps, and switched everything else. That question is essentially why people don’t suggest things. It’s not that it doesn’t work, it’s that we want a change.

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MilRP Shot guns one shot people :(

U can change arround of damage on CW2.0, Its not that they stay at high damage u need to look at what is the best for everyone. Just play with it a bit, u will find out the good settings.


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Trust me you don't want our guns half of them have no recoil and can be used as snipers you should wait for guns to be slightly more balanced (Also **** the USAS thing is a 1 shot and can fire 2 shots in 2 seconds >:( )

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