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DISCLAIMER- While my suggestion has a lot of text please read the full suggestion instead of writing "TLDR -1 Not-Needed"! Also if you find a better M16 Add-on link it in the comments please!

What you want to see? -  M16 added into the server

Why should we add it? - Now before you guys go in the comments and write -support, please read my explanation! In real life Police Tactical Units and some regular Patrol Officer's carry the M16 as their rifle of choice. While some may claim based on the add-on provided that it is "over powered" this fact is simply untrue. Firstly while this rifle may have a 900+ fire rate the rifle is balanced by not being able to go into the Full-Auto mode and instead is given the 3-Burst fire mode as primary mode and Semi-Auto as another option. Secondly this rifle has a 4 second reload time which is appx. 2 seconds longer than most rifles criminals use which gives criminals a chance in raids. It's damage output is within the same range as most rifles currently on the server. This gun would be given to SWAT Low-Command instead of the P90 and perhaps some low-command on PD as well if High-Command wishes to use it! Finally this gun uses TFA which is what we have now!

What are the advantages of having this? - Realism

Who is it mainly for? - Government Officials

Links to any content - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799737856&searchtext=m16+TFA

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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Ik ik i did read it all

- I dont think this would add a realism to the server as people may just abuse it

- it may glitch out and might all of a sudden go super op

+ support

- i want one where can i get it XD

This would be for SWAT/PD low command so it would not be "abused"

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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i personally hate using the aug in swat i would prefer m16 


Ik ik i did read it all

- I dont think this would add a realism to the server as people may just abuse it

- it may glitch out and might all of a sudden go super op

+ support

- i want one where can i get it XD

not to be rude but any gun can be abused  i have seen (when i was staff ) people rdm with every type of weapon in the books snipers,pistols,ak,knives . all can be aboused 

veritas and aequitas


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A lot better that the P90

This can't be abused because the ranks its given to are ranks that know how to NOT abuse a gun and will actually use it.

Former Lieutenant/Deputy Sheriff 1S-44 

Former ARU: Breacher (Trojan 7)

Former S.W.A.T Corporal

GamingLight Admin

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Gun is way to op  and swat spawns with 255 ammor half the time you guys don't need this

I see you did not read the full suggestion A.K.A. the balances existing to the gun... namely the longer reload and stuck in 3 burst fire mode which balances the gun out. If anything the P90 we have now is more OP than this gun...

Edited by Pliskin

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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Gun is way to op  and swat spawns with 255 ammor half the time you guys don't need this

SWAT does not spawn with 255 armor. Their low ranks have like 150. Get your facts right before you make comments like that.



-Would like to see added into the server.

-Other guns in the server are more “OP” and this gun is fairly balanced.



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Gun is way to op  and swat spawns with 255 ammor half the time you guys don't need this


SWAT does not spawn with 255 armor. Their low ranks have like 150. Get your facts right before you make comments like that.

First Cadet and Private spawn with 100 Corporal and Sergeant 125 Staff Sergeant and Sergeant First Class 150. Commander 300 for obvious reasons.

The reason Master Sergeant and Team Leader are not included is because I have no idea

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