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Cintal's warn appeal


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Your In-game Name: Cintal

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:505458923

The admin's name in-game: Sulfur

What warning did you receive: Player diss

When did you receive this warning: 9/15/23

Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: I was in safe class scps with Laggy, Tanner and another maintenance, goofing off, when a D5 PVT walked up to me and started asking me what we were doing, to which i said dont worry about it. He then proceeded to unsafety his gun and point it at me, to which i pulled out a gun back and pointed it at him. At this point Skelly came to us and tried fearrping me, even though I was with another maintenance and couldnt be fearrped. He threated to report me and I just gave up and let him cuff me, even though he shouldnt have, because i didnt want to get into trouble. When I got to interro, I was asked if i was misusing SCP 294, to which i said no, without lying. Skelly then told me that I was reported by Tyler for misusing scp 294. I told him multiple times that I didnt do it. When Tyler and his A1 escort showed up to the interro, Skelly asked Tyler and his A1 if I was misusing scp 294. Tyler proceeded to bring up information from another life where I DID break the COE and got KOSed, but this was a new life and he was accusing me of misusing 294. I told Skelly that was all from another life but he didn't listen. I dont know what exactly the A1 said but from what I was told, he said he wasnt with Tyler. Skelly then proceeded to say that Tyler and the A1 both saw me misuse 294, to which the A1 said that that wasnt true and that Skelly was putting words in his mouth. At this point, I was fed up with the interrogation and was getting upset, after telling Skelly more than 20 times now that I wasn't lying and that I didn't do anything. I'll admit, at this point I started to say things that I shouldn't have said, and got a bit aggressive. I started to say things like "you're a dumbass" "retarded" and "smoothbrain". But keep in mind that this was after saying multiple times that I didn't break the code of ethics and that, at this point, i was falsely arrested. Skelly, instead of releasing me once I proved to him I didnt do anything, called a maintenance over to "reprogram me" (I was on Trauma Engineer). Skelly continued to lie and say that Tyler and the A1 said that I was misusing 294, and at this point I was fed up and got off Trauma Engineer and back on again to leave the situation. When I got back onto Trauma Engineer, Skelly reported me to Sulfur for LTAP, even though i wasnt leaving to avoid punishment. We argued in the sit room for a bit, when Skelly brought up my player diss. Sulfur went through chat and my PMs with Spider and proceeded to warn me for player diss. After I got warned, Sulfur realized that Skelly shouldn't have arrested me in the first place since he wasn't properly fearrping me, and explained to him that what he did was wrong. After the sit was closed, I made a report on Skelly, but Skelly got on AFK d class and went AFK before staff could take my sit.

Why do you think this warn was false: I think that this warn was false because, after countless attempts to tell Skelly that I didn't do anything and didn't deserve to be arrested, I lost my temper and understandably became upset at something that shouldn't have even happened in the first place. What I said to Skelly was wrong and I shouldn't have said that, but I was upset at the fact that I couldn't reason with him, he was making up lies, and using false information for my arrest.

Evidence the warning is false: 
*Note: I can't really explain how losing my temper wasn't a valid reason for being warned, and because the situation was so long and I didn't expect it to lead to me getting warned, I don't have any clips or screenshots of Skelly doing what he did to make me upset. The only real proof I have of the warning being false is Skelly after admitting to not properly fearrping me and failrping, and a screenshot of the chat logs during the interro between me and Skelly (Skelly was using voice chat and I was using ingame chat, so it doesn't show anything he said).

Edited by Cintal

The Double Barrel Bandit...

Former Ranks: RRH Analyst Echo-39 - G9 Wendigo GF5 - Elite Medic - Deputy Head of Medical Research D5 2nd Lieutenant - Deputy Head Raptor Operative - GOC Private x2 - CI Sergeant - O1 Specialist x2 (first O1 enlisted) - Event Team Executive AWPD Office Manager - RAU Advanced Unit - Advanced Medic - RFA Secretary of Investigations and Counter Intelligence - RAU Sentinel Unit - D5 Sergeant Major Head of Research - CI Captain - EOI Capulet - E4 Goon

CCs owned: Class D Special Forces - Horizon Initiative Legion I II and III Horizon Initiative Apollyon Unit

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on scprp ableism and disrespect of any sort is prohibited. even if you didn't mean it as player diss you still made an offensive, ableist remark. resorting to insulting someone when you lose your temper is an unhealthy habit.

Rule 17. SCPRP MOTD 

General Rules

 Never harass and/or disrespect other players/staff.

Gaminglight does not tolerate bullying or targeting based on race, gender, sexuality, or other identities, nor racial slurs or anything that can be deemed offensive. Gaminglight has a zero-tolerance policy toward  this type of conduct.



 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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  • Head Admin

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the evidence you gave on yourself is clear that you did disrespect them. for the future, if you are annoyed with how someone is dealing with something aka Skelly with the arrest and interro then just take it up with his CMD and gather enough proof for a report. Because what you've gone and done now is made yourself into the suspect completely by using words that you know shouldn't be said. At the end of the day, you need to learn and I'd say this should hopefully be a point of realization for you

Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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11 hours ago, Lovelock said:

For the record the evidence is clear you called someone the hard R

Not what the hard R is brother….

Also I believe that this warning should be removed as if someone is being a retard then they should be called it.

Plus the power trip goes crazy clearly things haven’t changed since I left 


SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

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1 hour ago, Lovelock said:

I see it as that

The phrase "Hard R" literally means the N word that ends in an R.

Saying "your all fucking retarded" out of frustration is not the same as using the N word.


Seems like no one was listening to him and that he got frustrated, understandably.


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9 minutes ago, Hex-G said:

Saying "your all fucking retarded" out of frustration is not the same as using the N word.

Whole situation could have been avoided however it was clear powertripping and I see it as cintal being justifiably angry.

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 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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