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Everything posted by Weiss

  1. Accepted Please talk to an Senior Event Team+ to recieve your training.
  2. Getting trained by DHoR Jeff as a level 0 for Research.
  3. Deferred to ET Leadership for review.
  4. Accepted After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you into the staff team! Please speak to an SCP-RP Senior Admin within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started! If you cannot get in contact with a Senior Admin within this time, please message the SCP-RP Head of Staff to determine next steps. Thank you, and welcome to the Gaminglight Staff Team! ~SCP-RP Senior Management Team
  5. Title: Keeping the Epsilon 11 Announcement Button at Level 4: A Firm Decision Introduction In the fast-paced world of technology and user interface design, every decision regarding interface elements is crucial. One such decision that continues to hold its ground is the maintenance of the Epsilon 11 Announcement Button at level 4. This essay outlines the rationale behind retaining the button at level 4 and underlines its positive implications for our user experience and design principles. I. The Epsilon 11 Announcement Button: A Staple at Level 4 The Epsilon 11 Announcement Button serves a pivotal role in disseminating essential information and updates to our users. Its current position at level 4 has proven to be an effective choice. II. User Experience and Consistency A critical aspect of user experience is maintaining consistency. Users develop expectations about the placement and behavior of interface elements. The Epsilon 11 Announcement Button has been at level 4 for some time, and this consistency is paramount for our user base. Any sudden change could disrupt their user experience, leading to confusion. Consistency extends to brand recognition and user trust. The button's current placement enhances our brand's recognition and reputation. It's crucial to remember that even minor design changes can significantly impact how users perceive and interact with our platform. III. Design Principles: Maximizing Visibility Our current choice of level 4 for the Epsilon 11 Announcement Button aligns with essential design principles. It ensures that this vital element is highly visible and accessible. Its prominent placement emphasizes its importance without overwhelming the overall design. Design should prioritize highlighting crucial information. By keeping the button at level 4, we adhere to these design principles, focusing on a clear and user-centric design. IV. User Feedback and Continuous Evaluation User feedback is a valuable asset, but it should be seen in the context of broader user considerations. While some users may advocate for change, the data-driven decision to maintain the button at level 4 considers the needs and preferences of the majority. It reflects our commitment to making informed decisions about our interface based on user testing and feedback. V. Conclusion In conclusion, keeping the Epsilon 11 Announcement Button at level 4 is a well-considered decision that benefits user experience and adheres to design principles. Our commitment to consistency and responsiveness to user feedback underscores the importance of this choice. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, maintaining this level provides stability, enhances user trust, and aligns with the needs of the majority of our users. This is a decision we stand by with confidence.
  6. Completed! This suggestion is now in the server
  7. Completed! Please allow a restart of the server before you see your Custom Deathcard in the Shop. You will need to open the shop, and scroll down to the "Custom" section, where you can purchase and equip your custom card for $0 in game. Server restarts happen every morning at 6 AM EST!
  8. Completed! Please allow a restart of the server before you see your Custom Deathcard in the Shop. You will need to open the shop, and scroll down to the "Custom" section, where you can purchase and equip your custom card for $0 in game. Server restarts happen every morning at 6 AM EST!
  9. In game name: Weiss GL Your Steam64 ID: 76561198038934642 Name of Deathcard: Team 404 Imgur link to deathcard image: https://i.imgur.com/X2JJQxd.jpg
  10. Completed! This suggestion is now in the server
  11. Completed! This suggestion is now in the server
  12. Just be here for Santa Fish 2023.
  13. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  14. Denied You may re-appeal 4/24/22.
  15. DENIED Unfortunately, this application into the Red Right Hand Program has been denied. This can be due to Inactivity, Behavior Issues, or generally being unfit for Alpha-1 at this time. You may reapply when ready.
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