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  1. Your In-game: Freeze The admin's name in-game: Echo The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: rdmx3 Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): [img]https://i.imgur.com/f5C1C2I.jpg[/img] Why do you think this warn was false: So before I tell what happend, the player that reported me already said he wanted to drop charges, next to that I believe it was King and Balloon that were at the sit to handle this report. They can back these claims. I forgot the name of the person that reported me but he was gonna reply on this aswell. Alright, situation is : I'm at spawn with my car, I keep getting killed by a player 1, destroying my car ect, then player 2 joined in the fun helping player 1. I started killing these them both before they could kill me or my car again. Player 2 makes a report, Echo responds. I get brought. It went like this -> Hi Freeze, logs state you started 3 fights, so thats rdm x3. -> I get jailed -> I get warned. I made my reasoning clear to Echo. So for my feeling Echo only went of the logs instead of the story behind it. I spoke with player 2 and he had a different story of how it went. Him and me were both confused so it was more of a big misunderstanding. In the end he was fine with shaking hands as we were both in the wrong in a way. So I believe the warning is false because the staff member only looked at the logs and not the story. Secondly the RDM x3 were made out of self defence. I never have the intention to randomly kill someone for no reason. Any extra information: Yes I should have called staff on the players killing/annoying me. Why I did not do this -> I dont come on the server often and when I do I want to relax and have a good time, not waist my time on reporting people and staff sits. Its not worth my time. In the future I will look at this more closely to prevent these reports from happening. Thank you for reading.
  2. I understand that this was very bad in the eye of tritex, but I think its unfair to decide the punishment on how bad it affected someone. That is not something I can control. It should be the same punishment to as if someone would take it lightly. Everyone should be treated equally. I dont mean that its his fault in the way he reacted but that should not lay back on me if I made a mistake.
  3. Your In-game: Freeze The admin's name in-game: Manjini The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Harrasment Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: Alright, before I start. I would like to take note that I do not support any kind of harassment in any shape or form, and to the person that I said to I never meant any kind of harm. So as information to what the warn is for its for this sentence ; "Whoever just killed me can bloody suck my dick" Also Majini didnt do anything wrong, I already made it clear in the sit I wasnt realy agreeing with the warn but I respected the decision. I would just like a second opinion. If this turns out to be declined I would still respect the decision. > Why did I say this? Before I said this I was inside a groups (Bappo or something) base (I was KOS). While in there me and someone else got interupted by a staff member and it got made a sit. I got questioned/involved in this sit but it was about someone else and not me. At the end of that I got killed by a member and thougth I was RDM'd in a sit. I came back to the front of the base where a amount of people were gathered. Where I typed : "Whoever just killed me can bloody suck my dick". This was yelled at a larger group, the person that killed me picked up on this and made a sit. I found out that the sit was already over for me so the person was in the right of killing me. I find it inappropiate if I wouldnt be killed while standing next to a sit that I thougth I was in. Now the person in question took harm/offense to this for reasons I wont disclose here, wich I wasnt aware of. In my experience with alot of people on the server nobody would take harm in my comment so I did not think straight/twice while writing this. It was meant as unharmfull banter/slanter. I have used the term "joke" in the sit. I do apologise for this as I do know that jokes about these kind of subjects can actualy harm people. I understand this doesnt mean I should be saying these kind of things in the open to people I do not know as it could indeed actualy harm someone. I do not think the reason is false but I do believe a warning wasnt needed as I never meant it intentional to hurt someone. It was said in a more of a salty manner because I thougth I was RDM'd in a sit. then actualy being serious. Aswell as I am not known to mean harm to people and try to find the fun in things. For my first warning in almost 3 years I do not believe this is the severity for a warning in this particular situation. This doesnt mean I shouldnt be warned for things due to my record. I know I can be warned if I break rules. Its to show I am not know for rule breaking and dont think this warning represents who I am. Any extra information: Thank you for reading
  4. Post like this shouldnt be made if not aware of anything that is going on. 3 weeks ago
  5. Today marks my 1 year as Commander of S.W.A.T, a long time you could say even if it flew by like it was nothing. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone and @[GL]MyanDaBeast for even giving me the chance to show what I had in store. Everyone had my back since the beginning when I joined this department over and over again, this time I sticked around for over 2 years and it payed out. Sadly all fun things have to come to a end, thats why im im including the following mesage: Dear everyone and especially SWAT, this decison didn't come easy. Before starting I would like to let everyone know this was souly my own decision, not someone elses. If you know me well enough you knew it was comming or along the way, maybe not this soon but it was comming. I had the best time of my life as SWAT but when your in a department this long, have done/tried so much untill you were just done. I think my time has come and that a new head/leader steps in place will do good for the department. With this Voxis will be taking my place as Commander. (if he gets to powerfull tell me) Make sure to congratulate him! What am I going to do? Currently the plan is to either find something that sparks my interest again or keep it quiet for a while. But what the future has in store for me. I do not know Goodluck to Voxis and Ghosted and the rest of SWAT on bringing this department to the next level! Saturday at the tac wide training I will be taking my final goodbye's (Adams wanted to be mentioned as old SWAT Commander, so thumbs up to him)
  6. Accepted list: Nick Hunter Adam Wolfe If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply.
  7. Accepted list: Syrup If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. Denied : Nate
  8. anyone seeing this sees its more meant as a joke. Nobody would be doing this in all seriousness. I do question why they were doing this as a joke.
  9. in all honesty, I like it but I have the feeling it will cause lag. We have tried day and night cycle many times everytime comes back to the same problem. No wrong in trying atleast. You never know. Goodluck + Support for the idea
  10. Accepted Applications: Finnley Please contact a FTO within 2 weeks.
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