Jay, I had very mixed feelings about you for a good little bit when I joined. I have gotten to know you more over the past couple of weeks and have come to respect your determination to the community and players. I love how much you strive to become staff and event team, and one day I do think you will be ready. Sadly, I don't think today is that day. You still have a lot to work on, and while you have grown I still see things that need to improve more before a position like this should be handed out to you. My biggest tip is to focus on these things: Knowledge of the rules, rereading posts/messages ingame and out of game before sending them, Grammar and spelling, as well as maturity. I understand you are pretty young compared to most of us, but I still see potential if you keep pushing to improve yourself. Work on the things I have said and maybe next application I will be able to put my support behind you.