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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. Oof.. Even though you are a nice guy but... thats a -Support for me..
  2. 1.What is your IGN? (In Game Name): 31st LTC Alex 1456 | Tenn Graneet 2.What Regiment are you applying for? 31st Vice Commander. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a Vice Commander of this battalion because i want to help out RJ he has been doing a really good job with 31st but i want to take some weight and stress off his shoulders meaning i help him with roster work, updating documents if needed and with SIMs/Trainings. I want to make sure that the NCOs and Officers have a chance to lead the Enlisted and NCOs in events, Making the battalion 31st more active as a whole, making sure that NCOs and Officers Host tryouts daily , Also to let NCOs and Officers do SIMs/Training. Punish the People that minge all the time and Making sure to Promoting the people that are active and do really good (when the cooldown is over). I will make sure that we listen to every opinion in 31st. A Commander should never priorites the opinion of higher rankings then for example a PVT meaning i will make sure that we will listen to all opinions. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 4 Weeks. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The Main Purpose of a commander is to, make sure your men are active,organized, always making sure that they are at their best performance, preventing any kind of mingery (doing fun stuff is fine). Making sure you are hosting SIMs/Training so it does not get boring and maintaining the skill of your men(but to also make sure not to do the same training/sim everytime). Its also the duty of a commander to always update documents such as the SOP or the Tryout document, Making sure you do roster work meaning updating the roster everyday. I would want to give my NCOs and Officers a chance to lead meaning taking care of Enlisted and NCOs in events. Be a nice person and someone to hang on to, to your troops meaning they shouldnt be scared of a commander to ask a question or something. Also Making sure that your NCOs and Officer host tryouts. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You should trust me as a 31st Vice commander because ive been a part of the Gaminglight community for a long time aswell being a Gamemaster for a decent amount of time. Im also a Lieutenant Colonel/ADTVL in 31st meaning i am pretty trustworthy. 7. How often can you be Online? : For Weekdays about 5-6 Hours everyday and For weekends about 8-9 Hours a day.(Im in discord everytime). 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Yes 1 for RDM (Wasnt really RDM tho).
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