As of late, GamingLight and it's management have taken steps toward removing players which are harmful to the community and it's members in any way.
I don't have the context of this but, and this is a big but,
Permanently banning a contributing, dedicated, and very long-standing member of the community over a single instance should only be tolerated in the following instances:
Homophobia which is targeted and harmful
Xenophobia which is targeted and harmful (No one cares about the tea jokes)
Pedophilia (Any Instance)
IRL Threats
I may have missed some, but a GIF about a dystopian world where freedom of speech is completely and utterly removed and destroyed has nothing to do with any of the above.
If a member of management could provide further insight into the actual reason of the ban, good. If not, unban Sprink.
There is no reason to keep our most dedicated players "behind bars", this is what kills servers, not revives them.
Good luck.