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Operator Houston

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Everything posted by Operator Houston

  1. + Support + Active in Nu7 and Maintenance + Good comms + Great guy to be around - I will never forgive you He's overall a fucking chad though and definitely deserves Engineer.
  2. Roster Name: Voxial Steam ID (ex: STEAM_0:1:114460542): STEAM_0:0:563554371 Current Rank: EXPR Activity Level (Out of 10): 8
  3. i thought this man was leaving for 3 months
  4. + support + active + cool guy + good app - ratio
  5. + Support + Active + Great Nu7 Member + Good app + Great at combat (always fucking kills me)
  6. + Support + Active + Good app - Ratio
  7. - Support - Low ranks/low experience - I don't know if it's you playing CI more but I barely see you on Nu7 Once you rank up a but and get more active, I'm sure you'd make a great RRH.
  8. Pressing F to pay my respects We're gonna miss you Cringekore
  9. Absolutely Fucking Massive + Support + Extremely Active + Amazing Application + Super Friendly and Nice to Talk to She is honestly probably one the best candidates for staff on the whole server, and I would love her addition to the team. GO JESS!
  10. + Support + Great App + Active + Cool guy overall
  11. I will admit I suck at pvp *when I am on 400 ping
  12. In-Game Name: Voxial Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:563554371 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Moderator/Gold How long have you been playing on the server?: ~1 month Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Yes How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 0 Why do you want to join event team?: I want to join the event team for a few reasons. First, I love the current events that we have on the server. They are super fun and interactive for players. And I would love to give the same happiness and entertainment that the events give me, to other players of the server. Second, I already have some ideas for events and would love to host them. And even if I don't get ET I can still recommend them to other ET members. Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: I am already a moderator for SCP-RP, so I believe I can be trusted with other staff powers. I also have dedicated a lot of time to to the server as well, with over a week of playtime so far. I don't really have any other reasons but, I hope that's enough. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): I could make an event where a GOI raids both the SCP Foundation and the CI Base. Causing the Foundation and CI to collaborate, as code ragnarok's really do not happen often, and I would love an opportunity for people to experience it.
  13. +/- Support + Active + Cool Dude - Short App
  14. Massive + Support + Active + Epic events + Great application + Overall just a chad GO TYLER!!
  15. Lore Rank/Name: AR Prisma SCP #: 280 Test Idea: Expose cell samples from 280 to SCP-008. Background Research: 008 really hates anything that is alive, and will try to infect 280's cells. As previous testing has shown, 008 really hates living things. Hypothesis: The 280 cells will become infected and may have quite an interesting reaction. Observations (what happened?): First, I set up my lab station outside of 280's containment chamber. I made sure to have everything I needed nearby. I put my hazmat suit on, and prepared for my testing. I then took a small cell sample from 280's left arm, about the size of a normal marble. I then placed it in a petri dish on my lab station. Next I exposed the cell sample to SCP-008, injecting the 008 into the center of the sample. The sample then began to have a rather interesting reaction. The cells started dissolving, almost like salt within hot water. After the sample completely dissolved, there was a light stain within the petri dish left behind. It appeared to glow in a fluorescent yellow color. Kind of similar to the glow uranium glass gives off under UV light, but in a yellow color. I then contained the petri dish and all utensils used during the test within a metal lockbox. I then incinerated the lockbox after the test, to make sure that all 008 particles are destroyed. Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): My hypothesis was more than correct. The cells were not only infected, but completely dissolved and had an amazing reaction after. The stain on the petri dish starting glowing yellow. This can help the foundation by knowing that 008 can have very bizarre results on different entities.
  16. First, I heard Salvador say something about the acid bridge and assumed you jumped off, my bad, he then cleared it up. Second, I was not in TS talking with anyone, I had checked logs, and I knew everything that I needed to.
  17. I looked within the logs and found that he was indeed killing himself via fall damage. He kept repeating the same phrases over and over again, and the situation was not going anywhere. I warned him for FailRP, and told the reporter (which I believe is @SalvadorSKLIGHT?) that I would end the sit as nothing was progressing.
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