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Posts posted by Ein

  1. - Support

    I definitely like this idea, but I think it would realistically be incorporated into another branch (Such as Security) in the form of a sub-branch of sorts. The issue is that creating an ENTIRELY new branch requires the creation of a new section, 5 new jobs, the implementation of new models, and a bunch of other stuff including possibly unique guns will create more server lag inevitably because we already have so many models on the server. Besides, other branches already partially do this job through ID Checks and interrogations (Such as Wardens and other SF's).

    This is just another branch doing what other branches already do. However, I would love to look into something along these lines for Security in the form of potentially a new sub-branch or class.

  2. +Support

    Combat, while it's alright and does its job, definitely feels longer than necessary. This would further reward quick strategy and tactics (I.E. Ambushes), and would most likely also help non-combatant branches because inevitably this means raids end quicker and SCPs are contained faster.

  3. +/- Support

    Great member of Security and is pretty active, I've never had a negative interaction with him. However, this application could use some work. It seems awfully generic and is very short. If you work on this application a bit this will absolutely change to a +Support.

  4. What are you suggesting? -

    Branch HCMD who are posting Branch Updates should have to put a Reason(s) section, along with the reason(s) for the changes to their jobs.

    How would this change better the server? -

    This would significantly help with providing constructive criticism to branch updates, and allows people to actually see where Branch heads are coming from when they make their changes.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -

    This would require Branch Heads to do some more work, however as the Head of a Branch, you should be expected to have reasons for your changes and be able to put in the work to do something as simple as explaining why you're making the changes.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? -

    People who are not branch heads.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -


  5. What are you suggesting? - stop showing join messages in the chat

    How would this change better the server? - prevents shit like in the images come on this is ridiculous

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - literally none

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - everyone?

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -



    • Skull 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, Boesermaster said:

    A Zeta-6 Can 1 Shot the Average D-class, and they are currently pretty often in D-block, this morning we had one in D-block for quite a while,

    So i am gonna +1 this, most Cloaking Classes have a Gun they can 1 Shot D-classes with, if D-class arent Meta Gaming, they cant fight Back against Invisible People, Escaping should be Hard, but it shouldnt be as hard as Playing WFTO with Master Difficulty AI Hard. Which Zeta-6 and other Cloaking Classes currently do inside of D-block.

    Then coordinate with your fellow d-class, I agree that Zeta-6 shouldn't be cloaked inside of D-Block considering they're gonna get crossfired by Security and it's a pain in the ass, but that's an issue to bring up to DoTF / MTF HCMD. Personally I think the only cloakers that should be allowed inside of D-Block are Exspiras (which is specifically limited to Partial Lockdown with SCMD/WP+ Perms), and RRH if absolutely necessary (which would only realistically show up during a partial / mass riot).

    Additionally, use your resources, listen for footsteps, tell your fellow d-class, etc etc. A Zeta-6 has to run ALL the way from EZ to D-Block after waiting a 3 minute NLR, which should be ample time to cause a ruckus considering D-Class have 0 NLR and CC's have 1 Minute. Work smarter, not harder.

  7. This will not fix anything. If an Exspira is outside of D-Block, it is most likely either because: 1. There is nothing else going on in site (I.E. CI Raids or SCP breaches), which is justified and it should be extremely difficult to escape when it's a Code Blue or Yellow, or 2. Because there are no other Security / MTF defending D-Block, in which case, of course they're going to sit outside of D-Block because there is nobody else guarding it and Exspira's cant enter D-Block unless it's Partial Lockdown WITH either WP+ or SCMD+ perms.

    The same applies to Zeta-6, Zeta-6 players will most likely focus on other problems, and if they aren't then that's an MTF issue, and 2 D-Class can take down a Zeta-6 if they're smart, even with the most ASS of weapons.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Grеg said:

    +Support on Juggs
    NLR should be 3 minutes for them too. SNCOs finally getting tranqs lfg! Warden shotty getting replaced too very nice. Bal-27 is fine to me, I don't see the problem. 
    -Support on NCOs getting a barret though. They should get a weaker sniper to encourage Sniper activity.

    That's the beretta.... A pistol..



    Coolio, also, some comments.

    1 hour ago, PandaInShitpostLand said:

    D-Class rely on CC's during average pop hours, and there has to be at least 2 of these cc's or a couple mobsters. These CC's have to have coordination to begin even remotely applying pressure to a fortified d-block

    That's how it should be and was intended to be with the nerfs to D-Class via reworking D-Block. D-Class are death row inmates in a top-secret facility protected by highly trained operatives, not highly elite spies against stormtroopers.

    1 hour ago, PandaInShitpostLand said:

    I believe these balance decisions should be overviewed, and instead of making security stronger encourage them to get creative on their defense with firing lines, less partial lockdowns and more hands, and different ideas for classes

    3 things here.

    1. We can't just "get creative" with defenses, we already use barricades, firing lines to an extent, and protocols to coordinate. Additionally, any "formation", regardless of branch, quickly crumbles unless it's an SF or extremely coordinated (which GENSEC isn't, especially because most of the new players flock to GENSEC or another "starting branch"). A firing line simply isn't realistic when getting rushed by a bunch of CC's, especially when they utilize janky movement mechanics.

    2. Doing more hands up procedures requires less rioting, or moreover a better ability to control rioting, which means more buffs for Security in D-Block. The whole purpose of the new d-block was to severely nerf D-Class for now, at-least until the map update (where, to be honest, D-Class will most likely get nerfed even more).

    3. Different ideas for classes? What would we do? A cross-branch maintenance job seems unlikely as it would just be a copy of CE/FE and if you could provide any ideas on how we could make that unique I'd be free. We have a cross-branch Medical job (CCU), we have Wardens and Juggernauts and fast classes and slow classes. It's also EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get new jobs for GENSEC. Trying to get a new, completely unique job for security is simply unfeasible, however we're down for suggestions.

    1 hour ago, a frog said:

    trying to replace skill with just overall laziness of just throwing a single item instead of actually being able to shoot and kill people

    Mustard Gas is EXTREMELY restrictive, and requires COL+ with Superadmin+ perms to authorize it. Additionally, it's only used in the most extreme of situations (Full/Magnetic Lockdown). I don't see how this would significantly affect D-Class.

    1 hour ago, a frog said:

    most of the time D-class are new players and just introducing them to getting smokes just deters them to thinking this is a rp server. Half the time they are just getting partialed or if you add the gas grenades, getting instantly killed

    Partial's are necessary because of the constant rioting that D-Block faces when CC's are on. We don't have partial nearly as much as previously, which is a good thing, but it's not our fault for just doing our job and calling protocols when rioting occurs, blame it on the rioters. Of course, D-Class should be able to have fun and have an opportunity to escape, but if a brand new player gets killed during Partial, don't blame it on GENSEC.

    It's also extremely difficult to fight D-Class CC's outside of a partial lockdown due to the extreme rubberbanding and lag issues of the server. I definitely don't have a top tier NASA computer but I think I shouldn't be getting 20 frames in D-Block.

    2 hours ago, Pankyeatspancakes said:

    you have adequate firepower already. If gensec could handle all CI raids than it takes away from all other MTF.

    We have the adequate firepower, yes, but it doesn't work out when CC's use janky movement mechanics (I.E. Bunny-hopping / Crouch Jumping), while this is to be expected, combined with the extreme lag on the server, it's extremely difficult to fight against.

    GENSEC also can't and wouldn't be able to handle CI raids on its own, it typically takes multiple waves of Security and help from MTF to deal with a CI Raid. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1786549312_image0_1(1).thumb.png.47c09f2fb8b85f01e3a4b200d3251802.png


    Unfortunately, this application into Wardens has been denied. This can be due to a Skill Issue, Skill Issue(s), or it generally being a skill issue.


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    • Skull 1

    I might not be in maintenance, but I can tell you this guy kicks ass at every corner. This guy is extremely hard working, knows what he's doing, and is absolutely prepared for a position like this

  12. Here's what I think of this

    1. This movement is strange, he kills him in the half-second that he had entered the door and then immediately leaves within about a second, or 2 if you're really picky. It seems like 682 just went there specifically to kill a person who he already knew was there (wall-hacking???)

    2. Desync, lag, and latency? On 59 players, atleast half of whom are most likely AFK (considering this was apparently late night according to what American said)? Come on.

    3. He does this in under half a second, of course the pro valorant player justifies this as just a simple, ez pz flick, however the person in the valorant clip did 2 things: 1. he knew someone was in that spot (or was atleast somewhat anticipating it), and 2. it would seem he panicked? (correct me if im wrong). 682 had no reason to panic and no reason to believe someone was in that specific spot. Especially when Alex claims he did this exact same thing and was not killed. If ZJ could toggle his hacks and whatnot, Sno can too.

    4. This guy has already had many problems on 682 in the past, according to Trizium and from personal experience. It just seems like something he would do. This may be slightly biased, but I don't have any reason to believe he wouldn't do this.

  13. 13 minutes ago, CyClone said:


    this aint even enough proof to report someone for cheating tbh.

    plus desync could have played a role in the "flick"

    enters the door, turns all the way to the right, immediately kills. Keep in mind this was all done in UNDER HALF A SECOND going frame by frame, and then turns back and then leaves. This seems like pretty shut and closed evidence of both wall-hacking and some sort of aimbot.

  14. Name: Ein
    Warden Name: Odysseus
    Rank: MAJ

    Length of LOA: 7/17/22 -> 8/13/22
    Reason for LOA: I've been spending a ton of time actually doing things IRL and with friends and I simply can't make the activity that I typically have.

  15. +Support if it can be done right

    Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea, but 002 shouldn't just be a kill zone. There should be an actual ability to explore, things to discover for both d-class and expeditionary teams if necessary beyond just walking in, and some guy becoming a piece of furniture. I think we need to remember that SCP can be whatever we want it to be, and we're very free with what we can do as there is no "true canon".

    If Gaminglight wants more roleplay, and more researchers, making an interactive built in SCP like this is a great place to start, but it has to be done right because making this a kill-zone type scp with nothing on top would make this scp stale after 2 days.

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