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Posts posted by Ein

  1. from: Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe <[email protected]>

    to: Junior Researcher Gerald Vox <[email protected]>

    Subject: Test Log Grade


    Format: 20/25

    The format is definitely unique from other test logs, I think it could definitely go somewhere if it had a little bit of tweaking. I think the use of outlines on your images, and generally better "dividing" the information will make this a stellar test format (You can always refer to other test logs for reference)

    Grammar & Punctuation: 25/25

    I found no issues with grammar in this log.

    Test Idea: 25/25

    Definitely a neat idea, I think this is something the foundation would actually try had it existed in real life. It's a very good question and I can't really tell you much about any improvements.

    Quality & Originality: 25/25

    It's an original test log, what can I say. Additionally, the language & word choice used in the log is pretty nice.

    Overall Score: 95/100

    Certainly a good log, my only concern is the formatting because it just looks weird. I'd recommend making use of page breaks, adding outlines to your images, and once again feel free to take ideas from other test logs. I think you've got a bright future ahead of you, Researcher.


    Kind regards,

    Simon Wolffe

  2. -Support (FOR NOW)

    Don't get me wrong, I am an avid supporter of vehicles on the server, but I would like to see a major surface redesign that would effectively incorporate it before something like this gets implemented. I also just generally dislike the vehicle itself, I would personally prefer a Humvee. There's a lot of opportunity that comes with adding vehicles, imagine ambushes where CI ambushes an MTF convoy with RPG's and a firefight ensues, that shit would be RAD as fuck.

  3. Currently, all of the icons for the various sections of the SCP-RP part of the forums are incredibly low quality. The Foundation test log section doesn't even have a transparent background I believe. I believe an update for all of the sections icons (I.E. MTF section could have the MTF Icons, Foundation Test Log section could have a research logo or some sort of vial or whatever else).

    Just a minor quality of life update because ImperialRP and PoliceRP already have modern and nice icons.

  4. What are you suggesting?

    The implementation of a proper "hard-coded" promotion system. The idea is simple: You have a menu, and a command member can access this menu. Upon issuing a promotion (whether it be through pasting a steam id or some other method), the person automatically gains access to the relevant jobs (I.E. a new Security SGT automatically unlocks Security NCO when promoted instead of having to be whitelisted).

    This system would also automatically change their name while on specific jobs to a specific format (I.E. upon being promoted, their name automatically changes to "Security SGT John Doe" or "MTF E-11 SM John Doe", etc). This name would change depending on what job they flagged onto and what rank they were in said job (I.E. "Security CPL John Doe" is also a CI PFC, he flags up to C.I. Alpha Operative and it automatically changes his name to "C.I. PFC John Doe".

    This name and job would obviously be editable because everybody likes their name and stuff different. This would also ideally work for sub-branches as well (I.E. an E-11 CPT flags up to D4 and their name and rank automatically change)

    How would this change better the server?

    It makes promotions easier for all Branch CMD, instead of having to copy and paste a SteamID into a bunch of different jobs, they just promote them through the system and everything is automatic and smooth. Additionally, it is significantly more convenient for branch members, because instead of having to deal with the issue of forgetting to change your name, your name is automatically changed

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. 

    Would likely be coding intensive and might take extensive time for SMT to set up simply due to the number of jobs and ranks on the server. Additionally, implementing this alongside the HUD could also be a bit difficult. May also require coding from the ground-up.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? 

    All branch members (Command, NCO's, Enlisted, etc)

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion

    Several example add-ons of things that this system could sort of look like are attached below (if I had to pick, the MRS advanced rank system is probably the best)




    • Like 2
  5. -Support for Exspira

    Exspira is only deployed to D-Block when absolutely necessary (Partial + SCMD / WP Perm). We're also trying to deter Wardens from the typical "sit in d-block intersection and do nothing else" playstyle. I think we've restricted it enough.


    If you catch an Exspira sitting in D-Block and it's not partial, feel free to send it to me (ein#0001) or the Legate (Anhedonia#2522) and we can handle it.

    However, this is not a -Support for everything. I do believe that cloaking classes need to be removed as a whole, but we need to find something to replace them with. +Support for Zeta-6


  6. from: Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe <[email protected]>

    to: Junior Researcher 'Roulette' <[email protected]>

    Subject: Test Log Grade


    Format: (25/25)

    Outstanding format, all the important details are easily visible and I enjoy the appearance of the SCiPNET Terminal, reminds me of a now gone great researcher.

    Grammar / Punctuation / Etc: (25/25)

    No issues with grammar or punctuation.

    Quality / Originality: (20/25)

    Entirely original log, I will admit that the log is incredibly short (I'd personally recommend adding some more details, I.E. the pre-testing procedures, perhaps the briefing given to the d-class, just overall try to make this a longer log, but remember that quantity does not equal quality.)

    Idea: (25/25)

    This is an interesting test idea, and it leaves room for an extensive amount of further testing and a lot of possibilities? How will this develop further? IF 173 can be slowed down, then we can find a more permanent containment method for the object.

    Total: (95/100)

    Outstanding work, my only recommendation is to make your logs more in-depth and have more information, the rest is perfect. I'm excited to see more of you. If you have any further questions you may contact me by email, I'm always available. (ein#0001)


    Kind regards,

    Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe

  7. Format: 20/25
    Same concerns as your previous log. Simply a bit "bland" with no uniqueness to it, could use some adjustments (refer to my previous grade on Log #4 for reference)

    Grammar, spelling, and punctuation: 24/25
    Same concerns as your previous log. The overall flow of the log is a little weird, however there seems to be some improvement here in terms of flow. Once again, I'd recommend paraphrasing and looking at the grade I gave you on Log #4 for reference

    Idea, Quality and originality: 35/50

    I combined the Ideas section with this one

    Significant improvement from your previous log in this aspect, the memetic kill agent aspect fits, and makes sense as that's probably what SCP-079 would do. Additionally, the inclusion of the image is neat.

    This log is also entirely original once again

    Total score: 79/100

    Once again, I'm excited to see more of you, I'd recommend looking at my feedback on Log #4 (As I've already stated twice) for reference on how to improve.

  8. Format: 20/25
    My only concerns with the format with this is that it's simply "bland", there's not much flavor and uniqueness to the format and it's overall just a bit bland to look at, however, it does convey the information.

    I would recommend utilizing Page Breaks to separate the whole "password" section from the beginning of the test log. I'd also personally recommend expanding the size of your table for the 'Testing Log' section so that it better correlates with the rest of them. I think the best thing to do here is look at the formats of other research logs (my dms are always available for some good logs / formats to look at)

    Grammar, spelling, and punctuation: 22/25
    Make some better use of your comma's and re-word some things, personally I don't see any direct or significant grammar mistakes, however the overall log just flowed weirdly. I would recommend using some sort of paraphrasing tool, referring to other logs, or hell, even refer to ChatGPT to rewrite the log so you can get a bit of a better understanding of how you should write logs.

    Idea, Quality and originality: 30/50

    I combined the Ideas section with this one

    Everything flowed strangely, I don't understand how cryogenics related to a radioactive ball. Additionally, I don't see how this was a cognitohazard. Cognitohazard's are anomalies that cause undesirable / harmful effects to a person when seen / perceived, and this didn't seem to have this effect. My advice is to refer to the SCP wiki and look at some actual cognitohazardous SCP articles (if you can't find one, feel free to ask me in dms!)

    However, this document was completely original alongside the anomaly.

    Total score: 72/100

    This document could definitely use some improvements. Do not take this as a negative review of your document or take this in a negative manner, this is only advice for you to improve.

    I'm excited to see more from you.


  9. What are you suggesting? 

    The addition of this: (https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/talk-modes-whisper-talk-yell) add-on to the server.

    How would this change better the server? 

    It's a simple add-on that I honestly believe could be great for roleplay, if you're tired of having Security being able to peep in on your d-class rioting schemes, or you're trying to rally a bunch of people, or literally anything, this add-on gives you the ability to do so. It allows you to talk normally, but also whisper and yell (increasing and decreasing the distance you can hear people from). It also seems to have active and helpful developers.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    I believe that this also manages to disable hearing people through walls, which could be wonky for communication, but outside of that I can't think of anything.

    It could also lead to people being "annoying" and constantly running around "yelling", but this could just be resolved with staff.

    Also it costs $6 (far too expensive..........)

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    Pretty much everyone. D-Class benefit from being able to communicate secretly, C.I. don't get heard through walls and shit, it's easier to rally large groups of people for MTF & Security for things. Also makes certain types of events (such as the Court event earlier today as of writing) easier to do.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion

    Add-on Link: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/talk-modes-whisper-talk-yell

  10. Format: 25/25
    Like your previous logs, I have no complaints about the formatting. There's a good contrast between colors while not being overwhelming, and everything is easily understandable. I will admit that the "NEUTRALIZED" part of the special containment procedures wasn't in the best position (I would've moved it like a line down or something or added some sort of "Revision" or "Update", however I won't take points off because it simply isn't a big deal.

    Grammar, spelling, and punctuation: 25/25
    There were no issues with grammar, spelling, or punctuation in this log.

    Idea: 25/25
    All of your test ideas in this log were interesting and I could see their usage. The use of SCP-057-CL was an incredibly unique and unexpected choice and it seems to have worked quite well.  Outstanding work.

    Quality and originality: 25/25

    Your writing skills are simply incredible, you have quite the eye for detail and consistently impress me and likely many other researchers with your test logs. This log is both entirely original, and executes it flawlessly, and the included video logs are just the icing on top. Well done.

    Total score: 100/100

    Another outstanding test log, keep up the great work Dr. Zitterman. The Foundation thanks you for your service.


  11. What are you suggesting?

    Find some way to stop the client from requesting files that don't exist on the server (I.E. dogbark.mp3). I'm not a coding expert, but according to some more tech-savvy users who use fancy debuggers and shit, the client repeatedly requests files such as the elusive "dogbark.mp3" on loop when the file doesn't exist on the server, causing server load times to be vastly increased because it just requests the file until it completely gives up.

    How would this change better the server?

    Vastly increase loading times by not forcing the client to repeatedly request a file that doesn't exist until it gives up

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    might take SMT some time

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    quite literally everyone

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion



    This would be a VERY tedious task for SMT, which would require an extensive amount of map editing. I am all for using Site-19 as a base, but several areas (especially D-Class spawn) would need a massive overhaul. I also would like to see a move away from the traditional LCZ -> HCZ -> EZ -> Surface layout that basically every SCP map has.

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