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Posts posted by Ein

  1. 5 hours ago, Tazza said:

    ok im -supporting this idea there arent alot of jobs with cloakers and those are only max 2/2 excluding RRH.


    but another idea is, any cloaker class of any kind weather that be CI, RRH, E-11, Security, etc should not be allowed to enter D-Block at any time, like tell me how fair it is when a guy with OP ass weapons can just cloak behind you when your doing an amazing riot and just 1 tap you? its not that fair is it now? D-Class physically cannot purhcase thermal goggles to actually see these invisible bastards.

    While I do agree that most cloaking classes shouldnt be able to enter D-Block, Exspira is only authorized to enter D-Block when 3 requirements have been met

    - Partial Lockdown is active

    - Vesuvius Protocol is active

    - Permission from a MAJ+ or DHWD+ has been given

    Exspira is also told not to focus on D-Block and to prioritize literally anything else over D-Block. If there’s major breaches or large CI raids and theres an Exspira sitting at D-Block, please dm me on discord (ein#0001) and I’ll look into it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Goat said:

    Just to clarify Cloaking jobs, all of the following jobs have the cloak swep (SCP's Excluded), Use this information how you see fit.
    Epsilon-11 Pathfinder (Diamond+ Donation Rank)
    Chaos Insurgency Infiltrator (Diamond+ Donation Rank)
    Chaos Insurgency R&D Ghost Unit (Level 65+)
    MTF Job Pack Zeta-6 (Separate donation pack)
    > Red Right Hand Guardians (Forums Applications)
    > Red Right Hand Salvus Unit (Hand Selected from all RRH Members)
    > General Security Warden Exspira (Hand Selected amongst Warden members)

    All of the following Jobs (Minus RRH Guardians) are 2 slot jobs, that have some form of pre-requisite behind getting the whitelist for said job.

    My bad, I forgot by E-11 Pathfinder, but thanks for the clarification!

  3. -support

    theres 3 combatant human cloaker classes (4 with the r&d ghost thing). 2 are donator jobs and the other is a handpicked job selected from the best of wardens by wardens hcmd with only 2 playable slots.

    use your ears or get thermals. Foundation Cloakers only have 150/150.


    edit- also, another tip. Don’t go alone, if you’re running solo you’re basically asking to get ambushed by a cloaker because thats their whole job. If you stick in groups its 10x more likely that they wont fight you or you’ll fuck them up (I’ve been on the receiving end of this many times).


    Also this is excluding RRH

    • Like 1

    Ezekiel has been an incredible help to me in his position as Deputy Head of Wardens, advising me on decisions when I bring them up before I execute them, and providing useful feedback for updates I plan (or am currently working on 😉). He's a very well-rounded man and has the ability to make the right judgement calls.

    He can be a little quiet, but he's absolutely a great pick.


    2 hours ago, Trizium said:

    + Support, The most qualified man I know in security. My man carrying wardens on his back.

    also the level of DISRESPECT here is simply OUTRAGEOUS! <- for the record that's a joke

    • Laughing 2

    Baby Arm has more than demonstrated how he deserves SCMD. Baby Arm is probably one of the most dedicated members of not just Wardens, but Security as a whole. He's on nearly every day for multiple hours at a time with few exceptions, and is always looking to take initiative when other people won't step up. He hosts tons of off-meetings and is always actively looking to help Security in any way he can. Additionally, on the Wardens side of things he has just received both Deputy Head AND the Distinguished Service Medal, and actively not only communicates and directly helps me on multiple occasions, but hosts tons of tryouts, assists anybody with their tryouts including offering extensive and well-thought advice.

    I know we've got a lot of Captain's looking to move up, but Baby Arm has more than demonstrated that he deserves this position.

  6. What are you suggesting? - Addition of a new code system for D-Block. It would work like this:

    Security Senior Enlisted, Security Junior NCO, Security Senior NCO, and all of the Security Command Jobs (alongside Security Wardens Praetor and Security Juggernaut Titan) would all get this new code SWEP. This code would be shown below the site code and would indicate whether it was Hands Up / Partial Lockdown / Riot Protocol (and so forth). It would function exactly the same as the current Site Code Swep, but would apply specifically to D-Block.

    In addition to this, the addition of a sign indicating which code it was inside of lower D-Block alongside a short explanation of what to do during the protocol would be great. An example could be

    "Partial Lockdown"

    "All D-Class in Upper D-Block are K.O.S. without Warning!"

    All of the fancy-schmancy technical stuff would probably need work and some changes would probably need to be made, but this is just the general gist of the idea.

    How would this change better the server? - It would make it a lot easier for new players to get into the game and understand some key things. Additionally, it would keep new players in because when a new player joins in, goes up the elevator during a partial lockdown, and gets immediately gunned down, I don't think he's necessarily gonna be enjoying it. Additionally, people would no longer have to ask in Security Comms "Is (Protocol) still active?"

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Another thing on the HUD

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Newer Players & Security

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  7. This is a cool idea, but locally.

    Wardens have their own, independent medal system with 3 medals (Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star) which are entirely separate from Foundation awards. An idea like this does work and it definitely do a lot for hype and activity. I'm not sure it'd work for FTO, but if you can make it work then it would probably be a great idea!

    • Thanks 1
  8. What are you suggesting? - Allow the use of the "█" character / "redacted symbol" / whatever you wanna call it in RP Names

    How would this change better the server? - RP!

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Could be difficult to type or bring people or anything of the sort if people just spam this character in their names

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone, just a minor Q.O.L. change

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  9. Name: Ein

    Rank: COL

    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:438574263

    Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): ein#0001

    Current Sub-Branches your in: Wardens, Juggernaut, FTO, CCU, RIG, Riot Control, Sniper

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): As the current Head Warden, and as a Colonel, I believe I deserve to retain my rank because I have not only continued to demonstrate and execute the requirements of my ranks, but have gone beyond them aswell. As the Head Warden I have rewritten the Wardens SOP twice (with some minor assistance from Ven), remade the entire Wardens Roster twice, have consistently updated every document with endless clarifications and quality of life improvements, and have continued to work on projects and expansions to Wardens which have allowed it to thrive for months on end with some of the greatest activity Wardens has seen in half a year. Additionally, as Colonel, I have continued to coordinate and speak with my fellow CMD, give recommendations for promotions, handle punishment requests and give out blacklists and other punishments as necessary. Overall, I have not only performed my duties as COL and WL, but have in some cases exceeded them, and as a result, deserve to keep my rank.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A

  10. What are you suggesting?

    The declassification of RRH's existence. More specifically, declassifying the "Alpha-1" and "Red Right Hand" parts. (NOT what they do and their identities)

    How would this change better the server?

    1. Everybody already knows RRH exists, redacting the words "Red Right Hand" simply makes no sense, and nobody is gonna figure out what they do through their name.

    2. It significantly reduces the amount of times Level 4+ personnel need to put on gas masks and amnesticize the site due to info breaches because Security Officer Joe wants to announce their name over site comms.

    3. Interrogations over someone saying "Red Right Hand" are entirely unnecessary, it's literally just "how did you find out?" "oh blah blah blah" and then the person gets amnesticized.

    This is just a situation like how the O5 Council was declassified, everyone in lore realistically knows that the O5 Council exists, and to assume otherwise is simply dumb. Everyone also realistically knows in lore that Alpha-1 exists.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.


    Who would this change mostly benefit? 

    Nobody in particular.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion


  11. What are you suggesting? -

    1. Replace the current Code Change announcer (CASSIE) with a real, human voice actor.

    2. Add / Replace Full Site Lockdown and Magnetic D-Block Lockdown sound effects with the same human announcer.

    3. Replace E-11 entering site sound effect with the same announcer.

    How would this change better the server? - Having a new "announcer" would not only refresh things, but would be both more immersive and shouldn't impact server performance too much (as these would just be replacing sound effects as far as im aware). It also just generally makes more sense. This wouldn't have any direct benefits but would be a small Q.O.L. change.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A?

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - N/A, this is a Q.O.L. change.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  12. Name: Ein
    Warden Name (If Applicable): Odysseus
    Rank: COL

    Length of LOA (MM/DD-MM/DD): 8/26/22 - 9/24/22
    Reason for LOA: School. I've been putting this off for a while now but I'm starting to think that not taking an LOA has negatively impacted my attitude, and is generally going to continue causing problems if I keep this up. See you soon!


  13. 19 hours ago, LilThinMints said:



    Just gonna put a note here, Wardens aren't really supposed to be doing this and it isn't their main priority. If the site has bigger issues (I.E. SCPs breaching, Code Red, blah blah blah), and you see a Warden sitting outside of D-Block please tell me or Wardens Command. Wardens should only be near D-Block if there is literally nothing else to do.

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