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Posts posted by Ein

  1. On 3/13/2022 at 3:30 PM, Destroyer2 said:


    +High Ranks 
    +Has experience being high clearence level 
    +Active on forums as F 
    +Joined the server long time ago  
    +Former HCMD 
    +Just perfect applicant 
    I would be suprised if he wasn't accepted tbh



  2. - Support

    Don't think you have the ranks or experience necessary to handle RRH. On top of that, additional effort should go into the application, this looks rushed in a way / low effort.

    RRH comes with one of the highest clearance levels on the server, and literally saying their name gets you a interrogation. I also don't see you on much.


    Wait until you're at least a Senior NCO in any of your branches, and you should probably join a lot of sub branches.


    A lot of the main concerns seem to be answerable, while the raid idea could use a little work and fine tuning, and the "HULK" unit is definitely overpowered (I'd say like 300/300), a lot of this is actually pretty decently balanced.

    There are 3 people on Security HCMD TOTAL, and that assumes they're on, and quite often they're not in D-Block, so the m98b shouldn't be too big of a deal.

    The "H.U.L.K." job requires someone to -> Be a SFC -> Apply on the Forums -> Get accepted -> Get promoted twice in the Sub-branch  -> Be Level 40+ -> Get Trained-> Have D-Class win this "raid" . AND there's not gonna be like 5 H.U.L.K.'s running around. This is literally just a Gladiator for GenSec, and the Minigun has a slower fire rate than the others.

    Rest I've got no problems  / comments with.


    Personally, I love the idea of new D-Class Donator Jobs and maybe even a slight buff for the current ones, but as others have said, this is horrifically broken. This wouldn't be fun to play as or against, D-Class would be too powerful and overrunning D-Block 100 times a day gets a little boring after a while. On the other end, playing as GenSec during this would be the most painful experience I could possibly imagine.

    D-Class right now struggle to get out of D-Block, but adding these would make it impossible for GenSec to leave their bunks.

  5. + Massive Support

    + Respected by basically all of GenSec

    + Dedicated to the Branch

    + Active

    + Overall Great Guy

    + Outstanding Leadership Skills

    Absolutely awesome guy, puts in the effort, see him around consistently, generally a great guy. As Dei said, absolutely a no brainer for SCMD.

  6. - Support

    As great as he is (I've even recommended him for promotion previously), and as detailed his application is, he does not appear to be ready to take on such a massive position. The RRH is a position with an astronomically high responsibility and one of the highest clearance levels in the facility.

    Not even I, a Master Sergeant in GenSec who consistently is taking command and calling out protocols, stationing people, starting patrols, and more, do not feel I am prepared enough to take on such a position. I am not at all trying to be biased here, but I do not think anyone that is the rank of MSGT or Below in GenSec (or their equivalents elsewhere) are even remotely prepared to take on such a responsibility, SM's maybe, and only a select few.

    I'd wait until at least the rank of SM to consider joining the RRH, I'm personally waiting until I get Low Command in GenSec to actually apply, and that is with the vast leadership experience I have outside of the SCP:RP community.

    I don't typically hold activity on the forums accountable against others, however I think that for a position with Level 5 clearance around the facility, and which is so classified that mentioning their name will result in an immediate interrogation, being more active on the forums is a given.


    Best of luck to you!

  7. +Support

    Unbelievably fit for this position, not only are his ways of handling things crafted almost as delicately as the Mona Lisa, but he is absolutely prepared to take on such a position.

    If I could recommend this guy for DHOS or even HOS I would.

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