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Posts posted by Ein

  1. This is a bit of an emotional moment for me since I've loved Wardens quite an extensive bit. I'll miss you an unbelievable amount, even if we didn't interact too much.

    See you on the other side.


  2. What are you suggesting?

    Whenever people speak, in the left side of their screen it says who can hear them. This is constantly used to power / metagame, and that's understandable because this is impossible to avoid. A way to fix this would be to allow you to only see members of your respective team that can hear you. 

    For example: A CI is being watched by a Zeta-6 because he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, the CI speaks, notices that the Zeta-6 can hear him, and begins looking around and closing doors behind him to ensure the Zeta-6 can't get the jump on him, the Zeta-6 attempts to engage the CI and gets killed because the CI is prepared.

    With these changes, a new situation happens: A CI is being watched by a Zeta-6 because he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, the CI speaks and doesn't notice the Zeta-6 at all, leading him to attempt to use his Keypad Cracker on a door, the Zeta-6 gets a headshot on him and the CI dies.

    This creates a much more realistic scenario and makes it more fun to play, and can work with any situation. This makes the combat much more fun.

    A proposal for these "teams" that can hear each-other are below.

    Foundation - MTF, GENSEC, Research, Maintenance, Medical, D-Class

    Chaos - CI, D-Class, Maynard

    Sarkic - Sarkic, D-Class

    How would this change better the server?

    Raids become much more intense, Cloakers are able to use more actual strategy when fighting someone, and combat overall becomes more fun (especially with the TTK being worked on)

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    Cloaking classes become a lot more powerful, but this metagaming / powergaming shouldn't be happening in the first place. Additionally, this may be difficult to implement (This would probably have to be hard coded)

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    All combatant branches

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion

    Feel free to leave feedback!

  3. +/- SUPPORT

    (Leaning +Support)

    This is mostly just to save time, dragging Class-D back to D-Block would just be a waste of time. I am alright with this being a "encouraged but not enforced" sort of thing. Another way this could work is if there are no active protocols within D-Block (Hands-Up / Partial Lockdown), then there must be an attempt to cuff and if it doesn't work then you can open fire. I am absolutely supporting of anything that brings more roleplay into the server.


  4. What are you suggesting?

    D-Block in its current state is just a massive TDM between GENSEC, and Class-D with no opportunity for roleplay. GENSEC also has no actual cover besides the Utility Station (which is extremely restrictive and is basically a one way avenue to dying) or its "Barricades" which D-Class can just rush up to and completely negate its purpose. (While part of this problem is the TTK, I think there's still ways to improve)

    While I am completely open to suggestions for this idea, I think a possible solution to this problem would be to make actual Security Checkpoints in D-Block, rather than just having 3 big "queues" where D-Class can just run through with no prior thinking and get a few kills. D-Class instead have to go through an actual (or 2-3) Security Checkpoint, these would ideally be level 0 or 1 doors. This would open up more opportunities for people who actually want to get tested on / roleplay on the server without getting caught up in the rest of D-Block's crossfire, and also creates a unique combat environment in which if D-Class aren't thinking and coordinating, they're going to die, while if GENSEC aren't thinking, they can be easily overrun. These security checkpoints would also give a lot more cover and safe areas for D-Class.

    Of course, there needs to be ways for D-Class to riot and this shouldn't make D-Block essentially unescapable as a D-Class, but it is possibly a part of the solution to one of the big problems in the server (That being the lack of Roleplay)

    This suggestion isn't perfect, and I am absolutely looking for new ideas and ways to improve this suggestion, but the overall point is that D-Block needs to be redesigned in its entirety if we are looking to make this server less of a TDM and more of a Roleplay focused server.

    How would this change better the server?

    The addition of this would create new roleplay opportunities as the D-Class who actually wish to be tested on have a much easier and more direct way of getting tested on. It also generally improves the combat in D-Block because instead of having to deal with a bunch of crouch-jumping CC's running at you from 3 different angles, you have to actually coordinate riots and GENSEC has an actual defensive position to take, making combat in D-Block more than just getting domed from across D-Block and having GENSEC rush into the bar or the back right corner.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

    The addition is an easy route to a lot of complaints from D-Class, because it will absolutely make escaping, rioting, and fighting GENSEC more difficult in the short term, and it absolutely would be initially difficult to balance because of the way SCP-RP currently works / is looked at (TDM). Additionally, this would be difficult to balance with Security Snipers, and would take a lot of time and effort due to Jayden and Coltable's current situations.

    Who would this change mostly benefit?

    GENSEC, Roleplayers, and D-Class in general in the long term

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion

    Like I said earlier, PLEASE leave ideas, criticism, and other feedback in the comments, I'd love to improve this idea.

    • Gaminglight Love 2

    - Low Ranks (While I typically don't hold this against people, being only a SEC PVT isn't the best look for Level 5 Clearance)

    - Short Application, I feel like you could say a lot more about why you want to join and why you should be accepted.

    - No reputation in the server & haven't seen you very much.


    Do not take this as me holding a grudge or disliking you, however RRH is a massive responsibility and I don't think you're ready to take on a Level 5 clearance even with prior experience. Build a reputation with people first and get some higher ranks (Personally, I'd recommend AT LEAST MSGT in GENSEC) before coming back. I'm sure we'd love to have you.


    Best of luck to you!

    - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54


  6. From the first time you confronted me in DMs over shit, to all the joking about furries, and all the dumb shit we got to do while I escorted you. I've only had a positive experience with you.

    I wish you the best, and good luck.




    - Have never seen you on, ever.

    - No Poll / Application overall seems rushed

    - This is your 3rd forums post.


    // I'd recommend building more of a reputation in the community first before doing this. Climb up the ranks of 1 or 2 of our many branches and get to know people. Also, I think your application could be a little more professional over all. //


    Best of luck to you!


    SCPs should be strong, don't get me wrong, but running into a group of 5+ combatants and managing to win even with large amounts of teamwork on the combatant side should not be able to happen as consistently as on SCP-2191. 2191 will probably always be annoying because of his ability to heal himself rapidly and ability to cloak, and people will always think getting killed by him is unfair, however he should not be able to completely slaughter large, coordinated groups of MTF, GENSEC, or other Combatants.

    Not only would this stop the current of meta of "Rush into group and you're guaranteed to win" but it would actually make 2191 a little more challenging and in some ways, fun to play. Instead of rushing at massive groups of MTF and getting absolutely slaughtered with no ability to counter it, you actually have to choose your targets.

    • Like 1
  9. Name: Ein

    Rank: 1LT

    Warden Name: Octavius


    Length of LOA: 5/19/22 -> 5/27/22

    Reason for LOA: My mental health has rapidly deteriorated over the course of the last few days, I have a massive amount of stress on my back and shit just keeps happening.


    Quick note here, I will still occasionally get on, however I will not be attending meetings and won't be nearly as active as I typically am.

  10. On 5/4/2022 at 1:20 AM, Yato Sensei said:

    + Support

    Just bring back the normal damage value back up, idk why that thing had to be messed around with at all when damage values on X weapon would've been way better to mess around with. Yes, it would take more time, but it would also be easier to balance things around.


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