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Posts posted by Ein

  1. 1. Steam Name?:


    2. Steam ID?: 


    3. Roster Name?:


    4. Current Rank?:

    Captain / CPT

    5. When were you promoted?:

    May 28th, 2022

    6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?:

    4 Months & 4 Days as of writing (Joined February 15th, 2022)

    7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?:


    8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?:


    9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?:


    10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+):

    For the last 4 months I have spent a lot of time in GENSEC, I've tried various branches such as Delta-5 or Nu7, yet none of them really stuck with me. I progressed through the ranks, joined all of the sub-branches, and had a hell of a lot of fun. As I say with all of my applications, I am always trying to challenge myself, improve, and overall take the next step in things, and this is another one of those opportunities that I wish to take. I've dedicated a large amount of time to GENSEC, being active nearly every day for the vast majority of my time here with few exceptions, and have managed to stay active not only in regular GENSEC, but Wardens and Juggernaut, in which I am a command member in both. I've always been there for Enlisted and NCO's and have always maintained an open doors policy when it comes to questions, and I've never turned someone down. I give everyone a chance, and a second chance at that, and never turn someone down unless I absolutely have to. I believe I have demonstrated this in the many times I have promoted people, both in meetings and outside of them, hosted Warden Tryouts across many different times of day to ensure everyone has the opportunity to join, and my very forgiving attitude towards people.

    Furthermore, I've taken a command position in 2 of our 3 sub-branches, as a Juggernaut Enforcer and a Warden Centurion I have been at the forefront of getting new people in, rallying people, and leading the charge against whoever and whatever opposes us. I have additionally, led multiple meetings in the Wardens sub-branch since I first got Centurion, from when Kovic was Legate to the very meeting that Gamehunter was promoted to Legate, I have led many of these meetings by choice, and intend to continue doing this. I have additionally rallied GENSEC and been at the forefront of rallying both Wardens and Juggernaut activity, being one of the first Juggernauts or Wardens to flag on, calling protocols, and creating entertaining events such as the RRH vs. Juggernaut battle in which both sides had quite a bit of fun. I intend to continue rallying this kind of activity not just in Juggernaut and Wardens, but in regular GENSEC as well. To top all of this off, I have been in these positions for extended periods of time, having been a Warden Centurion since May 7th, Command since April 16th, and a Juggernaut Enforcer since June 7th, I have had constant experiences and time to improve and make mistakes, and while I may make mistakes in Senior Command, everybody makes mistakes and can learn from them.

    Lastly but not least, I have demonstrated activity not just in-game, but within the discord as well, having handled many of the recent punishment requests, constantly advising people on what they should make roster update requests for and even filling out roster update requests for people who cannot do it at the time. I always give people the opportunity to stay in GENSEC, and create an enjoyable experience for them. In addition to this, I act as a good role model for both old and new GENSEC, having never received a strike and being constantly on while being fun, yet professional when necessary, I believe that all GENSEC have someone to make them strive to improve or be like, and I wish to be that person.

    I believe all of this comes together to demonstrate that I am a dedicated, loyal, and generous member of Security Command, through my activity, my experience, and everything else, and in this position I swear to not only continue this, but expand upon everything I have already done.

    11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?:

    If he repeatedly and constantly leaves D-Block without the supervision of NCO's and other CMD, I would ask him why he's doing so, as Enlisted are allowed to leave freely with valid reason. If he has valid reasons (Returning to bunks, Medbay, etc), then I would leave him be, however if he leaves just to mess around and minge, I would pull him aside and tell him to only leave with a valid reason. If he continues after this, I would warn him again and follow that up with a removal if continued after that.

    12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?:

    I would pull him into both bunks and a separate TeamSpeak channel (as he should be in TeamSpeak by this point), and ask him why he's leaving so that I can try to understand his point of view. I would then inform him that these are invalid reasons, and that D-Block is our number one priority. This would just be a verbal warning and I would encourage him to ask any questions to his superiors. If he continues after this, I would strike him as an NCO should be expected to act as a mentor and leader to Enlisted personnel, and would proceed from there.

    13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into D-Block and attempts to take command of all of the security?:

    I would attempt to bring the E-11 PVT aside and inform him that Security has supreme authority in D-Block, this would be non-confrontational and would only be a verbal warning to ensure that it doesn't dissolve into an argument. If he refuses to be brought aside or continues, I would inform his NCO's and/or Command of the problem.

    14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words:

    I would first pull them both into bunks and a separate TeamSpeak channel, once I inform them that they are being promoted to SGT, I inform them that they have a lot more privileges and a lot more responsibility as an NCO. Firstly, they are now able to call protocols on Code Orange, Black, and Red, they can now join the FTO Program, be trained for Sniper, apply for WO, and will get a new job. After I inform them of all of this, I will make sure that they have an account on the forums, and if they don't have one already I will link them to the forums to create an account. Once all of this is finished, I will link them both the NCO Guide and the Patrol and Stationing guide and go over each of them with him, and make sure to encourage hosting patrols & stationing people because it looks good on them. I will then give them their NCO tags and inform them of the new channels they will be able to see, particularly the NCO activity logs, and inform them of how to create one, that they should recommend hard-working for enlisted for promotion, and that it's to show that they're active when command isn't on.

    Once all of this is finished, I will whitelist them for the Security NCO job and ensure they have their whitelist, then offer to train them for Sniper and/or FTO, and will either proceed to train them, or if they refuse wish them a good day, and inform them that they can return to their regular duties while I log the promotion.


    I've changed my opinion to -Support, here's why.

    Fellow Wanderer is absolutely fit for RRH, hell he's CMD in 2 branches, but it is highly likely that he is going to resign from Security, be removed from Maintenance, and is likely going to leave Gaminglight all together. I would love to see him in RRH, but it is simply unrealistic as of current that he will be active.


    Many people have stated some great reasons above, which I won't be going over, however I want to make something a little clear.

    Gaminglight is a business, it needs to make money, and it's going to find ways to make as much money as possible. Does Zeeptin make a truck load of money? Absolutely, but profit is a key incentive in business and that is not at all a bad thing, in fact it's to be expected. Is the package pricey? Definitely, but Gaminglight has 3 GMOD servers to run and manage, all with large dedicated playerbases that need to be satisfied, and maintaining and upgrading that kind of thing shockingly enough, costs money.

    I am no businessman, and I don't know how Gaminglight uses its money, however I certainly do not believe Gaminglight is trying to be the next EA here.

    Additionally, if someone wanted to spend $100 to wipe their warns, it's highly unlikely they'd do it to just get banned again. ZJ was a very rare case and after he did it like twice they just decided to stop letting him buy unbans.



    This guy was informed of a few mistakes, came back, and fixed them. While he doesn't have too high of ranks, I will not take this into account. The sentences could generally use some work but I'm glad he has at least tried to improve on them. This guy will be a dedicated member of RRH.


    - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54

  5. On 5/12/2022 at 10:38 PM, Vuitheirt said:

    I don't think I've had much interaction with you personally, but I do see you on quite often and considering you are trusted as DHMR and based on your application, I do believe you would make a great team member. +Support


    - RRH Guardian Uniform 81

    - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54


    Note: This focuses specifically on the Exspira suggestion.

    Exspira, and Wardens as a whole is Security's counter to CI when MTF cannot do the job (this isn't saying MTF are bad, it's when MTF are dead or just not online). CI comes into the facility with massive amounts of health and can easily kick the shit out of anyone they encounter except for the 3 Foundation SF's on the server. Exspira is also extremely weak against large groups, and can typically only take on lone targets, or really weak groups (such as Class-D). Additionally, Exspira typically has to get close up as its ranged weapon is pretty shitty and its other weapon is the KSG, which while a pretty good shotgun, pales in comparison to the USAS.

    The entire point of Exspira is to focus on Recon, Intel Gathering, Stealth Missions, and Assassinations rather than head to head combat. It is powerful when you're fighting a group of D-Class and maybe 2 CI, but any group of 3+ CI can easily destroy an Exspira.

    Additionally, there are less than 10 people who have access to Exspira, INCLUDING Security HCMD (and excluding Site Admin which both realistically never use the job in favor of Warden Praetor). It may feel like there's more at times because 3 of the people on it are extremely active on the server.


    If you get killed by an Exspira, it's because you were alone, a priority target (We especially prioritize Bio-Engineers), or really low, and you should either know the risks or stick together more.

    • Gaminglight Love 1

    This application falls under the required 100+ word limit! Please edit this application within 48 Hours or this application will be denied.


    This application is 54 words. You'll need to add AT LEAST an additional 46 words for this application to be reviewed.


    Sounds like a skill issue, I got my shit kicked in as a cloaker by a CI who was smart enough to buy and use thermals, the only thing I can see happening is making thermals more widely available for people to use, and removing snipers does nothing but just mean we lose like 20k when we buy a sniper.

    This is a "Band-Aid Fix" to this "problem".



    You have quite high ranks, and your test logs were unbelievably fun and overall interesting to read. Your application is great and you have relatively few warns from a very long time ago. I would love to see you in RRH. You'll do well here.

    - RRH Guardian Foxtrot 54

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