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Posts posted by Ein

  1. Not a + or - support, just putting some information here

    According to Sparkle, tomorrow's restart will allow resizing and moving stuff around, but this HUD is here to stay according to them.


    Also, personal opinion here, but I think allowing custom huds would just create arguments of people being at an advantage or disadvantage or some sort of hud meta.

  2. 36 minutes ago, 1stSavagerY said:

    Saying it's a "skill issue" is the main reason we have this problem in the first place, as it's literally just an excuse blame it on the individual player for not being a gmod pvp god instead of the combat system, which is a horrible outlook on the situation.  If we're just able to chalk it up to a "skill difference," then it just enables those few select classes to do whatever they want while newer players or players who just want to play casually just get screwed over time and time again. 

    I hate to seem biased, but I absolutely agree with this point here. I see a lot of people leaving -Support's and blaming it on skill and leaving no constructive criticism. However, I'd like to address 3 actual pieces of constructive criticism with my opinion.


    It can't be enforced / would be too difficult to enforce.

    I actually thought of this while writing, however, the vast majority of people have some sort of recording software (I.E. Medal), and this is absolutely vital in proving anything in an admin sit in the first place. Rules such as exploiting, FearRP, and a bunch of other shit require video evidence and this stuff is already enforced. Of course, feel free to leave feedback, but regardless, there's plenty of people to report such a thing.


    It keeps combat interesting and keeps the skill required (and it makes it more fun)

    I think Savager's post describes almost all of my thoughts here, but by changing up the combat system into something that requires you to effectively use cover, movement, teamwork, and makes the use of actual tactics much more possible would make combat more interesting. Playing against someone who's crouch spamming is inherently unfun regardless of who's up against it because when they die to said player, it feels almost unfair, and in some situations it has worked in the inverse as well. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who says "I think it's more fun if someone crouch spams while in combat" or anything along those lines.


    It gives weaker players a chance to win a gunfight

    It does, but this shouldn't be the case in the first place. Players with lower HP / Armor compared to another enemy should have to use strategy to win. That's how all combat should work. Players who can't learn to coordinate with their team when the odds are against them actively deserve to lose, and abusing movement mechanics shouldn't be the strategy. If you're caught completely alone in a combat situation, you should either be an expert in pvp or expect to die.


    Another completely valid way to handle all of this would be to just buff TTK, which I completely agree with.

    This is just my 2 cents on things. Feel free to leave additional feedback.

  3. What are you suggesting? - Players who are actively in a combat situation ("Combat Situation" follows the same definition as "Active Shootout" in the Combat Healing rules) should not be allowed to use unrealistic movement in order to gain themselves an advantage in said situation. Players should have to think about their movement, use cover, and not just blindly bum-rush while spamming crouch or crouch jumping to get kills. This wouldn't ban crouching in a combat situation, but spamming crouch, crouch jumping, or generally unrealistic movement shouldn't be allowed while in combat.

    How would this change better the server? - Combat would become generally more fun for those who are more interested in actually using their brain. Someone has to actually use cover and make smarter plays than just running out and crouch spamming around the target so that they can't hit them.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - This would make it even more difficult for D-Class to escape (If you can consider this a disadvantage).

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Roleplayers, and a large amount of Combatants, basically everyone but D-Class.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

    • Dislike 9
  4. Name: Ein
    Warden Name: Odysseus
    Rank: MAJ

    Length of LOA: 7/1 -> 7/6
    Reason for LOA: I'll be spending time with family, I've lost someone rather close today and while I will be attending the meetings and will pop in every now and then, I just won't be on nearly as much.


    Now, I'm no researcher, but from what this post is saying it seems this was more of a disgusting test. I honestly think this was something creative, and while I wouldn't have thought of it, I definitely don't think this is ERP. Remember, D-Class are DEATH ROW INMATES, of course they're gonna end up doing disgusting shit. I would love to look at the log itself though to see exactly what it was.

  6. 1 hour ago, LilThinMints said:

    I still don't get how making dclass harder to play equals rp but sure I guess




    Because playing D-Class shouldn't be "Spawn -> Shoot People -> Die -> Respawn / Repeat", D-Class have 0 NLR, GENSEC has 2 minutes, MTF have 3 minutes and spawn in ENTRANCE ZONE, if you wanna kill GENSEC and riot, make smarter plays than just running into the middle of D-Block while crouch spamming / b-hopping.

    Less D-Class doming a random OFC from lower with a Contender and crouch spamming with a knife means more Researchers getting D-Class for tests, more Medical checkups because medics can actually enter without the threat of getting killed from a threat they cant defend themselves against, and more GENSEC patrols & stationing.

    If you play the server as a D-Class main and all you do is run around and shoot all GENSEC in your sight, then that's effectively your fault because this wouldn't have even happened if we didn't have these problems.


    Consider joining CI if you want to kill a bunch of GENSEC or MTF and never get tested on...

    • Laughing 1

    Making D-Block more difficult to riot in was the entire point of this update (According to Sixx, Starstep, Mind, and everyone else who was onboard with this). This is SCP-RP, not SCP-TDM, having a D-Class b-hop past the entirety of GENSEC or crouch spam their way to the door and be on their way or getting sniped from lower d-block with no counter was just annoying as fuck for everybody except the D-Class, especially because D-Class have no NLR and thus can as soon as they die, come back and riot more. It was also meant to make riots easier to handle for smaller groups of GENSEC because we're trying to get GENSEC out of D-Block and going on more patrols and stationing more people.

    We've made progress on making this an actual RP server, quit trying to ruin it.

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    Ven and I have climbed the ranks of Security together, and while he is only recently a Captain, he has been in Command just as long as me. His application is detailed, he is a member of both Wardens and Juggernaut command, and is generally a great guy to be around.

    He absolutely is deserving of SCMD.

    • Like 2

    I think the same point I made with Gamehunter stands here, Serum is now HFTO and has been trusted by HCMD / SA to run an entire sub-branch and handle all of the difficulties that come with it. If he can handle this, he can absolutely handle SCMD.

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    Gamehunter has been a CPT much longer than me, and is now the Head of Wardens, if someone trusts him with running an entire sub-branch, upkeeping documents, his own roster, and the whole bunch that comes with such a position, he is absolutely prepared for Senior CMD.

    He's also a great guy to be around in general, he does great work in Wardens, overall a great pick for SCMD.


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