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Everything posted by RustyScythe

  1. I don't have anything to say +support
  2. [In-Game Name] DT SN04 [Call-sign] SN04/EL9 [Rank] SGM [Which lore squad member are you applying for] V07 [Why do you believe you deserve this position] I believe I deserve this position because I'm active, I'm on at least every day for at least 3 hours another reason I deserve the position is because I have been hard dedicated to DT since I joined, and not once have I taken a break on top of that I have been trained in marksmanship since I'm in Seeker Company I also love the art of marksmanship and reconnaissance and have loved it for a long time and I'm always willing to practice my marksmanship and reconnaissance another reason I think I deserve the position is because I was an officer in shock which shows that I can be more than trusted for high ranking positions such as a member in TI-23. Why I deserve this position is because I'm willing to do any and all TI-23 and V07 tasks as well as complete any orders given to me related to DT and TI-23 I also will always be active within TI-23 and will never stop working hard in it. [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] I want to be a part of Unit TI-23 so that I can become the best of the best and improve my skills. I also want to be able to test myself in the best possible way so that I can improve my communication skills and other skills that need to be worked on. This is the reason why I want to be in TI-23 and improve my skills so that I can be better in every aspect. Another reason why I want to be in TI-23 is to prove that the time that I put into DT was worth it. I also want to improve my reconnaissance and marksmanship skills so that I can surpass its limits. [What does Unit TI-23 do]TI-23 does a variety of tasks most of which are very different from any other DT's tasks. Each member of TI-23 has a different specialization and have many weapons and equipment to assist in there selected specialization. What each member specialize in, there weapons and equipment, and there uses are listed below. TI-23 Squad lead F16: F16 is a jack of all trades having many different pieces of equipment from other members to complete his tasks the equipment includes: DP-23 for close quarter combat, a flashbang to help clear rooms, the standard E-11D used for medium to close range combat, E-11S used for long range combat, a detonator used to blow up stuff like drop pods, a deployable shield used for placing cover when there isn't any around, and a booster bacta used for fast healing for him and his allies. TI-23 Combat Medic M36: M36 a trained combat medic using their booster bacta kit and armor kit to swiftly help injured teammates, M36 is able to do special medical operations like field surgeries. He is equipped with a booster bacta kit used for healing and an armor kit used for making sure teammates are in tip top shape. TI-23 CQC Specialist C37: C37 is built for CQC they are the best of the best when it comes to CQC with the DP-23 they also utilize a flashbang to disorient their enemies they come equipped with the DP-23 used for close range combat, a flashbang used to clear rooms, and a deployable shield used for quick cover. TI-23 Demolition Artist L21: L21 is a demolition specialist using his explosives to knock down anything that stands in his way he is also a skilled engineer using his fusion cutter and fortifications tablet. He is equipped with the following: A thermal detonator, a detonator, a fusion cutter, a fortifications tablet, and a DLT-19. TI-23 Master Marksman V07: V07 is a master at marksmanship and reconnaissance he is trained to relay any information he has received as well as take out any personnel who will become a threat later on. He is equipped with the following: an E-11S used for long range combat, a jetpack to reach high areas where enemies can't reach, and a deployable shield used for quick cover when needed. [How active can you be] the least I can be on is 2-3 hours a day the most is almost all day [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Yes and I'm willing to take full responsibility for such Thank you for reading!
  3. + support knowing tuna he wouldn't do anything that directly breaks any rules I believe if tuna knew that what he was doing was against rules he would have stopped the instance he knew I think that a ban was overkill and and a verbal would suffice. Over all a ban for this is overkill!
  4. In-game name: Rusty SteamID: STEAM_0:0:534835816 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: DT SSGT and 69th PFC Have you donated to the server?:Apprentice, tac insert, and imperial commandos Have you been banned on any GL server before?:No Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?:I have not How much time do you have on the server?: Around 3-4 weeks ingame time How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know most of the original trilogy but I can always learn more Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I want to join the GM team for a few reasons. One: I want to pump out fun events during times when the server isn't active so that people may have fun at all times of the day and not have to wait till around evening time to have events going on. Two: I want to bring down the time GM tickets stay up so that they get taken as fast as staff tickets. Three: I want to gain more experience about the many tools and commands that exist on the server. Four: I want to further my helpfulness toward the server and its players Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?:since I am not very good with long paragraphs and usually when I try it ends up bulky so I will be listing off reasons. Reason One: I have been staff twice including this time and once back in march of this year. Reason Two: I can be really active on the GM job doing 3 events almost every single day due to the fact that I have plenty of free time and have almost nothing to do with it besides playing GL. Reason Three: I have been trusted for many ranks on the server such as CPT in shock(during my original time on the server), NCO in DT, Seeker in DT, Shadow Guard in RG(during my original time on the server), and Moderator twice. That is why I think I should be trusted for gamemaster Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Staff commands such as !cloak, !goto, and !bring, yes Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?:No but I wish to learn Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: [On-ship]: A Pirate Ship hyperspaces in telling the ISD they have come to take over there ship little does the ISD know that the pirates have been hired by rebels to steal some imperial intel which could tip the scale in the rebels favor, after the ISD fight off the pirates the pirates call in rebel reinforcements to aid in there battle once the pirates realize its a losing battle they hyperspace away leaving the rebels to fight for themselves after the rebels lose they try to hyperspace away but get shot down. [Off-ship]"hello this is ISB Agent Rusty requesting landing in MHB for a mission briefing" Once ISB Agent Rusty lands in MHB he requested for all troopers to come to the MHB for a mission briefing once all troops arrive ISB Agent Rusty explains that there is a drug shipment facility on Hoth that the rebels are using to receive income for there weapons and vehicles he explains that this is a thorn in the empires side and it needs to be removed once he is done debriefing he chooses a ground command after he tells SF to setup transport for all the troops after the troops land on planet and clear out the facility of any rebel guards a ship hyperspaces in above and drops multiple drop pods into the ground after a hard fought battle the ground troopers manage to blow up the ship and take transports back to the ISD Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give @ rw_sw_e11d !give ^ rw_sw_e11d !give rusty rw_sw_e11d Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model ^ (model name) !model @ (model name) !model rusty (model name) Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:Yes multiple times
  5. that app is just wow definitely a +support
  6. What is your in-game name?: Rusty What is your steam name?:YaBoyScyther What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:534835816 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: I was a mod for this server a little while back but other then that no What date did you start playing on the community?:just around Oct 2021 What date did you make your forums account?:Dec 2021 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?:Apprentice How many warns do you have on the server?: I believe none Have you donated?: other then getting apprentice no What rank are you applying for?: trial mod Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes and i plan to read it lots more Timezone: EST Permission (Admin+ need this):N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length):I feel as though I deserve the rank of trial mod because I am truly devoted to this server and its people as I have been playing non stop everyday since I joined back so that I may be trusted as I once was. I wish to help make the imperial RP experience the best it can be by dealing with minges the fastest and most efficient way possible so that the players of the server can keep RPing without worrying about minges ruining the fun. Within my time back I have been trusted for the rank of Shock NCO for which I promised I would help my fellow NCO piers and enlisted as I would do for anyone on the server that makes a report. I am great at calming people down which can be used on the daily as a useful skill for staff sits I also believe myself to be a calm collected person at all times which can be used all the time during sits. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:First you would do is bring them and try your best to calm them down or get them to stop cursing if they do not calm down or stop you would gag them then you would explain the punishment they will receive for MRDM(Formal Warning + 5 day ban) then explain to them why they are receiving this punishment then you would warn them and message an admin+ to give out the 5 day ban.
  7. What is your in-game name?:Rusty What is your current rank?:SPC How active can you be?:almost every day What is your time zone?:EST What can you bring to Shock as a NCO?:if I were given the NCO role I would bring my experience to shock as a ex officer as well as my time and effort to train more shock so that shock can always be active. I will always achieve quota and rarely take time off as my schedule will always be open i can also offer immense help to enlisted and my NCO piers due to my wide amount of knowledge as a ex officer for shock. I will also explain confusing things to enlisted who have just joined shock as well as important things that are sometimes not explained in detail when needed to be and can sometimes get enlisted in trouble. I wish to make every new enlisted and current enlisted feel at home in shock. Why should you be trusted?:I should be trusted for the role of NCO due to the fact i was an officer for shock and a moderator for the server i also have three weeks ingame time mostly spent on working up the ranks during my first time in shock. I will also put all my effort and time into shock so that i may be trusted for future roles. As an NCO the last time i was in shock i never missed quota and almost always did more then what i needed to do. Do you have any warns on the server?:no i believe i do not
  8. +support -active -past vice sov experience -good app all around i think you are 100% fit good luck
  9. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Rusty 2. What Regiment are you applying for?: Shock 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?: I want to become a Vice Commander to help others and help shock as a battalion grow with more people and better activity and to help the shock command team as the command team has lacked vice commanders for a few weeks and needs more members for the command team I also want to strive more in shock to better my time and hard work as I wish to improve myself so that I may be more than fit for the role of vice commander and the trust that is given. 4. How much game time do you have on the server?: 543:17 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/929286909?servers[4604844]=3M 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?: Shock Vice Commander's main purpose or goal is to lead and help any shock and to make sure everything in the shock battalion stays in order as well as being active when other shock isn't and to encourage other shock to strive and stay active within the battalion as well as making sure all shock is staying out of trouble they also help any shock with anything they need to ask as well as being used as role models within the battalion they set examples for other shock to follow vice commander also holds the trust of maintaining the entire battalion and are to enforce all rules given to shock as well as the rules given to the server. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Why I should be trusted for vice commander is because I have shown that I am loyal to the shock battalion and can be active during most of the week and during most of the day I am also trusted among the shock ranks as I help anyone that needs help I have also spent most of my ingame time on working to strive in the ranks of shock I am also working on tweaking my daily schedule to better my activity on shock I as well am willing to help anyone that needs help and strongly encourage asking me or another officer for help if anyone needs it. 7. How often can you be Online? :almost all day during EST time 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :I have no warns
  10. +Support -Detailed app -Has past vice commander experience -Active -Great to talk to when needing help with something Over all I think kat is fit for vice sovereign good luck
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