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Everything posted by Hex-G

  1. D-Class are prisoners in the highest security prison imaginable. Why do they need the ability to make armor? They 100% do not get armor kits. Perhaps a way to craft very low level armor like the armory npc who can give direct armor. NPC options (50 scrap = 25 armor) (75 scrap = 50 armor) (100 scrap = 75 armor) This is the only balanced way I can think to give D-Class armor. Overall its a -support but the above idea im not 100% against.
  2. Most maintenance don't want to run around all of LCZ to collect trash especially if they have to carry trash bags with them. All the collectors are in 2 general areas and we could certainly use more. +Support
  3. DENIED We thank you for your application. HCMD has decided against moving you up to SCMD at this time. Your performance is admirable, perhaps increase your activity.
  4. DENIED We thank you for your application. HCMD has decided against moving you up to SCMD at this time. Enjoy your retirement Lafleur o7.
  5. ACCEPTED Congratulations, HCMD has decided to move you up to SCMD. Please see a HCMD member for training. Welcome to SCMD o7.
  6. ACCEPTED Congratulations, HCMD has decided to move you up to SCMD. Please see a HCMD member for training. Welcome to SCMD o7.
  7. ACCEPTED Congratulations, HCMD has decided to move you up to SCMD. Please see a HCMD member for training. Welcome to SCMD o7.
  8. DENIED We thank you for your application. HCMD has decided against moving you up to SCMD at this time. We think you are doing well and encourage you to keep it up.
  9. DENIED We thank you for your application. HCMD has decided against moving you up to SCMD at this time. We encourage you to keep trying as you have great potential.
  10. Sad to see you go, Ill always remember the fun we had as NCOs together.
  11. -Support What would be the point of buying a D-Class CC if you could just grind money and buy yourself the same guns every time you die? These guns are limited to D-Class CCs for a reason. Also, Security and D-Class came to an agreement on which weapons should be included on these jobs. Originally smuggler could not even buy guns. The compromise was made to allow D-Class to do more and have more weapons. Also, the sten, mp40, and mp9 are too strong for D-Class. If they want to get those guns they need to escape and buy them at the armory.
  12. Its less an issue of being removed for inactivity but more of we don't need 1 person taking 3 command slots in different branches, the fact that some people can do it for 2 branches is sometimes an issue. -Support
  13. +Support to the armory, dunno why they don't have one. -Support to more rockets, make use of the ones you have. Overall good suggestion
  14. All bunk doors have a card requirement to keep out D-Class and SCPs, it also helps CI know which areas are OOC. + / - support
  15. These are both incorrect. I think there needs to be some clarification here. You do not NEED to fear RP 049 in order to cuff him. Sometimes he will go willingly back to his cell (rarely happens because its less fun for everyone but it can still happen). If you want a guaranteed way to cuff him you need to fear RP him with no zombies. However, if you can stealth cuff him with no zombies than it is allowed. I personally have stealth cuffed 049 when he has had no zombies and its a perfectly fine way to recontain him. The staff member had issue with you stealth cuffing him while he had a zombie that you definitely knew about considering the first thing you do after cuffing him is to go shoot his zombie. I think its a bit of a stretch to warn over this as it is not stated as a rule that you need to kill his zombies specifically to stealth cuff him. I would say a warn appeal could be valid and possible a clarification in the MOTD. + / - Support.
  16. Perma props would need to be set up every time we switched maps. The most efficient way would be something like this. Today we are on Site-13 on the Main and SMT want to move us back to Site-05 Change test server to Site-05 (few hours tops) Get SMT/JMT to go onto the test server and set up map wide requirements (Doors, SCP CCs, Perma props, Spawns for literally hundreds of jobs) (This would take a minimum of 1 week assuming they had all hands on deck working almost 24/7) Get HCMD to all be available and set up various things for the map including spawn areas, RP areas, and anything else. (This would likely take an additional week at minimum). Once everything is finalized they can do a mega event and switch the map. This would be the process EVERY time they wanted to switch the map. Perma props do not stay if you switch the map multiple times. I think this would be a massive waste of SMT's time and resources to bring a handful of players back for some short nostalgia. Cool idea, but not a smart thing to implement.
  17. There is no way to have a auto detect voice warn system that will not expensive, cause problems, or misused. The fact people get auto banned for typing certain words in chat can still get people randomly banned if they type a word that is to close to a slur and exc. Also people who copy and paste a name of someone with a slur and then get banned for it happens more frequently than you might think. -Support
  18. I would say buff limb damage so that its not un-realistically low but still keep it below Chest and especially head damage. +Support for what I sated above.
  19. My PTSD from all I want for Christmas is you playing from every corner of LCZ +Support, Christmas lights and decor
  20. Wow, this came out of no where. You were a great CMD member matt! hope to see you back one day.
  21. You have been a great Command member for a long time Krendel, enjoy the retirement.
  22. The MTF branch that fights nightmare monsters needs a taser? Makes more sense for the prison guard branch but this ultimately would be in a branch update from the HCMD. This is true, it should not be on the forums. Overall, -support. Stunning players is a big debate on the server. It is very difficult to get the baton on a job and that is a very limited melee stun. A ranged instant stun that you can do damage from, big no.
  23. I didn't know that Zeta-6 dying on surface can crash peoples games but anything that can crash a game should be looked into. If true than a model fix would be an easy way to fix this rather than temporarily banning the job. SMT should look into this.
  24. Between spawns, permaprops, and all the new things the server has added would make it very difficult to change the map to an older map. We have a lot of item SCPs on the server right now that would not fit on site-50 at all. It would take SMT at LEAST 1-2 weeks to set everything up and get it on the main server. If we were to change maps every 2 months, that is 1-2 weeks per 2 months, or 6-12 weeks per year. That is 1-2 MONTHS of development that would not get done per year. I think the only real way to do it is what the server is already doing which is the unofficial new map per year. Because we are an ever growing player base and changing environment, the map changes to reflect that. I thought about replying to this for a while, its just not a plausible thing to implement. -Support
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