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Everything posted by Tazza

  1. im just saying bro, should've thought it through before typing it in chat lmao
  2. goodbye goober. you shall be missed
  3. so sad that [Company/Organization Name] will be losing such a valued member we will miss you. o7
  4. ecto fam wtf why you do this? i will miss annoying you while im on maynard and just in general.
  5. well uhh shit guess we'll have to look for a new man for the sub branch but besides that have a good time where ever you go shafer!
  6. I'm gonna call the inanimate object staff team to resolve this issue!
  7. You've got to remember that the civilians see CI as the US military and the foundation as the Canadian Military
  9. goodbye tuna it was fun having you in imperial
  10. Tazza

    Serum's Short End

    Most normal Gaminglight Resignation
  11. +support this'll make the ethereal seem like an actual tool that you cant get anywhere else this'll make people not be an idiot with a powerful weapon and treat it like gold
  12. John is probably one of the most fit people for VCMDR I've seen while on imperialRP and hes more than fit to run the branch alongside blackout hes done a great job with STRM and he'll do an even better one with ST as a whole.
  13. didnt even get a mention i see how it is smh smh jk I'll miss bullying U bro you were a legendary mf
  14. ah ight i agree with this mans statement
  15. Aw no not you maximus, I remember both of us in ST ranking up its a shame to see you leave.
  16. =neutral= i dont understand a WORD of this suggestion ngl
  17. +support Harry JR is the best medical in medical corps he'd be an amazing VCMDR!
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