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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SAINTY.

  1. What is your ingame name?: Sainty What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:417674367 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: SO - Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Spectre What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I feel that I can work to help drive activity in both shock and DT. This will be by hosting sims and lots of tryouts. I will get to know the people in both battalions better and help make both battalions a more enjoyable place for all people involved. I have some great sim ideas to help all members, from enlisted all the way to officers to enjoy and be more active. By hosting fun sims and getting to know enlisted, this would result in more enlisted staying active in the battalion as they will enjoy playing on the server more. I am excited to learn more about the battalions, which will in turn allow me to help improve them both even more than they currently are. Due to my great activity I will always be available to help the battalions out in any way they need. Furthermore I will be looking over NCOs of the battalion to ensure they are up to the high standard I expect. I have experience doing this as a havoc vice commander. I will be carrying over my high expectations to both battalions, I think this is needed as a SO. This would only improve the battalions as a whole. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I should be trusted with this rank due to my positive reputation in the community, I strive to help individuals whenever I can. This is shown when I was an NCO, with hardly any activity in havoc, I managed to turn this around and help make havoc a more active battalion. With this attitude I will be able to implement this into both Shock and DT, thus helping both battalions out as much as I possibly can. As a havoc vice commander I have experienced first hand what makes officers and NCOs good and bad. I will be voicing my opinion on members of each respected battalion as I feel this is needed to be the best SO. Why do you want this rank?: I would like this rank as I have always liked both shock and DT, however I have never been directly involved in them before. By becoming a SO, this would allow me to be directly involved in both battalions, helping them both out. I also want to help Proteus improve both battalions, which he already has done so far! Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: YES What is your purpose within your assigned branch? My purpose as a SO would be to simply assist the battalions. This would be done via tryouts, hosting sims to keep troopers entertained, oversee officers and NCOs to ensure they are working hard, to work with the command of each battalion to help continue the battalion growth, to promote and reward active troopers and finally to assist Proteus with anything he needs related to the SO job.
  2. 100% deserves it. Multiple times I have witnessed him ask for SF elements to be introduced into events so the SF have more to do than just transport people. One of the nicest guys you will speak to on the server. Best of luck mate, you deserve it!
  3. - Support - Always see him complaining when doesn't get promoted. - Needs to mature more before given more responsibility. - Well known to be a huge minge. - Only ever seen negatives from him. Best of luck.
  4. HUGE SUPPORT Red has not only introduced me to RG he has spent lots of time with me since I was a cadet introducing me to the ropes of duelling and all things RG. I would not be able to name one person who cares more about RG and is more suited to the role. BEST OF LUCK RED!!
  5. + Support Only ever had great encounters with miyo Takes her job seriously Good leader Always keeping Officers, NCO's and Enlisted busy Committed to her battalion. Best of luck Miyo!
  6. Red has said this perfectly, having one strike shouldn't stop you from getting opportunities which you would be a good fit for. Best of luck.
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