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Simpington last won the day on March 15 2023

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  • Birthday April 20

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  1. I'm going to play Devils advocate here. In no way am I arguing in here but only stating facts and heresays from the grapevine. Before I go into anything, I'm not going to + or - support this post because I was involved in the shootout that occurred in said tunnel, so clearly my post would be viewed as biased. In the video russ posted he debunks that elapin had any direct line of sight when he adverted assist. BUT I want to state ever since I was an OFC many years ago I was always told Teamspeak is considered in-RP. With that said I'm not sure if it really is, its just something we was once told and went along with it since. Secondly, what Cece says is true but is only half the story. He had all rights to arrest everyone involved in that bank robbery for 6 years. The main complaint was no one else was doing any crime on the server and the moment UMC does crime they get max sentence after gov begs people to "Go do crime, we're bored." Ontop of that he tries everything in his power to start a conflict with us, for example: I was a soild 8ft ish feet away from the person who said "he was trying to kiss the Tac unit" and you came running at me with a gun telling me to back up while i was backing up listing to his commands he kept walking towards me repeating himself probably 3 or 4 times to back up. Cece being a command member should know better. He then detained Noah lee for jaywalking, told noah hes under arrest for a fineable offence then illegally searched him and found a gun on noah just to have a reason to arrested him. He did eventually let him go after realizing he was in the wrong after almost driving the detainee in the back of his squad car almost to PD. And finally while we was basing every 3-4 minutes he would drive right in front of our base and sit in the middle of the road and look towards our base as if he wanted to find a reason to raid. Most people in our family expresses that they feel targeted by Cece as he tries everything in his power to start unnecessary situations. I cannot fathom how he can try to paint UMC as the issue to everything when he tries to instigate and blow up half of any interaction he's involved in. If you have any problems with UMC members @CeCeplease feel free to contact a LV 5 member or higher in the family.
  2. Simpington


    Hey, is this the bald guy who would spawn 500 hostile NPCs in or outside my base? That Phil?
  3. +Support. Brucey is spitting clear facts here. There's a fine line where you do things the right way and the wrong way. You chose the wrong way Dark. Honestly I have no hard feeling against you, actually I think your chill man. And yes this involves my family but I'm legit the least biased as I'm not afraid to strike/members me, my members, or punish anyone involved in some manner to my family. My members once watched me strike myself in my own family because I once broke a rule of the family. I'm pretty sure it's written in a staff handbook that staff cannot intervene in role-play situations. I know rules on their part are broken. However I'd just let the situation play out then after it was done, give a verbal. Honestly, this didn't warnt to noclip and destroy a silo. If there was multiple silos then I'd understand destroying a few or if it was game breaking by lagging the server, affecting a players experience (besides their feelings being hurt), ect. Honestly I don't feel Dark should be removed, I'd rather leave this as a lesson to be learned. If he gets a strike or a demotion in staffing ranks that's fair. I feel if he got strikes it'll keep other staff members online and remind them that no one is above the rules set by SMT and Zeeptin and to remind them to read the rules often as there's quiet a few staff members I feel whos hardly ever read the MOTD and makes up rules on the spot half of the time.
  4. I agree, Literally if crims starts to win ANY situation gov starts complaining then they hop off in the masses. I have countless and undeniable evidence of this. Were starting to head in a direction where crim is losing everything while gov get cool new toys to combat us, soon they'll be nothing fun to do besides base all day and IF there's enough gov on we could rob a store. That's boring if you ask me.
  5. ...BOS is back, tell a friend." And we're back for the thousandth time! This time we're back with bigger plans than ever. For those who knows how we are, they know we sortta fell off the face of the earth back in December of 2022. Well a few things lead to our downfall with things like a lack of a formal and complete SOP to being targeted by poachers to take our members to other communities. We acknowledge our fatal flaws of our family and have been slowly working on fixing those problems that we kept running into. Now that they are fixxed we've decided to restart from scratch and work our way back up to where we once was and be better than we was before. So get ready to see your friendly neighborhood BOS basing around and causing chaos around the city. Also we have a short promotional video for you guys to see. Promo video (Sorry about Youtube's horrible compression quality) : Who Are We? We are a group of passionate people of the PoliceRP community who are Fallout fanatics that enjoy playing GMod with our friends. You don’t need to know fallout lore or even need to play the Fallout games to join us. Anyone who wants to join a faction is welcomed to join us! We roleplay as The Brotherhood of Steel from the Fallout universe. We do have lore but here's the gist of the story; Our mission was simple: The Institute (an advanced scientific organization based around science as an ideology) is in possession of a highly advanced weapon that can help us retake back the nuclear wastelands of North America. During the mission our cover was blown when our arch-nemesis faction, The Enclave, showed up at The Institute’s hidden facility. An all-out war between The Brotherhood of Steel, The Enclave, and The Institute began and started to sprawl out of control and during the massive shootout, the weapon that everyone is fighting for was used; however, there was a major malfunction with the weapon causing space and time itself to collapse momentarily opening a wormhole-like portal. This mysterious portal ends up pulling-in every sentient being within the room where the battle is taking place and transporting them to a foreign and unknown land. This is how we ended up in Rockford. Links: Our Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GYPbegfELfmlXXqf414g3RRJkVilYQP9beNrWuSmuQI/edit?usp=sharing Our SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ince185vmTyXqr_HoSj65GitUnkdCJwAi8p7O6x6jJc/edit?usp=sharing Want to join? Apply here: https://forms.gle/ZvGzuqPNYCjXrAXi9 Need to report a member of BOS? Report here: https://forms.gle/SMaWeLvWygSy9M9Q9 Our Custom Logo: "Towards Victory"
  6. +support More basing, More things to do on crim, Gives every family who completed the current upgrades a goal to work for I also suggest adding 2x +5 armors and make them 1bil a piece.
  7. +Support Yes I was there so it may seem bias; however, I do have my own POV of this situation (Link down below.) This guy has been hoping on ALT accounts for a week now doing this to us. They destroyed our stuff 4 or 5 times in the past week by glitching or hack under our base to destroy our stuff. Another thing to look at is Galaxy's post 4 hours prior to this post as he is reporting the same player because it has the same SteamID but a different name. If you want to check that post here's the link: So Things you guys should know: Phil banned a guy yesterday who I believe is the same guy for 1 year. The guy whom Phil banned did the exact same thing around the same time. One final thing before I post my clip. When this guy starting shooting at me he had crazy knockback and had me pinned against the wall where I couldn't move. You could argue the printer that blew up near me pushed me but if you look closely the printers that I had to blow up just to kill this guy never pushed me. It was only then when he started shooting me was when i was stun locked against a wall. My POV: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/CQxVkXw5-xEIM/d1337sdMHBxU?invite=cr-MSxYT1csMzc1MTM3MjIs Thank you for taking your time and looking over this post.
  8. - Support I'm positive this guy works at an Indian scam call center He can makes better documents than me but I'm still pretty good He's just jealous that I'm not bald like him.
  9. Do you have thoughts of starting a faction but your having a hard time making one or getting it going? Well luckily for you I've got your back! Did you know your family is required to have a Roster, a SOP, and an Official Family Discord to be recognized as an "official family." A professional looking roster and a starlight forward SOP to list all of your rules really makes your family stand out from the rest and shows that your serious about your faction. I can do just about everything needed to make your dream family come true! With our rosters we either have a template you can use that will look similar to the 2nd image down below or we can make you one from scratch. Things I can do: Family Logos (2D and 3D, examples below), Setting up up a Roster, Making a Family Discord server, Application form to apply to your faction, and lastly I can help make other documents you may need like an SOP and ect. I've been in this community long enough to know that its pretty hard to get your family going after a while so that's why I'm offering to help out those who are in need. Down below I will list a few terms and conditions: Serious inquires only Will try to do any idea you have but don't over do it as I'm not a miracle worker Everything I make will be 100% owned by you once everything is finished Sample logos I make may come with my water mark on them until the logo is finished Disclaimer: I'm not doing anything that involves Custom classes or custom cars as those are services are provided by Snar and Beckett when purchasing certain packages from the GL store. Logos is only provided to new factions and not existing ones. Existing faction who needs a logo, Becket will be more than willing to provide his services once you purchase a Custom Clan Package. Also eventually Ill be doing Promo videos for a faction once I make a demo promo video first, so keep an eye out for another post in the future talking about making promo videos. If any Gov Department wants me to shoot them a promo video and use as a demo Id do it free of charge. 1st Image - The Brotherhood of Steel 3D Logo (Made from scratch in blender) 2nd Image - The Brotherhood of Steel Roster 3rd Image - The Brotherhood of Steel Application 4th Image - The Brotherhood of Steel Discord Template 5th Image - Devils Desperados Family Name Logo Image 6 - Devil Desperados Roster (Using BOS's Template) If you have a request for your faction or you have any questions about this post then feel free to message me on Discord: Simpington#7729
  10. I told Myan I was going to do it Context: During the chaos of the Halo invasion event, Myan righteously fight off the hoards of elites. Towards the ending Myan throws a grenade and Bartholomew decided to take one for the team, altho why Bartholomew did it we will never know.
  11. Fact checkers needs to be placed. Some facts are wrong.
  12. The Archangels "We're just doin' God's work." The Archangels was founded and created by Simpington. This family intends to be rich in family lore and unique non repetitive RP revolving around the roles of each individual member within the family. We always believe that family always comes first. We inspired our faction ranking system from sorts of different things from Italian mafia to Japanese delinquent factions. Everyday were working on new ideas to innovate our faction and what we do within the community. Enough bragging, if we have peaked your interest or you want to build or establish family relations feel free to contact us. Archangels Discord: https://discord.gg/NaAW96RNWf Archangels Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1feSu3GWG7Zflrxzq-8gGeuINAa0w-Yk0kSHfXDbdiAo/edit?usp=sharing Archangels SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A9dmnVuK3E5MOgfiEBApRU2oUrm9MmQ6KhxhKdtusqI/edit?usp=sharing Archangels Member Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSea9JcHDn6WOjFuIEcAQkvdQIh-sc4DxV1tD0-zjxgWuYJqMA/viewform The Archangels is a criminal family organization that operates on The Gaminglight™ Garry’s Mod Police RP server: steam://connect/
  13. Simpington

    ICE (Resignation)

    Dang, I remembered when you was carrying SWAT after drippy retired from Commander. You practically saved SWAT. But its sad to see you go. You was a great fiend that ive know for well over a year. BTW IK how hard nursing is, I was once a Temp CNA. Jobs rough. If you are going for your nursing don't stop at CNA or LPN, go straight for RN atleast. I wish you the best of luck in life man.
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