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Everything posted by FusionThunder

  1. I mean if Faye was confirmed not to have been the one i would -support for faye but +support for the others
  2. +Support 682 killed me when i was fully in armory after claiming to have read rules
  3. Bro? How is what he said proof now
  4. -Support tbh idk how that shows him minging
  5. Gonna miss you man. Was fun minging with you. I hope to still cross paths on the server
  6. Damn this hurts to see man. I know we didnt have many interactions but I always thought of you as a good person. you were one of the reasons i joined wardens and im happy that I did. Never change man. The shit you did made me laugh my ass off every time. From the ugandan knuckles jokes at my first meeting to the gutteral yelling we did on wardens. It was truly a pleasure. Good luck in life man. I wish the best
  7. DARK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO on a real note tho ima miss you man. you were a cool person to talk to and you helped me alot when i had questions. I hope whatever you do next brings you good things. Have a good life funny man
  8. He makes alot of activity logs on Security Greg
  9. +Support His antics are getting really old. I’ll do something on my end for punishment in Gensec once i get back on
  10. Flashbangs fuck with more than just your eyes they also hurt your ears if im not mistaken
  11. Fair enough, the thing is the bios are tankier and can replenish armor and the speed thing doesnt take you too far. the Type19 got nerfed into the ground today so its no longer viable and i dont even see the mp7 anymore as many people believe its garbage after the nerf also, didnt really mean it as an attack on BIOs and CI kind of just made this in the heat of the moment as getting killed halfway across town is very agitating
  12. Chief if i can be shredded halfway across town by a vector thats an issue
  13. What are you suggesting? - Nerf the Vector's Damage drop off and damage in general How would this change better the server? - So people doesnt get shredded halfway across town Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The balancing of this weapon may anger the people who like using it as their main weapon Who would this change mostly benefit? - MTF Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  14. I had a hell of a morning going up chain of command trying to get something
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