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Everything posted by Cintal

  1. +Support Great at what he does and would make a great command member.
  2. Big +Support Overqualified for a command position and would be a great fit.
  3. Name: Cintal Current and former RP ranks (max of 3 of each): Current: Research Foundation Doctor Former: D5 Second Lieutenant Current and former head/deputy head of a lot of sub branches SteamID: ID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 DiscordID: cintal Why do you want to be a command member?: I want to be a command member of Omega-1 because I want to help the new branch grow and build from the ground up. Since Omega-1 will mostly be focused on enforcing the site ethics and acting as enforcers of the law, I want to bring aspects of real-life law enforcement into Omega-1 and bring a law enforcement-type system to the branch. Some examples of things I would include would be how to properly detain and escort resistors and assailants, de-escalation tactics, how to clear a room, how to perform interrogations and interviews, and much more. This would allow Omega-1 to run smoothly and bring an even balance of RP and combat in the branch, making it fun for everyone! What skills and qualities makes you best fit to be Omega-1 Command?: Unlike most applicants, I am the best fit to be Omega-1 command because of my experience in both RP-focused branches and combat-focused branches. I've spent an equal amount of time as command in both RP-focused branches and combat-focused branches and can confidently say that I can maintain a high level of RP within the branch while also maintaining an equal level of combat within the branch. Additionally, as a current senior command member and two time former special forces (not included in former ranks), I can be trusted with having a command rank within a prestigious position among MTF and can be entrusted with the powers that come with the position. I've never broken a single SOP rule on a branch and have only broken the server rules twice, one time being an accident. Alongside these qualities, I am also welcoming towards new members joining my branches and can act professionally while on duty. Lastly, something not a lot of people know about me is that I am training to join law enforcement and am learning the aspects of the justice system and criminology. I want to use what I learn from my classes to make Omega-1 more realistic and serve better as a law enforcement-type branch. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Code of Ethics?: 7 (I don't know the exact names of all of the ethics codes but know almost all of them inside out).
  4. After a review of the following document, the Research Field Agency has decided to grade the document an 80/100. For the majority, your test log is fine and meets expectations. However, the format is too generic and looks a bit off in certain areas. Next time, adding more elements to your test log will make it more appealing and will get you a better grade. Otherwise, you're test log looks great and has no other issues. -OA-3
  5. After a review of the following document, the Research Field Agency has decided to grade the document a 30/100. Test logs should always be original and should never be plagiarized. With that being said, your SCP descriptions and containment procedures contain sentences that are from the official wiki and are not original. Additionally, some of your sentences are too general and bland. The test log was also made in the forums instead of a Google document, with poor formatting. Lastly, some characters are improperly spaced and sized. -OA-3
  6. Format: 100/100 Grammer and spelling: 100/100 Length: 100/100 Originality: 100/100 Total score: 100/100 Love the test log and the SCP man, keep up the great work!
  7. “I’m never resigning” but in all seriousness, gonna miss you man. Take care
  8. I'm not the best with writing resignations so I'm gonna make this short. It's been hard for me to manage D5 on the server and I've pretty much lost all interest in the branch. Getting on to play D5 is starting to feel more like a chore than just having fun, and it isn't as fun as it used to be for me. I've also been struggling with my mental health, which has only made things worse for me, and it's the best thing for me to resign from D5. Ellipsis: Actual chad and way too dedicated to RO. Goodluck with the subbranch, man. Fruitt: Stop fuckin driving and talking in TS weirdo. Acee: Chillest D5 ever, hope to see you get VCMDR one day. Lovelock: British nerd. Carl: Greatest D5 to have ever lived, RIP Reaper. Everyone else, idk you're cool ig I'll still be on the server as Research so this isn't goodbye (yet) Sayonara
  9. Greatest enlisted command to have ever lived O7
  10. Name: Cintal Rank: Research Administrator, 2nd Lieutenant, Senior Event Team Length of LOA: 4/2/23 - 4/9/23 Reason for LOA: Life fuckin sucks for me rn, burnt out and not in a good place mentally.
  11. Name: Cintal SteamID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 Current Rank: SET Current Warnings on your account. (Provide an image): Why do you think you should receive this role? (Minimum 150 Words): I think I should receive this role for a few reasons. Mainly, I am one of the most active SET in ET. Over the years I've had more activity than most SET in ET and I've only ever taken two LOAs (might have been three). I've also never broken the rules of ET and use my powers resp. The only strike I have in ET is a strike I have for missing a week's quota. Additionally, I'm always glad to help other ET members, and answer any questions they have, help them with any events they need, and respond quickly to SET requests. However, the main reason I believe I should get this role is that I want to help ET grow. I don't want executive ET for power's sake, I want it so I can help ET change and make it a better experience for everyone. I also want to help ET in ways that a SET normally wouldn't be able to help. An example of a change I want to make to ET is to rewrite the ET guidelines and make them easier to understand, more organized, and allow ET with more permissions that I believe they should have, such as ET being able to give non-ET players M9K weapons like the harpoon in in-RP events. What makes you different from your peers? (Minimum 50 Words): Unlike my other peers, I have a lot of experience with ET. I have been in ET for quite a while now (since September), and over the months I have gained a lot of experience from hosting a variety of events. I believe I have learned enough to become an Executive ET. How active can you be on a weekly basis?: I can be very active on a weekly basis. Are you experienced with mega events?: Yes, I am experienced with hosting mega events. How many events have you hosted since joining?: 55
  12. Name: Cintal Rank: 2LT Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:505458923 Discord ID (Example: wXc GameHunter#2435): Cintal#6895 Current Sub-Branches your in: G9 (Wendigo GC2), RO (DHRO) Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 75+ words): I should retain my rank in D5 because of my dedication to D5. although I haven't really been active in the last two weeks due to some issues, I am normally an active command member and strive to help other D5 members with anything they need. I've also helped RO with some of their things like making a new test and training guide, which proves my dedication to this branch. I promise to be more active in the coming days and become an overall better command member. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: I love D5
  13. Maintenance jobs. (All of them from what I know)
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