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Everything posted by Cintal

  1. Name: Cintal Rank: PVT Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): Cintal#6895 Current Sub-Branches your in: none Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: none
  2. In Game Name: Cintal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 Discord ID: Cintal#6895 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Analyst. Current RP Ranks Held: Research Supervisor, Research Intelligence Sentinel, Research Field Agent, RRA Senior Lecturer. Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): No. If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: (the embed and link are two different test logs) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fNDh1G30M8arziRXerF7VE2UnYNeK92qQ189G22Ps10/edit?usp=sharing How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to join the Red Right Hand team to conduct tests I normally would not be able to conduct as a regular Research member, such as utilization tests. I also want to help in MTF operations, such as mech raids and echo-5 raids, up close and in the field, unlike RFA, where we don't normally involve in combat and stay at a distance. There are other things I want to do as well, such as help Research high command in their tests, help MTF capture unknown SCPs spotted in the facility, and assist in the interrogation of CI and other GOIs captured by the foundation. Why should we accept you: I have joined every sub-division and group in Research, like RFA, RIS, and even command; if it exists, I'm in it. Therefore, I have experience in multiple fields, such as reconnaissance, research and combat. I am also an out of the box thinker, and can think of things that nobody has thought before in Research, and always try to think of the specifics. For example, if I am going to attempt to capture a GOI, I always ask myself "who, what, where, when, and why"? Who is the GOI? Are they a known ally of the foundation, or are they a new group? What are they doing and why? Where is everything happening, and do they have a tactical advantage with their location? Can they be captured in their current location? When were they spotted, and does it correlate to the time of an SCP breach? Why are they raiding the foundation, and what would they want or could get if they broke into the facility? I can almost always find a solution to an issue, new and old, if given enough time and resources, whether it's finding a way to contain a new SCP, or figuring out how to capture or take out a heavily armed GOI.
  3. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling: 25/25 Reason: Almost no issues with your test log! I only found 2 issues with dashes and apostrophes, but I don't blame you for not knowing them (I needed Grammarly to spot them). Idea: 25/25 Reason: original and great test idea! Format: 25/25 Reason: Great format! Length: 25/25 Reason: not too short and not too long! Total score: 100! Great work!
  4. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1yZvFHQO-GDLcIYFS7JBUfKf4tSYohogsvMJ6qT3UZYriGii0r2kGIOPOYiGoIjo5y0S-GMU9sVTq/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=60000 Literally gaming
  5. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling: 20/25 Reason: Spelling and grammar is fine, but punctuation and spacing could use some work. Idea: 25/25 Reason: original and overall a great test idea! Format: 20/25 Reason: good format, but I feel like a better font could be used. Length: 25/25 Reason: not too short and not too long! Total score: 90
  6. +support -Great researcher and command member -Active -Super nice -Chill guy -Roleplay chad
  7. In-Game Name: Cintal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Gold How long have you been playing on the server?: About 7 months Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines?: Yes How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): Why do you want to join event team?: I want to join Event Team to bring more unique and fun events for the server, especially for branches that have low activity and don't get their own events often, like Research. I constantly have new ideas for events to host for the server, branches and smaller groups. I am very dedicated to the Research branch, and want to host events for them to help boost the branch population and bring in more activity. However, I won't only focus on events for Research, and will host events for every branch when I can. Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: I should be trusted to be part of the Event Team because I am not a mingy person, take my job seriously and always follow the rules. I've only ever broken 1 rule in the server and it was an accident (it was my first time playing as 173 and I got mixed up with the rules). I always follow the MOTD, a branch SOP, and job guidelines whenever I'm on the server. And if I ever think something is or isn't against the rules, I always check the MOTD or SOP just to make sure. I am also active on the server and play whenever I can. I won't join a branch then disappear from the server without making a resignation or LOA. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: No Describe an event you could create (Be specific): One event I would create is an event where 2 instances of SCP-745, also known as "the headlights" are spotted roaming surface, hunting down any lone travelers and taking them out with swift force. RFA and E11 units are tasked with capturing the instances and must take the instances to temp euclid to be tested on by the researchers. Meanwhile, CI must attempt to raid the facility and steal the instances and take them back to CI base to be tested on. D5 and Nu7 are tasked with countering the CI and keeping the instances onsite at all costs. If the CI manage to make it back to base with the instances, CI win. If the foundation keeps the instances contained, the foundation wins. The instances can escape at any time if proper protocols are not followed by researchers or MTF. Sarkic may not participate in this event.
  8. +support Overall nice guy and active. Def would make for a great addition to command.
  9. +support x2 This dude is too nice and active to not be in command. I’m literally suing if he doesn’t get in command. Also grizz if we both get command we gotta host mass tests together.
  10. +support Pretty chill guy and fairly active. I would be fine with getting bossed around by him.
  11. I’ve never seen you on either, so I’m guessing it’s a timezone thing.
  12. Imagine not reading research announcements smhhhh
  13. Name: Cintal SteamID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 Current Rank: Advanced researcher Time in Research (Estimate): A month Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): I should be in research command because I am very active in research, especially in sub branches that aren’t very active right now, such as RAU. I’m also very good at writing test logs. So far, every test log I’ve written has a 90+ grade. I am also very welcoming to new researchers. Whenever I’m testing, I’ll also invite other researchers to co-test with me. If needed, I also give them ideas for tests. Research is a branch I’m very passionate about, and I’m always trying to be active and help other people in the branch any way I can. I’m also respectful towards people that aren’t in research too. What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): I am in every sub branch and certification in research, and I’ve done a lot of things in research that a command member would usually do, so I am prepared for any issues that might come up in research. Whether that be coming up with a new containment method for an SCP, or host mass tests. I am also willing to do things that would be deemed hard for other research members, and I can take any challenges being in research command might bring. I also have a great understanding of the rules of research and it’s sub branches, and rarely need to use an SOP, but still do, just in case : ] What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): Firstly, to improve the experience in research, I would add some rules to the code of conduct in the SOP. This includes: Treat other researchers and foundation personnel with respect, regardless of their rank. Only test on SCPs you have clearance to test on. Follow the Chain of Command Secondly, I would host a “researcher of the week” event every now and then. The researcher that gets the most test logs, activity logs, and activity in general would get a promotion and a 15,000 cash prize. The cash prize would be 20,000 if the researcher was active on any sub branch that week (especially RFA and RAU). Lastly, I would be active on command ingame and encourage researchers to test on SCPs for possible cash prizes or promotions from me.
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sekT2EcfkInp0W0gcrjCtcIMk1IOKTua-RdEkIrfglw/edit?usp=sharing gaming
  15. The site 15 thing was an error, and was supposed to say site 50. The template I used said site 15, when it was supposed to say site 50. I fixed the error with the template, so you can expect to not see that again. As for the format, I’ve never seen anyone with it. It’s based on actual coding consoles. I have a bit of experience with coding, so I’m familiar with the layout of those things.
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qMASnA7QHP_MoreBQxqZMmoBzFbiWQEmzsXw5cwivWg/edit?usp=sharing Yes, I know it's been suggested I make the background darker. If I make it darker, it would ruin the atmosphere of the google doc, as I normally use darker colors for redacted files or error messages.
  17. In-Game Name: Cintal Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505458923 Current Research Rank: Researcher Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): Test Log 1 (link) Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): First, I would go on a reconnaissance mission to gather any more data on the insurgents that could help. Once this is done, I would notify the RFA and assemble a squad of RFA agents and Nu-7 operatives, and notify them to report to my location. Once this is done, I and the squad of RFA agents and Nu-7 operatives would rush the insurgents. If possible, I would try to capture them. If me or my squad is fired at, however, I would return fire on the insurgents. Once all insurgents are apprehended or killed in combat, I would recover any documents or other forms of foundation data retrieved by the insurgents and return them to the foundation. All captured insurgents are to be taken into questioning. There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): In order to contain this anomaly, I would request maintenance to add sound proofing, an incinerator and sleeping gas canisters to an empty CC in site-50. I would then bring a D-class into the empty CC and close all doors in the containment area. Then, I would find the last known location of the targeter and attempt to locate it. If the targeter is found, I would tell it the name of the D-class kept in the new containment cell. Then, I would return to the containment cell and activate the sleeping gas. If the sleeping gas works on the targeter, and makes it fall asleep, I would remove the D-class from the containment cell and turn off the sleeping gas. If a researcher would like to test on the targeter, they would just need to activate the sleeping gas, and they would be free to transport D-class in and out of the containment cell. In the event the targeter is breached, MTF would need to complete the same steps I completed in order to recontain the targeter. If the sleeping gas does not work, and there is no way to make the targeter fall asleep, I would activate the incinerator, terminating the targeter. This should be a last resort and should only be used if there is no way to make the targeter fall asleep, not allowing researchers to be able to test on the SCP. An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react? (100+ Words): I would collect all documents, newspapers, and any other form of evidence in the area and send it to the research department for further research. As for the laptop, I would bring it in to the researchers as well for forensics test. After the researchers are done testing the laptop for forensics, I would trace the location of the I.P. address and send the location to RFA agents around the area in order to investigate the location. I would then finish gathering any information or evidence on the laptop. Once this is all complete, I would hand over the laptop to the RFA.
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fNDh1G30M8arziRXerF7VE2UnYNeK92qQ189G22Ps10/edit?usp=sharing This is my first test log, so I might have messed up some things/didn't met standards or expectations.
  19. Cintal


    ayo btw your famous now lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_68AfSOAKo
  20. Cintal


    "I always come back"
  21. Cintal


    I didn’t know about people talking about me positively. I just thought I looked like a dumbass to everyone lmao. Yeah, I’m gonna miss tazza. Dude was the funniest person I’ve met in a long time.
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