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Everything posted by Cintal

  1. Format: 20/25 Good other than some slides being kinda empty. A bit more creativity could have been used to fill up the spaces. Grammer, spelling, and punctuation: 25/25 Good job! Idea(s): 25/25 I liked the idea of trying to learn everything about the SCP ingame instead of just doing one test to learn one thing. Writing quality: 20/25 Good choice of words, but nothing special. Plus some of the writing sounds like I'm talking to a teenager. Total score: 90
  2. +/- Support Event idea is ok, but I've seen people do 008 event all the time. Can be a minge at times. Other than that, already has experience with the new command system and is overall active.
  3. +Support Active, only one warn, and an overall good event idea.
  4. +Support Clean record with no warns, some experience with hosting events, and a good event idea.
  5. +/-Support Idea is ok I guess, but you are missing your steamID in your application. Please include it in order to be accepted.
  6. Format: 20/25 Reason: Color scheme of the doc is nice, but the format feels a little weird, some parts of the doc feel off and bigger than the rest of the doc. The beginning of the doc with the progress bars was pretty cool tho. Grammer, spelling, and punctuation: 25/25 Reason: No issues found! Idea: 25/25 Reason: Pretty cool test idea IMO. Quality and originality: 15/25 Reason: The description for 035 is just copied from the SCP wiki, and the doc feels a bit short. I was hoping it would be a longer and more descriptive. Total score: 85/100
  7. -Support 1. It was an in-rp thing, the D class was being fed to Shinspin while he was on 682 and was shoved over the fence. 2. Mf literally put a slur in the title of the clip and broke a rule himself. Even if Ireland was in the wrong, Shinspin would be liable for breaking a rule too and the clip wouldn't be valid. 3. Tried to blackmail Ireland with the clip and tried to get blackmail him into getting him to open his CC while he was on MTF
  8. +support -Has been with Research since the 19th century -Great Researcher -Active -Probably won't make a plot to kill all SA and HCMD and take over the site -Responsible overall, a great pick for FD
  9. +Support Feel like you would make a better analyst than a guardian but if you think you would be a good guardian, then I believe. (Pro tip: "crossifre" Cryptonus on guardian.)
  10. ROA or LOA: LOA Name: Cintal Rank: SET Start Date: 1/9/23 End Date: 1/18/23 Reason: ET feels more like an obligation then s hobby right now, and I need some time to think of events and just get my old ET energy back.
  11. What are you suggesting? - Adding comms for all Foundation Agencies and LV4+ personnel. How would this change better the server? - This change would allow for more communication between Foundation Agencies and similar (RFA, IAA, CA, Wardens, Rangers) and would make the jobs of the Agencies a lot easier. It would also allow for more communication between Agencies and Special Forces, making tasks like AOSs or LV4 operations easier without risking a leak of information or a lack of communication. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can think of. Who would this change mostly benefit? - This change would mostly benefit Agencies and Special Forces. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  12. What is your In-Game name?: Cintal What is your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?: STEAM_0:0:505458923 What is your rank? (Medical and/or Maintenance): Elite Medic How many strikes do you currently have?: None How many warnings do you have on GL? (Post a screenshot of your warnings): 1 Who gave you permission to apply?: Wassabi Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (75+ Words)?: Firstly, as someone who plays CCU a lot, I'm always on the move in the site as medical. With that being said, I have experience in healing people on the move and quickly moving from one place to another. While I'm not maintenance, I am Research, and am a Technical Researcher. This means I also have experience in doing some maintenance tasks, like giving armor. I have a bit of experience in both utility fields, and combined with the fact that I am experienced in providing assistance in the field, I would make a great Trauma Engineer. I am also active in medical, know my way around the faility, and am generally liked by all. Scenario Questions: Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize? A1: In this scenario, you should prioritize healing the MTF. Trauma Engineer's main priority is providing armor and health for foundation personnel. Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize? A2: In this scenario, you should prioritize fixing 106's CC. Repairing site functions is Trauma Engineer's second priority, while squadding with MTF is third priority.
  13. +Support Based, elixir finder, chad
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HuP7prvsgWNNm_LF9uVzXIDlxfHwRi8OUegNq0nWdeQ/edit?usp=sharing Haven't done a test log in a while, so I'm a bit rusty.
  15. +support 4 years, wtf? Go outside. But seriously, really great guy, would love to see him in ET
  16. +support Great guy in Research, would make a good ET.
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