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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. Final Score: 100/100 Loved it, made me chuckle, and the method the d class devised was pretty damn smart. Its cool to include that 173 caught on, it is sentient, and learns over time to do new things. Pros: Well written, numbers illustrate the concept greater, and overall the competence shown in your writing is exemplary. Cons: I have...No idea what practical purpose this test has, but I dont care, its amazing. Fuckin' 173 torpedo when?
  2. +support Ye just give it a sound and it'll work just fine.
  3. I...wha...What the FUCK did I just read? I don't think I can give this a numerical score but...alright. Pros: The formatting is solid, even if it could stand to be a bit more organized in places. The concept is interesting, since we know its sentient despite any discernable method of thought. Its nice to see someone trying to analyze the statue beyond hehe neck go snap. Cons: This is entirely too horny. Like, way too horny. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, directly to horny jail horny. Don't. I don't care if its what the actual D class said because I am sure you probably got someone who said that stuff, but like...bruh. Grammar and punctuation is messy, not awful, but messy. This doesn't really answer the question you were trying to ask. You could give it another go, but dear god, let them build a connection another way, I would snap their neck too for that lmao.
  4. +support I heard that shit from halfway across debrief today.
  5. Massive -support Alright, look. Some binds are pretty stupid, some are pretty cringe, but heres the thing: its an advert, in a chat, that scrolls quickly. The message will have came and fuckin' went in no time. Its a little bit of fun and a bit of sprucing things up. Half of the people here are so against it because "oh semi serious isnt an excuse you should be serious with your adverts" bruh, as long as the message is put across, who cares? I understand in the case of weird or gross shit, but most binds are just dumb fun. A rule like this would cause more problems than it would solve, be a pain for staff to determine in some cases how much a bind is allowed to be silly, which would cause discretion issues and players getting pissed at "well this staff thought it was fine" and so on so forth. At the end of the day, we are playing Gmod, an inherently pretty fuckin' stupid game. A bind thats dumb fun is harmless, and while there are some I look at and let out internal groans at, most are fine. Here are some of my personal favorites, just to remind you what bit of fun we could be missing out on just because people can't just look at the important part of an advert: Cyanide: Pops one of these and forgets about her Ooh! Piece of candy! Aight Imma fuck wit'chu I do not vibe with this universe. Thermals: *Eats a shit ton of carrots* Bravo six, going dark. I just tripped over this goddamn stealth ops foot! Aight, this definitely aint lag Being Captured: *Taps comms aggressively to tell everyone I am in deep shit* Unhand me, heathen! They lied to me, we aren't going to Disneyland!!! GOI Callouts: Oh hey guys hows it go- wait i'm nOT ON A CI JOB AHHH This isn't in the budget! Oh shit, the IRS is here! Ayo, is that Thin? This shits just fun, man
  6. I mean, an understaffed d block is fucked anyways when the CCs start pulling up, but aight
  7. My personal suggestion to pretty much anybody I ask is one combatant one rp. A main guideline on which to pick is "what gives me access to the full map" A few good combos would be like, Nu-7 and RnD, or CI Mil and Research, E11 and Maintenance, stuff like that. Granted, with the life limits being pretty high on several branches, you could just go full spectrum with it, try a little bit of everything.
  8. Just pay attention to what comes up the elevator lmao
  9. No no, I mean like the number. It doesn't list the weapons, just how many you get. So for like bronze, instead of 3 it would be 7 or something now.
  10. +support We also need to get the number of VIP weapons you unlocked changed, since it shows 3 for bronze when you get like, 7.
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S5FS9Fa1vefvld8DxQl41qHpuF44PGTlIIN02v4ijbE/edit?usp=sharing A bit more humorous than my other logs, this one is mostly dialogue, between Samuel Hayden, SCP-035, and the one and only Doctor Sex PHD. I had so much fun writing this, I hope you have fun reading it.
  12. 100/100 What can I say? After reading the document to recall what it was [it's been a minute since i went through the 1000's] and then reading your idea, I was immediately hooked. Pros: Fantastic characterization of all parties involved. Everyone sounded like they should for the roles they undertook. The idea was extremely interesting, and how it went in the log was well written and thought out. The explanation for the anomalous effects pausing for a moment shows a consideration for the results that I find greatly impressive. Cons: If anything these are all nitpicks too minor for me to give a shit, but here; Could have ran the test several times [though based on the end I believe you already intend to do this] to see if he just got lucky in his survival. At the very least, this is a more efficient way of testing 1128 to an extent, as retrieved d class can't really describe what was going on. So really, this con is kinda irrelevant. Basically just means I wanna see more. What I would change: Other than formatting to fit my own personal style, I wouldn't change anything. Overall, fantastic!
  13. Staff has better shit to do to poke their head in every minuteish, and people could still get away with it.
  14. Final score: 77/100 Pros: The concept is interesting, as in lore there really is no explanation for WHY there is feces and blood and such all over the containment, so I absolutely applaud the idea. Wordplay was interesting in several places. Organization is solid, lets me find where things end and begin pretty easily. Cons: Thats uh...that's one weird ass 173. Although, im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you did this one in person and can't really be responsible for what players did during. Its pretty short, which isn't a big deal, but it could be more fleshed out conceptually. Grammar and punctuation [While I am not a stickler for or anything] is a bit messy at times, but it could be worse. What I would improve: I would try and improve word choice and such here and there, maybe just toss it into a grammar checker or something. Flesh out the concept a bit more, we don't know much about a digestive system if one is present, the matter that appears on walls and such could be through other more anomalous means. Overall, solid work! I would say revisit this test concept sometime. Try and get people more inclined to RP if you want to do your tests in game, research can flag on to scps for you. I personally do a great 049 lmao.
  15. Why wait til they do it, cause a bunch of wasted time for players, when we can just put a death box around it and cut out the problem before it happens?
  16. Who is gonna beat the shit out of SCPs with golden weapons with me? :c
  17. Thats the thing about D-Class, if you give em something to do they don't riot, and it could be very simple shit too. +support
  18. Keycard crackers. and the several nukes that have been caused by 280's and 343's. Even 106 technically, though it would take them ages. Staff aren't the only people who can go through walls and such, and these scps can slip right in to where they need to be to activate the nuke.
  19. To get in there you have to be able to noclip as is, which stands to reason you have access to staff commands, and the ability to god yourself. Just...be godded.
  20. What are you suggesting? - Add an area that kills players in a radius around the nuke buttons unless they are godded. If possible, make it job specific, if not, godded players only. How would this change better the server? - Stop nukes caused by anybody who manages to get to the buttons Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Maybe some accidental deaths? But I mean, everything in there is blocked by props and invisible walls anyways. A kill field would help. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  21. Shit dude, wish you luck in life we hitting up sven again someday tho
  22. I'll edit to remove it. I think the "Combine Specialist" is the best fit for ambush anyways.
  23. I wasn't sure if that would've been the right call given how level 100's arent technically a member of the branch by default. That, and I assumed that all of these would probably be brought to the attention of command at some point as a result. Its either I A: potentially irritate a shit ton of command for something they may not really screw with, or B: Just do it here and let them see it. also, is the -support because you dont like them or because I put them here?
  24. +support I wasn't there for this, but damn dude, that sounds like a violation of every geneva convention.
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