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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. +support An alt user wouldve at least waited a few days to buy something make a purchase, making sure they were safe first. HE bought gmod, not shared it. So, I think he is clear.
  2. Dude, we are on SCP-RP, if degeneracy wasn't tolerated, we wouldnt have a playerbase
  3. this was made before 912 for one, and please, do not bother replying if you wont read the post. There is a very clearly outlined note that says that its just a listed variety.
  4. i get the "User has timed out" errors all the time tryna load in at all
  5. or you could...do what yato did? Im not gonna spam the forums with that many suggestions especially when there are so many small parts to it
  6. Okay, well there are plenty of safe and euclid ones in that list, though technically CI doesn't use foundation rankings for that sorta thing. If none are combative I am fine with that, people keep minus supporting despite the clear note to just specify which ones they arent okay with and not -support everything lmfao. Thats the reason I included so many, I could put like one and have everyone love it or hate it, or I could put like 25 and have a mixed opinion for different stuff, and, at least I hoped, get actual feedback. I still kinda like the Qual idea for the raid concept alone, but other than that I am totally fine with just having the safe stuff.
  7. again, preferably READ the post. Most of these are items, props, or non combative.
  8. Fuck yea, audioslave. Chris Cornell was one of the greatest singers known to mankind. RIP to a legend.
  9. In order: Seismic Rodents The purpose would be to rush down combatants and disorient them for a rush from CI personnel. CI who make the mistake of getting close during their deployment clearly would be affected. The Rodents would break up defensive lines by affecting all those in them, in short, a stalemate fighter. Physics Engine Oh god yeah the lag. Hence why I think it would just be a nice little prop for RP. An interactable version of this...I can hear Zeeptins server fans from here. The Pacifier: Yea its main purpose would just be to be cute. Just a small little creature around base. Tranq is an afterthought, realistically just something small to test on. Archangel Of Scorn: Not exactly INSTANT, as it would be a variable amount of time. To be fair, 10 seconds is a lot, and several minutes is a fuckton. P-008 might as well be an insta kill but a more annoying one, I would honestly prefer just flat out dying than to have to attack my team and get mowed down. Plus, p-008 victims like to half ass their attacks so their team can win the fight. Hime Akumu To be fair, MTF gear is already really versatile, but CI raids sometimes need a different arsenal. Her unique gear and character, and ability to get some guns, some that people enjoy, as well as throwables when needed? Pretty solid. Wouldnt be too tough to balance that, but yknow, it'd be cool. Imperial Sharks Banzai. Told yall the CI Navy was a thing. Remedion I dont mean from 500 meters, it would be ranged, single target. Not very LONG range. I think at most it would be the distance from one end of a 4 way LCZ room to another, so like, about 10ish meters. Not super far, it aint gonna be a medical sniper lol. Probably shouldve clarified that. Also BIOs = Armor, self defense, combat, p-008. Remedion would be health only and barely a fighter if one at all. Project Hades: I was thinking giving it more AoE focused weapons and gear, allowing it to handle crowds more. Maybe semi support focused? Iunno. Mech gaming. Blood Berries: Only other thing I could think of would be like, harvestable mid tier consumables. Like the candy, but with a limit that doesn't involve losing your hands. Maybe like, 5 berries before a cooldown, each berry doing low healing? Nothing crazy, just something slightly interactable that is mainly for RP. The Creative Cat: Why not? Cardboard kitty is friend. In all seriousness, 999 isnt played much and capturing it is by NO means ever a priority. This would just give a cute little thing to wander our base. Scary? Strict? Leave that to the edgelords and sarkic. Shanalick: Well if only one class can make the decoys, a CI one, and you are ci, you aint gonna shoot it or the decoys. There are sweps for this sorta thing I am pretty sure. I think the Dishonored abilities has a decoy one that copies model too. As for the illusion magic, it would take some poking around. Just thought it would be cool for tactical combat disruptions. Life Is Pain Painkiller: Aint supposed to be OP. It serves a functional purpose and an RP purpose. Besides, not having flinch would be a godsend for snipers. Flickering Lights: Pretty much a worse version of sabotaging shit, yeah. Harder roll, only done by RnD, can only be fixed by research related classes. Just a nice little spin on a pretty generic system we got. Spooooooky ghoooooosts! Awiti: Again, reluctant as FUCK to put it on there. It would use bladed weapons or claws, and be a quick fighter. Not super tough, but a scrapper nonetheless. I will personally execute every single motherfucker who attempts to ERP with it. House of All: It was a "read this funny break time thing" not an actual implement. Also, apparently, duplicating anomalies with it is a HUGE no no, when they tried last...well.... Object: Item ██████████████ Result: ████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ ███████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ resulting in the deaths of ███ personnel. █████████████████████████████████████ ████████████ causing a mandatory evacuation of all persons within a fifty kilometer range. I dunno what the FUCK they put in that thing, but yeah no. No anomalies. Safety Doggo: Not like 7598. This would rely heavily on speed making it harder to flank out. 7598 is slow, and very easily bullied as a result. Plus, this would focus almost entirely on protecting a single pre designated person, rather than just "take orders kill shit" Qual: The stealth of setting it up is part one. Part two is building good defenses around the site you choose. If the defenses are shit of course its gonna get shut down. The point is to build something around the place you choose to defend. So if the players involved can make something decent and pick a defensible location, they will be fine. The mech raid warehouse is a pretty meh area to defend, its the barricades that make it work. and the singular fuckin' door you can go in. Antonios Cigars: Not one to implement. Did you read the blast radius? 1 KM is uh...thats a lot. I just thought it would be funny to bring up, another anomaly to read for fun as a break. The Brawler: Not my fault we chose to make up an SCP instead of just using one of the plentiful options they have. CI is about utilization of anomalies, of course they are gonna have a bunch of fighting monsters. This one would be like a hybrid between the raptors and something like 682. NOT IN TERMS OF HP OR ONE SHOTTING, more in terms of mobility being roughly the same. Claw swipes and punches. David Wight: I see the fish played fairly often. I like this concept for the RP though. Harmless job for CI to test on. Abderra-Ad Honestly, conceptually, this thing scares the fuck outta me. Get spookied. Im tryna join ET man xwx With the help of ET, who isnt always around, and when it comes down to "make your own rp" whats stopping someone from playing research as opposed to RnD? I could go into single player sandbox if i wanna type in "/me blahblahblah" for half an hour and roll for results. Its a hollow experience. With ET sure you can have more, but this is all around just for more for RnD to do in general. I appreciate legitimate feedback, better than just people goin "nah"
  10. Tbh on a whole separate discussion 7598 needs some rules for when it can be played instead of just, whenever,
  11. Tf did I say to yall about "dont minus or plus support if you see something you dont like, I dont want every single fuckin' one of these" You dont like something, point out what you dont like, you do like something, point out what you do like. I didnt spend 5 hours for you to group everything together. yes, because using ones imagination definitely drives up numbers, cosmic. Dog is easily countered by what counters any other scp like it. Flanking and aim. Its by no means difficult to kill. By the same coin 7101 can only be attacked by CI and not their dog, so that aint really a good argument. I mean if it came down to it, could just make Qual obtainable by either side, I just like the concept of picking and defending locations. Hence why the majority of them are largely non combatant, or harmless, or weak? Hence why most would require specific conditions to allow a flag up? I'm not even IN ci man, I dont feel like being rolled either. Besides, I dont expect even 1/4th of these, the sheer variety was me going through and saying "this is the anomalies CI canonically has that could be reasonably implemented, pick whichever you think would fit." Tbh the list I gave either has A: Not too tough special jobs, B: Highly restrictive tough jobs, c : Completely HARMLESS non raiding jobs, or D : Non combatant anomalies. If it came down to it, rules could be put into place where CI can only have one of the unique ones at a time. Obviously you cant have two mechs at once, and even if yes, in theory, you could have several of these on at once, no. So say CI has a Praxedes and a Qual. How the hell they got both is beyond me, must be an active day. Only ONE can take active combat roles at a time. So one would be back at base, one would be doing raids. CI wouldnt wanna put all its eggs in one basket of course, so they wouldnt send a bunch of anomalies into a dangerous facility at one time. Maybe one non combatant and one combatant anomaly? Iunno. Yall act like I am throwing them down like 5000 hp jacks all over the place lol. The end result and balancing is primarily SMT's decision.
  12. What are you suggesting? - So, a few days back, there was a suggestion mainly revolving around bringing back rp in general. I noticed that one of the main RP branches doesn't really have much unique to it and its numbers are fairly low. I'm talking about CI RnD. Are they cool as fuck? Yes. Spies, interrogations, utilizations, they have some of the most broad usage in the server, combat and non combat roles both. However, they rely on Military, which, to an extent, they should. However, military can do their thing with NO rnd on or active and often do, whereas vice versa is well, roughly impossible. So: Lets get them some SCPs besides the big spooky dog thing they can test on and use in raids (Foundation has 912, 7101, and a general numbers advantage that one weaker 939 cant exactly balance out). I did a few hours of research and picked a few reasonably implementable SCPs they can have. (NOTE: I don't mean add every single one of these, just a couple or so SMT picks. So don't go -supporting because you dont want ci to have an entire shipment of stuff, it aint gonna be that much.) http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/seismic-rodents I would say about 150 hp 100 ap, at most 3 deployed at once, with flag up rules requiring a certain number of players or foundation combatants. They wouldn't be too strong, but would take a support role, being able to slow enemy movespeed by a bit and have a low damage bite attack. This could affect CI personnel too, so caution would have to be taken to avoid the AoE, but the range would be about a room. The decrease wouldn't be harsh, just enough to give CI an advantage during their deployment if used intelligently. Would not be allowed in d block like any other scp of course. Maybe replace the slow with a damage based AoE instead? They cause earthquakes, but we dont wanna go THAT far, seeing in how the entire fucking facility is underground. Perhaps a burrow swep that lets them go underground with a fairly lengthy cooldown? http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/physics-engine Imma be real with you, I have no idea if you could even make an interactable version of this without the server straight ending its own life, but a modeled prop of it would work for some RP. Would it be cool to have a working version? Yes. Do I see it as likely? Nah. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/the-pacifier I think just being a cute little creature that can run around CI base would be enough. Its sleep ability would end up functioning like a tranq, and we all know how many problems THAT would cause. In theory, it could be a little anomaly with a tranquilizer gun, allowed to tranq the normal stuff it would be allowed to, but after tranq use it would need to remain in place for a period of time, and activate a form of NLR in which it is unaware of anything that happened within that time. The creature can communicate...kinda. Info relay and SCP handling maybe? But I dont think that would go over too well. Probably just a cute little creature to have around. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/archangel-of-scorn Remember how someone wanted to make this a combatant class? Yea...no. If we were gonna do anything with this, I would think an item similar to p-008 but with just...yknow, death. However: It would be a gambling tool. Time of death would be randomly generated, anywhere from i'd say like, 10ish seconds to several minutes, allowing them to possibly survive to fight whoever marked them, or get caught out backing up others. The mark would make a sort of effect on the player like a mild flash of gray or something, and fade after, so there wouldnt be unexpected deaths, just surprise ones. Admittedly, I dont see this as being useful for much, but it would be kinda interesting. Also, a prop for RP purposes would be cool. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/hime-akumu FUCKING CUPCAKE GUN okay, in all seriousness, probably just a CI Military job that works kinda like quartermaster, but with no unique weapon, just a handful you couldn't get from armory. Health and loadout: 175 HP 150 AP. USP G36C Frag Smoke Sellable Items: MP5SD Ithaca M37 S&W Model 3 Russian M92 Beretta MP7 Remington 1858 AMD 65 Tec-9 Machete Cleaver Flashbang Frag Smoke That list can be modified, added to, so on, I just thought a unique kit and some interesting sellables would make it fun. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/imperial-sharks We obviously cant add this, but if you have come this far you deserve a break, read this, shits hilarious. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/remedion GOI 208, but instead of revival, it can do ranged healing. It will be completely unarmed, and have HIGH HP and AP, but will be largely harmless. Alternatively, it has a surgical cutting beam, so maybe a low damage close range melee like swep? I dont think it should be made immortal obviously, but it should be tanky. To offset this, the cost of ranged healing and tankiness is that it A: can NOT repair armor, B: Is about the speed of 106, and C : Its healing isnt super fast, just kinda steady overtime. Maybe about the speed of health dispensers in HL2? Other than its purposes in combat, the damn thing is a beacon of knowledge of all things medical, and interviewing it could be a treasure trove for RP stuff. Its also a floating obelisk, making a playermodel for it cant be THAT hard. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/quaesitor Basically a non combatant recon entity, only for surface use. It CAN be killed, but would be fairly tough, being well, a satellite creature thing. Give it a variation of the noclip swep thats slower and yknow, cant go through walls, and its purpose will be recon and information relay. Its also good for interview rp and stuff, so pog. Maybe give it binoculars it can use? NVG swep? something unique or not, it would basically work like a drone, but not a drone, as it would be its own playable flying job. It would need a fairly lengthy NLR for obvious reasons, though. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/project-hades A new Mech alternative, retrievable and usable in the same way, but with a greater focus on crowd control through some kinda means, seeing in how fire = lag. We could think of something, it would just be more suited to taking on crowds than one on one engagements. I have never played the mechs, only fought alongside em, so i dont know what hp and ap they could or would have. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/blood-berries Prop. But having an interactable harvestable version would be kinda cool, so long as a cooldown could be implemented. Again, this would mainly be an RP thing. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/the-creative-cat This would work best as basically CI's 999, it being a small, adorable, little healer creature, but the health it gives being lesser than normal healing and slower. Just a cute lil cardboard kitty boi, and good for RP stuff too. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/life-is-pain-painkiller A unique item given to a specific job or something, or maybe a harvestable SCP or an item that can be utilized to give a consumable item that when used, completely removes the flinch effect until death of player. Obviously, being a combat related item, the item wouldnt get excessive runtime, preventing it from being substantially OP, it would just require something being made for it. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/shanalick An RnD only playable job, utilizing some kinda swep that would allow it to make something along the lines of illusionary shit, such as decoys or ranged illusionary magic that would mostly just affect enemy combatants visual and audio stimuli, not in a seizure way but more in a "its hard to aim" or "its hard to here in game noises" kinda way. The host is a fucking corpse, its kinda like 035 tbh. However, i say make it less powerful than 035, given its illusionary nature it probably isnt best suited to a fight. Another thing: using its abilities degrades its host, to a higher extent depending on how powerful the illusion, so each usage of its magic shit would take away hp and ap. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/flickering-lights I think it would be cool if this things activation was included in generator raids, or perhaps a side thing where the site systems such as lights, teslas, what have you, are damaged, and have to be fixed by research personnel of some kind instead. Im not sure who in the fuck else on site knows how to deal with the paranormal. In lore, FL has multiple variants, some targeting specific devices or people, some inducing mass fear, so on. I think we could just leave it to site sabotage of normal stuff, but harder to fix or fixed by different than usual personnel. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/awiti I dont think you understand just how fuckin' relucatant I am to even MENTION the fact that CI has what is essentially, a straight up assassin furry. I put it here because well, its an interesting concept. Like a 1265 (1245? Whichever one the dinosaurs are.) but CI allied. We miiiiiight have to make it human instead of yknow, a panther girl, and just make some kinda explanation for her having straight up claws or something. Omelettes and broken eggs, yknow? http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/house-of-all Interesting anomaly break! Object: One hand grenade Result: Roughly ████████ identical grenades found. Transported to facility A-25. A test of the cloned grenades showed that all were in functioning order. jesus thats a lot of fucking grenades JUST WAIT TIL YA READ THE WATER BOTTLE ONE http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/safety-doggo Remember the K9 units? Think that but SPEED, and forced to remain around ci personnel. Iunno man, im only gonna hammer out the finer points when necessary. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/qual I dunno what I like more, having it as a not too tough but definitely unique playable SCP that inhabits a normal human host and just uses its abilities through that, or an absolute scrapper of an anomaly that is earned through completion of a summoning by RnD personnel, done in a manner similar to mech/echo-5 raids, but with a twist: CI can choose where the summoning happens, and can set up dynamic defenses for it. The only stigma to this: The summoning can not take place inside of any buildings, requiring exposure to open air. Can it be done on the roofs of buildings? Next to? Sure! Inside of? Nope! Upon beginning of summoning, an advert must be made stating that CI is attempting to summon Qual. A location does not have to be given. MTF forces then have 15 minutes to find, and stop, the summoning. Field Researchers (The CI kind) will be the main activator, and at least one has to be "focused on the summon" at all times, therefore not moving or fighting, but still welcome to call out info. If the RnD focused on the summon dies, someone else takes its place. This whole concept can be scrapped for reasons of irritation or not, I just thought it would be cool. Not only would this allow some interesting RP, but would turn any part of surface (with obvious exceptions due to spawn proximities) into a battlefield, allowing the changes to surface to be more well utilized and allow for dynamic combat. Qual is then present for several in game hours, even persisting through death, as Qual can just...move to new hosts. However, this host takey process means a 5 minute NLR. Qual can flag up anytime for RnD related stuff, such as interviews and rp, but will be essentially a spirit, and unusable in actual combat and other physical matters. Perhaps two models for this purpose, one for spirit one for being an actual possessed person? Iunno. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/antonio-s-cigars Interesting anomaly break. Would be funny as hell if an event with a captured CI ended with this. Mind givin me a light, friend? http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/the-brawler Scrapper lizards. Who wouldnt wanna play as a punchy bitey reptile monster? The job in question would be based on the concept of taming the original creatures offspring, just for the sake of my own fucking sanity. Yknow I have been doing all this research for nearly 4 hours by this point? I just wanna play Yakuza Kiwami, man. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/david-wight Non combat use, just a bit of CI base fun. Function would be similar to SCP-527. http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/abderra-ad Could make a cool event, but actual implementation is a no go. Now that that is all done and sorted through: lets never do this again. I am cross eyed from reading so much. Help. How would this change better the server? - CI RnD activity, more branch interaction, further Rp scenarios and potential for Research and RnD cross tests together, more dynamic combat, all of these depending on which are added of course. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - In theory, yea. Again, it depend on which are added. I think the worst part of adding any of these would merely be implementation at most. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Well CI obviously, but with potential for cross tests, Research, and with interesting combat possibilities for those inclined, all combatants who like a good fight. I am sure there are ways to get a bit of everyone involved with all this. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - You are bananas if you think imma look up something for all these rn. Maybe later, but DEFINITELY not right now.
  13. dude college is heaven for a heterosexual lmfao, so many baddies
  14. Finals week baybeeee, lets see just how low my GPA can get! said i was gonna fuck my way through college, certainly did that to my grades, class sucks. Also, the server keeps hitting me with that dollar store "[GL] Ya Boi Sawrunner has timed out" and its gonna make me say some very non gaminglight friendly words. See yall next week.
  15. Few songs I have had stuck in my head lately. apparently I have an e-bois music taste lmfao
  16. +support Would be pretty fuckin' silly not to promote this guy.
  17. -support lmfao no lemme go into the discord and type @e4 @coldsilver @researchfieldagent or yknow, rp_lookup or even just remember PFPs the old fashioned way. None of us are special for what we got. We got picked to do some shit others dont. You were hand selected for new tasks, not to be the next messiah lmfao. Redaction is hella cringe.
  18. Tbh hop off his meat about his past. If he is making a genuine effort to be a better person, then sure. I think you need some time back on the server building up that trust first tho, if this application has said anything about that. Got a reputation to fix my guy, give it a while.
  19. Band: Pendulum Artist: Chris Cornell (RIP To a legend.)
  20. In-Game Name: [GL] Ya Boi Sawrunner SteamID : STEAM_0:1:51798609 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Patron/Moderator What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 14 weeks What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: E11 SGM, Research RAM. What is your timezone?: CST, one hour behind EST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 10 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Not really, no. How Active are you? (1/10): 7 (gmod has been kinda stubborn letting me on lately) How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): None. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I am highly familiar with the lore, with the server, and the community of SCP-RP. I see cool events all the time, interesting stuff that people have done with them, and I would adore the opportunity to do it myself. I have been staff on SCP-RP for about 5ish months, so I am already familiar with staff related UI and commands, as well as the concept of having a quota to meet weekly. I try to keep up with what the current state of all aspects of the server is like, from combat (best gear, toughest classes, whats considered "op" whats considered just flatout awful, so on. ) to the state of RP (trends in what people do, what gets the best reaction/the most fun interaction out of players) and in general, how all the branches function and coordinate, having been in most of them at least once for extended periods of time, making it at the very least high enlisted in all of them. Combine this with a pretty thorough knowledge of SCP as a whole, lore and universe both, and I could easily fit into Event Team with little to no trouble. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): One I would love to do would be SCP-261, which is a vending machine that basically dispenses completely random, sometimes non existent snack foods and drinks, from stuff as tame as a soda that has a flavor that hasn't actually been made by the company, to a jar filled with manta ray like little creatures swimming in a strange blue liquid. Admittedly, I could go nearly anywhere with this, but I would likely focus on small buffs/debuffs, passive RP stuff, mmmmmmmmmaybe coloration, and likely no deaths. Just a fun little interactable SCP experience, but one that would be largely unique to everyone involved. I would roll to see what they would get, and would probably write a chart ahead of time. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yep! A little confusing on some things, but I imagine it would just take some getting used to before it would be extremely easy to remember and keep track of. What is your favorite SCP? Why?: Hands down, SCP-914. The concept is extremely simple, put item in, modify for better or for worse. What sells me is just how open ended that can be, and how wild the lore has made it. Change a phone to an entirely different brand and model? Sure. Turn a revolver into a laser cannon? Why not? Tiny 682? Paper mache butterflies that actually do stuff? Ancient documents, powerful anomalies, every test, every interaction? 914 comes out swinging in ways that differ every time, being found to have some level of technical sentience, a sense of humor, and a randomness factor that means even if you threw the same object in on the same setting a hundred times, chances are you would get something unique out each and every single time, one way or another. 914 is truly just a limitless wonderland of intrigue tbh.
  21. -support You even said a d class LETS him out. the d class can do that all themselves lmfao
  22. Score: 100/100 and then some. Where do I even start? The formatting is fantastic, the idea is extremely interesting, the results are well thought out and written with attention to detail, and the concept of making an mtf squad out of 049-2's is a very interesting concept, albeit EXTREMELY unlikely given the lore rarity of 500's. Overall, knocked it out of the park. This is the kinda shit we love to see!
  23. Just throwing this out there: Why not have some scps that spawn in CI Base? Like, a few items? RnD has a grand total of 32 members who have made it a life, a shit ton of IAs sure, but not a lot of actual lives are used on it. Having more to do without the need for raids can boost that activity, and allow for more rp. Hell, if it came down to it, even if it breaks lore, just have a copy of the items in CI base. Unique or not, RnD needs something to do.
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