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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. I'm guessing by the PFP you are from SCP-RP, so hi! Happy to have ya!
  2. There are more than enough mods handling this specific issue. If it comes down to it, I will have it made. Its unbearable for combat. Something has to be done, no matter what.
  3. This whirlwind of chaos will be here waiting for ya, if and when you come back. Take all the time you need dude.
  4. I just remember the golden rule of gmod when it comes to bodyblocking: Knock em back, with bullets if you have to.
  5. Its worth mentioning a lot of the branches you have to do certain things to get into can just be applied for. The genre of SCP is Sci-fi Horror, although the horror aspect isnt common here. You might get the shit scared out of you, but you aren't playing containment breach or something. The servers branches interact nicely together, with a web of counters to each other. D class and gensec butt heads and fight each other sometimes, research uses d class for tests, mtf use d class for stopping scp breaches. Gensec is countered by d class and CI, who will come in and tear d block apart to rescue d class, making CI the one group they can count as friends. The site personnel work together as their branches entail, and lots of cross branch interaction is beyond common. There is honestly something for everyone here, whether you wanna vibe and make friends, get into chaotic gun fights, or just do dumb shit, like watch god (yes, literal god) bunnyhop down the street while ripping a fat fuckin' vape cloud, we got it here. Its a field day in SCP-RP, and we would love to have ya.
  6. +support Zombie gaming. I remember the 008 event where lcz was just flooded with zombies and it was some of the most fun I have ever had on the server.
  7. Just slide it into your schedule. I keep a strict self care and exercise routine, balance work and college, and still find time to play. Its a bitch to organize sometimes, but it is possible. Once you get it down to a simple pattern, you can just kinda vibe with it.
  8. Interviews shouldn't be gotten rid of entirely, but the screening process should be far more strict for it. They still have their place I think, but we need to be more sure with what we are getting. +Support in any case.
  9. D class are one of several things: Death row inmates, P.O.Ws, political prisoners, demoted personnel, or literal volunteers. Even if it was just death row inmates it makes even less sense, as they would want to escape containment shortly after realizing how dangerous the place is, or just in general. Who tf would want to STAY in prison?
  10. +/- support + As well, behemoth is eh, and can be killed just as quick with a good push like anyone else, but - as A: gensec CCs are equipped to fight wars 90% of the time based off their kit, so they are generally just milking the best weapons in the server against hordes of lower hp and armor players, and B: The sight of a player suppressing d block with a minigun? A fuckin' minigun?! New players will see that and just kinda be like "thats fucking bullshit" and in some cases, could drive players away from the server. We already see the reactions to them OUTSIDE of d block, letting them in would just lead to more irritation from new players.
  11. +support The 106 swep has a built in cooldown in its teleport, why not one in its attack as well?
  12. +support Yes, please attack the one group of people definitively on your side, have a whole new faction of players ready to mow you down now, make your escape a d class play THAT much harder. Being a d class just to fight ci is just, well, stupid. There isn't a way around that, it's fuckin' stupid.
  13. We get perms for 10 minute cooldowns once in a blue moon. 15 minutes is the standard, and with changes in how codes effect research, a code black doesn't technically stop them from doing anything at any rank. Also, the 15 minutes does not include the time the raid takes, and however much time it takes us to either A: get ready for the next or B: not bother and decide to go for another one.
  14. Pendulum's Immersion album or Chris Cornell's Scream album are two absolute masterpieces.
  15. Cheers brother, I hope whatever is in your future, you knock it the fuck outta the park like you have with everything you have done for and with CI. Gonna miss ya dude.
  16. realistic? I have been shot before, if we were going for full realism there would be far less indicators. I sure as hell didnt get any, adrenaline makes you ignore a lot of that, and gunfights certainly lead to that.
  17. Im not 100% so if someone could test it I would be very appreciative, but apparently this mod gets rid of the red screen upon taking damage as well as during death. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=864612139 Would appreciate if someone could test it for me and see, because if it works, well, the mod is like, a single KB
  18. What are you suggesting? - To remove or heavily reduce the red screen effect upon taking HP damage. How would this change better the server? - Combat would be more enjoyable for all parties, as in its current state, the red screen is both obnoxious, and debilitating to combat situations, working like a flashbang if damage is inflicted enough. It forces combat to be a matter of "sit and wait til you can even see whats happening" which takes a huge chunk of the fun out of the fight. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Absolutely none. As no side would gain an advantage in this case, since it would effect everyone. You can tell when you are shot, your character flinches, and blood shoots out of you right in front of your eyes. Its pretty obvious when you are taking damage. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anybody who gets hurt, ever. So everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - I know there are mods that add new effects and disable others, or some that remove red screen effects of all kinds. Alternatively, one could be made for the server itself. Could either A: lessen or disable the current effect one way or another, or B: replace it entirely with a new effect that isn't like someone put red tape over your eyes.
  19. you asked the HoS about this why? this is a server rule, you bring it to staff, not gensec
  20. Im not sure any rule was broken given the class he was on. The largest thing that was placed was that washing machine looking thing. Overall, this entire act was completely harmless, and multiple other staff saw it and said nothing against it.
  21. The image only shows that one of the props there belongs to him. One.
  22. I am still unable to see the problem. Is there any proof he built more than 10 of them on his own? There were several people there, and what if the rest was for the other supplier? There is too much lacking in terms of valid reasoning to warrant anything worse than a verbal, if even that much. The player count at the time wasn't even breaking 100 players. This is something staff on at the time could have cleared up quickly and easily.
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