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Everything posted by mixtru

  1. In Game Name: Lo Wang Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44472509 Squadron you are Applying for: Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: AMM How many Warns do you have?: 0. Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I really enjoy being a part of maintenance and to me RRH seems like the next logical step to take. Many of my fellow Maintenance Command are members of RRH and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I would enjoy having the extra responsibilities that comes with being a member of RRH. Why should we accept you: I believe that I have proven that I am able to carry myself in a respectful manner. As my battlemetrics show, I am very active as I am usually on the server for several hours each day. I have previous documented experience of being trusted in a privileged position, and I have no history of abusing those privileges that has been bestowed upon me. I have 911 hours played on the server and for all of that time I have been a maintenance main so it's fair to say that I know what I am doing when it comes to the various areas surrounding that branch. Finally I make an active effort to involve other members of the community in the roleplay I partake in.
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKXumcboxxaNEcmk3uN1RRkqjuvULa5h3QxTeNHdDOc/edit?usp=sharing
  3. 1. What is your in-game name?: Lo Wang 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44472509 3. Current Rank in Security: SFC 4. Time on the server: 835 H 5. Current level: 74 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: No. 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: HOS Sixx, MAJ AsheFox 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: I have. 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: I do. 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): I believe that I have proven that I am able to carry myself in a respectful manner. As my battlemetrics show, I am very active as I am usually on the server for several hours each day. I play during a time where the GENSEC activity is quite low, due to this it isn't uncommon for me to be holding D-block on my own. Being a juggernaut would make it a lot easier for me to perform my duties due to them having access to the superior firepower, and more health that comes with the job. I have previous documented experience of being trusted in a "restricted" position such as juggernaut and at no point in the past abused the privileges that comes with it. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: The Juggernaut is a close- to medium combat job so I would move in close and use the nova to reduce the chance of collateral damage.
  4. +Support I don't see why not.
  5. -Support Tiky is a very active member of maintenance but I personally don't think that he is ready to be command yet. Although Tiky has been putting in work as maintenance he does have a pretty bad history of minging. I have personally not seen Tiky take control and display any particular leadership qualities that would tell me that he would good as command. I believe that it would be healthy for Tiky to spend some more time as Senior Enlisted. It would give him a chance to hold himself to a higher standard and address the criticism and concerns of the people responding to his application. Tiky, you have potential but there are some stuff you need to work on before I believe that you are ready for a position in command.
  6. +Support I don't see why not.
  7. What bug is occurring?: Applying skins to the Armorkit swaps the model to the medkit model. Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc?: Yes, the Armorkit. Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous?: Continuous. Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: https://imgur.com/I3LXKgY
  8. +Support Olbap is one of the most active members of the branch, period. Olbap has command experience. Olbap has displayed a good amount of dedication to the branch.
  9. +Support Great activity and displays a good amount of dedication to performing his duties as Maintenance.
  10. +Support As his former VCMDR in Nova I believe that this man would make a great combatant considering his previous performance.
  11. -Support Hard decision to make but I sadly have to vote -Support at this moment. The main reason behind my decision to vote -Support is the fact that whilst Robby does have great "idle" activity the fact of the matter is that judging by his logged activities in Discord it doesn't seem like he actually puts in the work that I would expect of someone applying for command.
  12. 1. What’s your In-Game Name?: Lo Wang 2. What’s your SteamID?: STEAM_0:1:44472509 3. What is your Rank?: SCS FTO ME 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? I have received a total of two strikes, they both got removed however since they were given to me for missing meetings when I had proof that I attended them. As of right now I have zero strikes. 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? None. 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9, I work from home a few days a week, during which I usually am on the server. 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? I believe that I have proven that I am able to carry myself in a respectful manner. As my logs and battlemetrics show, I am very active as I am usually on the server for several hours each day. I have previous documented experience of being trusted in a command position, I was the VCMDR of Nova on ImperialRP and assisted in creating that battalion. Although I might now have as many hours played on SCPRP as some of the other candidates I am well versed in our SOP and motd as I make a point of glancing through it daily to see if anything has changed. I have a genuine interest in improving the experience of being part of maintenance for both enlisted and command, be it through suggestions or other appropriate forums. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? I'd inform the trainee that due to their actions they have been put on a DNT for 3 days and that they are free to join maintenance once the DNT expires. If the trainee does not flag-off the job at this point I'd go back to bunks and check that the door to the training room is closed, after which I'd run the '/demote' command and fill out a log in the 'do-not-train' Discord channel. 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? Provided that this is their first infraction I'd get them to stop, after which I'd inform them that what they are doing is not acceptable and If they continue with this behavior they will receive a strike. I'd also inform the rest of command that the individuals involved have been warned and to keep an eye out for further inappropriate behavior. 8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? Provided that this is their first infraction I'd pull them aside to inform them that what they are doing is a breach of the terms listed in the SOP and if they continue they will receive a strike and/or a DNP depending on the severity of the infraction. If this is not the first time the individual has been warned, I would inform him that he will receive a strike and be put on a DNP for a week.
  13. +Support Extensive Officer experience Very Active From conversations I've had with him regarding Nova I can tell that he has a genuine interest in working towards bettering the battalion. Respectful and mature in the manner he addresses people. Good luck, Jury!
  14. -Support The requirements for the level jobs already directly ties in with playtime as you get XP whilst being AFK, thus making a job tied to your playtime redundant.
  15. What do you want to see? I'd like for LFS to be updated. Why should we add it? LFS should be updated due to the fact that the add-on is one of the most crucial and used ones that truly elevates the server above the competition. The GL ImperialRP community has long suffered the torture that is an Indian man verbally assaulting the community with reminders that LFS needs to be updated, we have had enough. What are the advantages of having this? The update doesn't change any of the core features of the add-on itself, it just provides stability and performance updates, thus making it a good reason to transition to the latest version. Who is it mainly for? GM's, CC's and SF Links to any content https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1571918906
  16. -Support - Needs more playtime to properly familiarize themself with the community. - This is the only post he has ever made on the forums. - Needs to put more effort into why he deserves staff.
  17. + Support Very Active Approachable Displays great leadership qualities Wealthy, you have done a lot for Havoc and I, for one, am excited to see what direction you will take Havoc in the future. Good luck!
  18. Mixtru Lord VII IQ Dueling tournaments. N/A
  19. What is your in-game name?: Mixtru What is your steam name?: mixtru What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:44472509 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I used to be staff on superior servers and I was and still am close friends with their management which has allowed me to see how senior staff carries themselves in a StarWarsRP Gmod community. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) First week of May. What date did you make your forums account? 11/5/2021 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Darth How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? Yes, 1027 USD. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines? I have read them. You will be tested on it: I have still read them. Timezone: CEST/UTC+2 Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe that I have proven that I am capable of having responsibilities and am capable of carrying myself in a respectable manner. I am very active and have previous staffing experience in arguably the biggest Gmod community. I have no previous history of abusing any power bestowed upon me. I have been playing StarWarsRP on Gmod for roughly 4 years so I am well aware of the more common rules. I don't get angry easily and believe that I am capable of carrying myself in a professional manner when dealing with situations that require me to do so. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would start off by gagging them if they wont let me get a word in. If they are cursing at me but allowing me to speak I will attempt to calm the person down to have a more cohesive conversation. I do not believe that it is necessary for me to issue a warning to this person due to the severity of his other actions. I'd ask the person to explain the situation whilst checking logs. Once done, I would explain to the person that they will receive a Formal Warning and a 5 day ban and let the person know the reason why. I would then contact an admin and explain the situation for them to issue the ban.
  20. +Support The Chairs provide no real value as they aren't being used, they are just in the way.
  21. What is your ingame name?: Mixtru What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44472509 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: MO What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: Since I live in EU the time of day that I play is considered offpeak for the server. I believe I can help boost activity for the Medical Corps during my timezone. Give people an incentive to play during a timezone that many consider ''dead'' and help bring more EU people into the Medical Corps. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I have a clean record with staff and I do not have a history of power abuse or anything of that sort in other battalions I am a member of. I don't tend to minge much. I understand that there are times when you can goof around a bit and that there are times you need to be serious and that there are certain limits you do not cross. Why do you want this rank?: Because the playstyle of the medical corps fits really well with what I want to do on the server. I enjoy helping people out and I prefer RP over combat. I've been in the Medical Corps on other servers and it has been during that time I've made some of my fondest memories. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To assist the CMO in overseeing Medical personnel.
  22. +Support for everything besides the Rw_sw_dual_rk3 since they are part of the Permanent Pistol Crate as one of the more rare rewards.
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